If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 426: flying dragon blowing suona

【Ha Qiubo~】

【Gala! 】

【Headless! 】

The enemy's three cards also attacked at this time.

In this attack round, Li Pu chose to attack [Mesmerizing Snake King].

So the disobedient [NONO Machine Violence] attacked [Sneezing Slime] and [Headless Barbarian].

[NONO Machine Violence]: 9/7/4

【Sneezing Slime】: 1/1/15

[Headless Barbarian]: 3/0/5

Because if the attack is lower than the defense, it will cause 1 point of scraping damage.

In addition, because of the extra +1 attack, even if the defense is high, [NONO Machine Storm] can only withstand two attacks.

The final result is that the 20-point [NONO Machine Violence] and the 8-point [Headless Barbarian] have completed the exchange.

And [Sneezing Slime] was hit and summoned a 1/0/1 [Blue Qiuqiu].

On the surface, it was Li Pu's big loss, but in fact, only he himself knew.

Similarly, Huang Lao is also calculating the remaining points on both sides of the table.

The opposite teenager has 41 points and 4 cards left.

As for himself, he has 43 points and 4 cards left, plus [Sneezing Slime] [Mesmerizing Snake King] [Lan Qiuqiu].

"The advantage is there, but it's not obvious."

He pondered for 3 seconds and had already made a decision.

I lost the [Headless Barbarian] that can buff the same kind, and now my headless tactical power has been reduced a lot.

Considering the [self-exploding human bug] that didn't actually exist, he was faced with two choices.

That is to play your own rare BOSS card first, or to open three headless cards in a row.

Because of the next headless group, only the BUFF can be stacked with continuous exposure.

But if you go to the headless group first, then your last card can only be a rare BOSS.

At that time, it will definitely be attacked by the [Self-Exploding Human Bug].

The tactical significance of rare BOSS cards is far more than the headless group.

So he chose to bet on the rare BOSS first and put the headless group behind.

If Li Pu didn't use [Self-Exploding Human Bug] in the next round, then he would make a profit, even if the next three headless cards were interrupted by sniping, it would definitely not be a loss.

So almost at the same time, both sides selected the cards to be revealed.

Yes, Li Pu still didn't foresee it this time.

In this situation, it is meaningless for him to predict.

According to the small note from the big old informant, he knew what was left in Huang Lao's regular cards.

As for the order of the opponent's cards, that doesn't matter.

"Little Lizi is also decisive."

"According to my opinion, it should be a broken jar."

"Bird Food, from the face of the card, he is really at a loss now."

"Old Huang is probably gambling, betting when he will encounter that self-destructing card."

"Actually, I feel that no matter when I meet, Lao Huang has a great chance of winning."

"Well, that Zhang Feilong and the remaining three headless groups, either side can appear intact, I feel that the victory is in hand."

"Let's look at it for now, the focus is on the next round."

The elderly group in the preparation room had a lot of discussion, and most of them were no longer optimistic about Li Pu.

But in fact, no matter which side is winning now, everyone is already full of joy.

The appearance of Li Pu, a newcomer of Sanxian, makes people watch with gusto.

Fresh faces, fresh decks, fresh strategies.

What's more, the unveiling of the first three rounds were all swapped, wouldn't it be exciting?

This is rarely the case, even if they are playing poker themselves.

On one side is Huang Lao's scheming, every step of the way.

On one side is Li Pu's precise prediction, which perfectly responds.

Although Huang Lao was slapped in the face in the first three rounds, it was a joy to see the veteran friends.

However, after three rounds, he had regained the advantage, and the old face was not lost.

On the screen, the cards on both sides are revealed at the same time.

【Roar! ! ! 】

A huge projection, an unprecedented huge projection emerged from Huang Lao's card surface.

"What, what is this?!"

"It seems to be a real monster!"

"Damn, I was here to play cards, but now I actually want to run for my life."

"Useless guy, what are you running for, my legs are already weak."

Many people in the audience have lost their color.

This is obviously just a card, but the majesty revealed is terrifying.

And this is the power of rare BOSS cards.

For 3 seconds, this projection occupied the sky above the gymnasium for 3 seconds before gradually shrinking.

There is no need to describe the appearance, and almost anyone can recognize this species.

This is an evil dragon, and it is a bone dragon.

Principal Zhuang's fat-bellied red dragon looked like a clown by comparison.

【King Bone】-19 points

Attack 1, Defense 7, Blood 11

[Bone Power]: When the King Bone attacks, it will deal damage with its current HP

[Bone Shell]: When the king's bone receives magic damage, an additional -2

[Bone Soldier]: In each unveiling round, King Bone can summon two 2/0/2 [Bone Soldiers] in the vacant slot.

[Calcium Supplement for Bone]: Each [Bone Soldier] deals damage, and the King Bone recovers 1 HP

A card with 19 points, the actual measurements are far above 19.

Not to mention high defense and high blood, the fact that the attack power comes with blood volume is enough.

Coupled with the infinite summoning of minions worth 2 points, it also has a strong blood-sucking recovery ability.

Rare BOSS cards are not only super strong in appearance.

Although I have made hands with this bone dragon many times~www.readwn.com~ everyone in the elderly group can't help but sigh every time they see it.

"Hey, is this a rare boss card?"

"I'm really envious."

"Old Huang is a general who is always victorious, and this card has a lot to do with it."

"Why didn't I have such good luck. When I go out to travel in a group, I can meet a rare boss who was only beaten and maimed."

"Little Li's side... alas, it's not from the explosion."

"It's over, this year's champion has come out."

"It's really out of the question, but it's already an incredible achievement for a novice to get the runner-up."

"Don't you dare to say that you didn't have any expectations just now? Expect to see Xiao Li win the championship?"

"Well, of course there is, but this situation is not a foregone conclusion now."

"Unless he also has rare boss cards."

"And it's only two pieces, so it's possible to beat Lao Huang."

"Do you think this is possible, hahaha."

"That's right, if that's the case, I'll kneel to him directly."

When everyone saw the card revealed by Li Pu, they had already determined that Huang Lao would become the champion.

"You kid, you're still not enough to live up to your expectations."

A tall informant standing in the corner also frowned.

At this time, even Huang Lao himself in front of the poker table felt that the victory was in his hands.

He made the right bet, this round [King Bone] did not encounter the rogue thing [Self-Exploding Human Bug].

Especially when he saw Li Pu's unveiling this round, he couldn't help laughing.

Simply overwhelmed.

How should this situation be described?

Flying dragon riding face?

That won't work, it's too unlucky, and there is a risk of being slapped in the face.

Why don't you just call Feilong to blow the suona.

After all, the other party is already dead, isn't it?



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