Standing in the ice and snow, Li Pu was a little stunned.

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was about to be summoned into the new world, the exotic time came.

It's a coincidence that it really is.

But it is just right, you can rectify and promote [Master Broken Cauldron].

Moreover, in the foreign land recently, his itinerary feels quite full.

The first is to go to Sword Spirit Village and find a way to improve [Cold Man +4].

Then on the way, you have to find a relatively large city and county, and settle down.

Because Duokai and the others have already entered the playoffs, they will have to take the time to participate.

One is related to the settlement of the appearance fee after the end of the season, and the other is related to whether it can be promoted to the secondary league.

In the secondary league, the appearance fee is naturally higher.

The last thing is that he is now LV27, not far from LV30.

You have to inquire about the matter of God's behalf in the General Assembly.

Back in the temporary residence, Li Pu began to work on promotion.

The taste of [Little Experience Candy] is actually no different from that of chocolate. It's still quite boring to eat too much at once. He prefers salty snacks, such as little raccoons, or little raccoons.

After sipping the bag of [Little Experience Candy] given by Huang Lao, not only was [Master of Cauldron] full of experience, but the remaining Tier 2 Firmness and Tier 2 Wind Chasing items also gained some growth.

So next, you can start promotion.

It's still the same, let's look at the results of the helicopter's [Broken Cauldron] first.

[Master of the Cauldron] - 100% fit

Grade: S, third grade

Additional Attribute 1: Damage dealt +15%

Additional Attribute 2: Gain 1 Star War Intent for each basic attack, up to (5→6) can be stored

Additional attribute 3: Every time you enter the beginning of the battle, you get (1→2) Star Wars Intent

Additional Attribute 4: Obtain the ability [Breaking the Night]

Additional Attribute 5: When carrying the Berserker type at the same time, obtain the ability [Break the cauldron and sink the boat]

【burn one's boats】

[Desperate]: Automatically activates when HP is lower than 30%, cooldown time (2→1.5) hours

[Price]: Berserk and Potential Breaking skills are sealed for 3 minutes

[Determination]: Immediately full health, and the upper limit is increased to 300% of the original, lasts (3→5) minutes

[Strengthening]: In this battle, when facing a target whose health is greater than your own, the damage caused by +100%

Perhaps because the ability of [Break the Pot and Die the Boat] itself is very strong, the effect has not been enhanced after the direct promotion, but it has only been improved in terms of time.

In general, Li Pu is not too satisfied.

So, open the panel of pure human talent [adaptability].

【Unknown】-Fitness? ? %

1. Consume 15000 crystal coins to refresh

2. Consume 30,000 crystal coins to refresh, and the chance of high-quality occupations appears slightly increased

3. Consume 60,000 crystal coins to refresh, and the chance of high-quality occupations appears slightly (↑) increased

Even if I had been mentally prepared for a long time, it was still very painful to see it at this time.

I don't know when this wave of cards I sold can be used.

After all, selling cards is not something that you can do often. If you are willing to sell it, and the big guys like it, it is basically sold out.

If you want another wave, you have to re-accumulate.

Let’s take a look at the initial [Unknown] first, and have an appetizer.

[Broken gadget master] - fit 3%

Grade: S, third grade

Additional Attribute 1: Damage dealt +15%

Additional Attribute 2: Get 1 Star War Intent for each basic attack, up to 5 can be stored

Additional attribute 3: Every time you enter the beginning of the battle, you get 1 star war intent

Additional Attribute 4: Obtain the ability [Breaking the Night]

Additional Attribute 5: When carrying the Berserker type at the same time, obtain the ability [Break the cauldron and sink the boat]

Additional Attribute 6: Obtaining Ability [Broken Things]

[Broken things]: Every time you enter the battle, you can get a random weapon

"What a **** it is."

Only a 3% fit made Li Pu a little confused. Valley

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and restarted the preview, trying to look further away.

As a result, the explosive amount of information made him dizzy.

Sure enough, randomness is something you can't touch.

For an S-rank occupation, it can be guessed that the random weapons from [Broken Thing] must be very strong.

But the uncertainty was too high, Li Pu could only give up.

Distressed to spend 15,000, choose a refresh.

[Breakthrough Master] - 51% fit

Grade: S, third grade

Additional Attribute 1: Damage dealt +15%

Additional Attribute 2: Get 1 Star War Intent for each basic attack, up to 5 can be stored

Additional attribute 3: Every time you enter the beginning of the battle, you get 1 star war intent

Additional Attribute 4: Obtain the ability [Breaking the Night]

Additional Attribute 5: When carrying the Berserker type at the same time, obtain the ability [Break the cauldron and sink the boat]

Additional Attribute 6: Acquired Ability [Extraordinary]

[Extraordinary]: All of your square range judgments will extend half a square outward.

"This is barely, it seems, it's okay."

Li Pu touched his chin and thought for a moment.

The concept of extending half a grid out is quite good, such as the original 5x5 grid [LV2 Thunder Shore].

Its perimeter is 40 meters, and if it extends half a grid, it is 1 meter more, which is equivalent to an extra 40 square attack area.

Perhaps for those with a larger attack range, it is very good.

Because the longer the circumference, the greater the gain.

But for Li Pu, it is not very brilliant.

"Forget So after thinking about it, he still chose to give up.

Refresh again, this time it's a bit outrageous.

[Grandmaster Lame Hao] - 99% fit

Grade: S, third grade

Additional Attribute 1: Damage dealt + (15%→20%)

Additional Attribute 2: Get 1 Star War Intent for each basic attack, up to 5 can be stored

Additional attribute 3: Every time you enter the beginning of the battle, you get 1 star war intent

Additional Attribute 4: Obtain the ability [Breaking the Night]

Additional Attribute 5: When carrying the Berserker type at the same time, obtain the ability [Break the cauldron and sink the boat]

Additional attribute 6: Obtain talent [lame ho]

【Lame Hao】

Effect: You will be lame, but your punching skills will be greatly improved

Explanation: Who is Lai Hao and why can he hit ten?

The above problem is also Li Pu's problem.

The key is what the **** is that 99% fit.

Is it because he has [unconventional coordination] and is not afraid of lameness.

Li Pu has no doubts how powerful the S-rank [Talent] is, and the substantial improvement in the level of punches and feet mentioned in it must be very sharp.

But it was inconvenient enough that he was blind, and there was basically no sympathy wherever he went.

I really don't want to add another lame label.

In this way, the refresh work continues.

Among the S-class professions, there are indeed many excellent ones.

The best here, some refer to the outrageous to the best, and some refer to the extreme strength.

But in the end, there was no one that he could be completely satisfied with, there were always some obvious flaws or it was not suitable for him.

He stopped when the refresh fee had spent more than half of the funds and only 50+W remained.

"this is not bad."

Finally, he had a decision: "It's up to you."



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