So under the arrangement of Sister Tuozi, the two came to another room.

This time it is still a big eyeball, providing camera functions.

At this time, Li Pu didn't even speak when he appeared, and the audiences around the screen began to discuss.

"Uncle Li, my favorite Uncle Li is finally here!"

"I'll just say, how could he not show up in the life-and-death situation."

"With Uncle Li and without Uncle Li, they are completely two teams."

"Yes, it's not that the team is weak without Uncle Li."

"But under the leadership of Pingshen, the style of the team is too aggressive, and it hurts people and men."

"I also prefer Uncle Li's sense of strategizing when he was there."

It can be seen that everyone is still looking forward to his debut.

The nine kills against the Wangwang team are still unforgettable.

Because of this, Li Pu has many more fans.

Although the number of fans from Duokai is still far behind.

That's right, Duokai has a lot of fans.

She is the most popular player and the least popular player in this sub-league this time.

As for the reason, I won't go into details.

"Hello everyone, I'm your hunchback. I interviewed Uncle Li who was invited for everyone before the game today."

Sister Tuozi here greeted Big Eyeballs, turned to Li Pu and said, "Uncle Li, please say hello to everyone."

Li Pu: "Hello everyone."

These three short words made Sister Tuozi feel that her nightmare might begin again.

Is it just hello to ask you to say hello, please say a few more words?

Perhaps because she felt the look in her own eyes, Sister Tuozi was relieved to see Li Pu speak again.

"What are you staring at me for, not hosting?"

"Then it's time to ask me what harsh words I plan to say to the enemy team, and what kind of determination I want to show."

As a result, in two sentences, she fed Sister Tuozi to a slump.

"Hahahaha, Sister Tuozi is going to break her defense."

"Sure enough, the interview is more interesting than the race."

"To actually help the host in the cue process, I'm afraid it's not dazzling, hahaha."

"The point is, he also wanted to jump straight to the last question."

"The familiar Uncle Li is still the familiar old taste."

Even if you can't see the audience's reaction, Sister Huozi can roughly imagine it.

Since the appearance of Team Park, they have had one more fun, watching themselves collapse.

Calm Calm Calm.

She warned herself in her heart, and quickly prepared to take it to the normal process.

If it goes further, it will become a live broadcast accident.

"Uncle Li really likes to joke so much."

So Sister Tuozi tried her best to squeeze out a natural smile and not let herself grit her teeth so much: "You have been absent since the second half of the regular season, and you didn't return to the game until today."

"Everyone is very concerned about your current situation, how are you doing recently?"

With the prepared questions on her back, Sister Huozi didn't think so.

The old lady doesn't care at all, let's end it quickly, this torture part.

Li Pu: "It's okay, I went to travel to make friends."

Li Pu: "Okay, let's talk about the next question."

Sister Camel: "..."

If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't do it here, maybe Sister Tuozi would have resorted to the Holtman fist.

"Your opponent this time is the fanatic team that ranked first in the regular season."

"In the first game of the playoffs, Team Park lost to them."

"This time, are you here to avenge your teammates?"

"Many people joke that Uncle Li has the ability to predict." Gu

"So can you predict the final score today?"

One of Sister Tuozi's words made Li Pu's heart skip a beat.

Which son of a bitch, can you guess so accurately?

"I remind you little cuties, don't make up rumors."

In the camera, Li Pu put on a smiling face.

The audience in front of the screen was a little stunned.

"He's obviously laughing, but why do I feel like I've been scolded."

"You too, I thought it was my hallucination."

"Are you sure he's talking about cuteness? It always feels like he's talking about little beasts."

It has to be said that some viewers are still very keen.

"It's okay to take revenge or something, everyone still values ​​peace."

Then, Li Pu denied what Sister Tuozi said.

The eldest nephew had explained to him about this madman team.

The source of the information was naturally the team's 1/10 boss, Qin Bao.

Although it is said that he intends to give up intelligence work, but for the sake of his team, the work that needs to be done is still to be done.

Before this job was done by Zhu Chi's friendship, but with more and more commentary announcements, Zhu Chi gradually became busy.

Qin Bao is now in charge, which is more appropriate.

Although the name of this fanatic team sounds crazy, in fact, the style is not crazy at all.

They follow a slow-paced strategy and focus on operations.

The so-called operation is to play steadily and try to avoid radical and risky choices.

If you send someone to catch me down the road to fight more and less, then I will send someone to catch you on the road, also to fight more and less.

Swap various strategic resources to minimize your own mistakes while waiting for opponents to make mistakes and then seize the opportunity to gain an advantage.

Even if it is a slight advantage, as long as it accumulates, it will become a straw that can crush a camel.

This style is the style that the audience hates the most.

Because there are no frequent fights, it is exciting, and the viewing is so low that it makes people drowsy.

But some people don't think so, such as player Li who is being interviewed.

"I like that team a lot."

"Hopefully don't let me down, they can play five innings."

Regarding the fanatic team, Li Pu answered like this.

Slow-paced games are his favorite.

It's better to be as slow as possible, and play a game for several days until you brush all your talents.

However, this is somewhat unrealistic, because the longest bladder innings in the history of the L League is less than two hours.

It is absolutely impossible to brush a day.

"It seems that Uncle Li is very confident."

Sister Tuozi added in a timely manner: "So I want to say that I hope they can make some effective struggles on your hands, right?"

Sure enough, as a professional host, it will fan the flames.

These remarks successfully brought out the emotions of the fanatic team who were also watching the interview.

"Hmph, this Uncle Li really has a big tone."

"But he is really strong, don't forget the playback we have studied."

"Don't worry, we are well prepared for this one."

"That's right, the dungeons of the past few days can't be made in vain."

"The five entries are all for him, I just want to see if he can take off."

In the lounge, five multi-handed humans with heads and six arms seemed very confident.

Careless underestimation of the enemy has always been the biggest cause of defeat, so they will not underestimate the enemy.

For Li Pu, who had long been rumored to appear in this game, the Fanatics believed that they had made sufficient preparations.



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