"I have heard from a friend who works in a large research institute that this situation is likely to be a powerful summon!"

Another researcher was also beaming at this time.

At this time, the glass observation window was completely covered by light.

There was no one to take care of the poor man on fire, he had to roll over to the fire extinguisher and spray himself.

Except for this man, everyone was excited.

As long as a serious summon appears this time, their research institute will be saved.

And all the people in the office don't have to look for a job again.

The light continued, but the blank letter window on one of the instruments suddenly began to throb like a slot machine.

"There is movement! It should have appeared!"

"Bounce faster!"

"Great, it must be the powerful summons that didn't run!"

"Go and operate it and see what grade it is!"

Everyone just exclaimed, but the man in the suit stood up and directed the work.

"Okay, blah blah blah!"

The researcher in charge of this instrument is the unfortunate one who was lit just now.

While spitting out a mouthful of fire-fighting dust, he hurriedly started locking the data.

After just a few seconds, the results were in.

"Life S! Physics S! Spell S! Speed ​​S!"

The amazing data made him forget to spit: "This, this is actually a 4S grade?!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell silent.

What is the concept of 4S, everyone here is very clear.

Throughout China from top to bottom, there are no more than 200 summoners with 4S summons.

"Isn't it because the instrument next to it blew up and affected it?"

Some people couldn't believe it and raised doubts.

"Fuck your shit!"

The man on fire slapped the surface of the instrument and said angrily, "This baby was assembled by me, part by part, and there is absolutely no possibility that there will be any problems!"

Everyone was attracted by his shout, and no one noticed that the original 4S jumped to 4S+ in a flash, and then turned back.

But there is one thing to say, the technical guys of the man on fire still believe it.

The man didn't really want to question it just now, but 4S was too terrifying.

"Has the consortium's strategy of casting a wide net finally paid off?"

The man in the suit beside him secretly clenched his fists.

Unexpectedly, the Animal Research Institute, which was going to close down after the last experiment, actually performed a miracle.

No, what was the original name of this institute?

Everyone's reaction was transmitted into the summoning room one by one through the microphone.

Professor He was also very excited about this, but she was the closest, so she was blinded by the strong light and couldn't move, and her whole body was even hot.

Of course, there are also psychological reasons for the heat.

If she can summon 4S summons, it means that her research direction is definitely right.

At that time, if you use this summoned object as a name, you will definitely be able to pull in more investment and allow yourself to conduct more experiments.

You must know that there are very few 4Ss in the world that are summoned by themselves, and more are summoned by those naturally awakened summoners.

"I just don't know if the non-war form will be the beauty I like."

Covering his eyes, Professor He murmured in a low voice, "If it's a great beauty, then it's perfect."

Because of the close distance, she was the first to feel the intensity of the light decreasing.

"Come in and take a closer look. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

So she conveyed the meaning to the control room through the microphone.

The moment when a protective suit is needed is only the moment when the summon is activated, and now there is no threat in it.


After a few seconds, the double gate opens directly.

"Professor! We are!"

"It's time for a raise after today, haha!"

"Congratulations, Professor, I'm going to become a powerful Summoner!"

Everyone rushed in in a hurry, including the man in the suit, who ran for a while without falling behind.

The rays of light at this time have shrunk into a ball, about the size of an ordinary person.

Judging from this volume, it should not be the type that looks mighty and brave.

"Cough, in fact, I was very optimistic about Professor He from the very beginning."

"The withdrawal of capital from the consortium was also delayed again and again under my hard work."

The man in the suit came to show his merit at this time.

Although the light has not yet dissipated, the entity of the summoned object cannot be seen, but the fact that 4S should not be able to escape.

If he handles this opportunity well, he will definitely get promoted and get rich.

"Of course, everyone present contributed to this."

Professor He smiled and took off his protective clothing, showing his good figure without a white coat.

"Everyone, what type of summoned beast do you think this will be?"

Looking at the light group that was slowly taking shape, she was a little curious.

"Wood plants? I heard that there is a 4S biting flower in Xiaotian, which is very fierce."

"Either it's machinery, there are several 4S machines in the ugly country that are very powerful and have a lot of functions."

"I think the spirits are the best, naturally suppressing the physical to the enemy."

"It's still pure beasts with the greatest evolutionary potential, and it's incredible to cultivate them."

Everyone expressed their opinions, and some people gave examples of several well-known 4S summoned beasts in China.

However, when the light continued to fade and a rough outline appeared, they were all a little embarrassed~www.readwn.com~ Because looking at it this way, it seemed like a humanoid summoned beast.

They mentioned so many powerful categories just now, but none of them included humanoid summoned beasts.

Because humanoid summoned beasts are generally considered weak.

Potential or something is definitely not good, but at least I haven't heard of any powerful humanoid summoned beast.

"Is this really a 4S grade?"

Once again, there were doubtful eyes on the man on fire, and there was more than one person.

Even if the meter didn't malfunction just now, if it's a humanoid summoned beast, then maybe the 4S's grade reliability isn't too high.

And the initial grade is the initial grade after all, and whether it is strong in the future may also be different things.

You must know that summoned beasts such as humanoids are not only average in strength, but also have a fatal flaw.

That is, there are too many things, not obedient, and difficult to restrain.

I heard that there is a research institute in the neighboring province, and volunteers once summoned humanoid summoned beasts.

That human-shaped summoned beast is simply a pure human being.

The strength is barely considered to be medium, but all day long.

I also heard that after that guy was cured by his own summoner, he never appeared again after being summoned.

Finally, the light completely dissipated under the gaze of everyone.

As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

What Professor He summoned was really a human-shaped summoned beast.

But it is not a pure human being, but a spore person with a hard shell.

For a while, they were all stunned, not knowing what to say.

"It looks so ugly."

Finally, the man on fire broke the silence.

Li Pu: "..."


He spit on the other's face with a sticky green saliva.



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