Coming to the box, Li Pu looked around.

It is very spacious, with comfortable sofas and a variety of fruit plates and drinks on the table.

You can directly watch the many arenas below through the large floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the box, and the field of vision is very wide.

You can also see the real-time situation of the battle through the TV screen next to it.

He estimated that this was the most luxurious box in the venue, and the status of the Qin team was evident.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Li Pu used his good eyesight to find the strange man he had just seen.

At this time, the other party was on the edge of the ring, as if he was about to take the stage.

There was a clear and huge number written on the ground of the ring. According to this number, he found the camera dedicated to the ring on the TV.

This way, you can see it more closely.


Seeing the picture that Li Pu called up, Team Qin raised their eyebrows slightly.

Likewise, he quickly paid attention to the eccentric.

Because in the closed venue, the young man actually held a flower umbrella.

As for his side, he didn't see any summoned beasts.

It stands to reason that at this time, everyone will summon the summoned beast in advance.

It can be regarded as adapting to the atmosphere of the venue, and it can also be regarded as a tacit understanding between summoners.

Others have released summoned beasts and you have not, so it is very likely that you will be oppressed by the breath of those summoned beasts.

The light is weak, and the heavy is confused.

With his summoned beast beside him, it can help resist the breath and counterattack.

For example, at this time, the opponents who are about to take the stage are letting the summoned beasts release their breath recklessly, trying to give the competitors a show of power.

The less powerful ones were even forced out of battle form in advance, grinning and resisting.

But the young man with the umbrella was in the midst of this chaotic situation, but he seemed to be calm as if nothing was happening.

"This kid is a bit special. If I guessed correctly, his summoned beast should be the umbrella."

Team Qin's eyes are still old, and they can see the clue at a glance.

Most of the non-war forms of summoned beasts are living creatures, and very few of them become devices.

"Yes, then what is his summoned beast body?"

Li Pu was curious about this.

"I'm not sure about this, I have to take a closer look first."

After speaking, Qin team asked for the remote control.

Then he switched several shots in a row, and finally found an angle that could capture the young man's face.

Li Pu felt that this young man was not bad-looking, and he was only 108,000 miles away from himself.

Putting it on the level of mortals, it is already very handsome.

What attracts more attention is the strange-colored water drop symbol on the opponent's face, as well as the calm water-like temperament.

"There is a tattoo of this color on the face, it should be from the Jiang family."

Team Qin recognized the origin of the other party at a glance.

"Jiang family, a Summoner family."

"Their summoned beasts are quite different."

"Or to be more precise, it should be a summoner."

"Summoning weapons to arm themselves is their usual fighting method."

"It's a bit like a fusion talent."

"Because of his unique fighting style and impressive strength, he is considered famous in China."

"However, there are not many people in this family. I didn't expect to have branches in this remote province?"

These words made Li Pu even more curious.

So, this umbrella is the opponent's summon?

Umbrella as a weapon?

Salute Lord Grim?

However, when ten people, including the Jiang family disciple, took the stage to prepare to fight, the scene was different from what the Qin team said.

I saw the young man lightly toss the umbrella in his hand, and it turned into a fighting form.

It was not the weapon umbrella he thought, but a pitiful humanoid woman.

She was holding the umbrella and wearing a floral dress. Valley

The amazing thing is that he was soaking wet even though he was holding an umbrella.

Clothes that were tightly attached to the skin made the figure look graceful, and the makeup that should have been delicate was also soaked in some flowers.

All because of the rain, it spilled out from the umbrella.

"This summoned beast is amazing, you'd better watch carefully and don't get distracted."

Suddenly, Team Qin's expression changed slightly, and they put their hands on Li Pu's shoulders.

"If it's correct, this should be an artifact summoned beast."

"The strength of the summoned beasts of the artifact spirit class has long been recognized."

"I didn't expect this remote branch of the Jiang family to have such a promising Summoner."

As he spoke, his tone was a little excited.

Item spirit summoned beasts are very rare.

At this time, the other nine people in the ring all showed solemn expressions.

The reputation of the artifact summoned beast is very big.

Among them, two people were present with two summoned beasts, so there were eleven summoned beasts in total, and under the summoner's instructions, they adjusted their spearheads one after another.

At this time, everyone had a full tacit understanding, and it seemed that they were going to encircle and suppress the Rain Girl first.


As a signal sounded on the ring, the 10-person melee officially began.

After all, it is now 10 people and 10 hearts, so even if the other 9 people have a tacit understanding, they will still calculate and guard against each other.

No one wants to be the first to attack Rain Girl, and they are all waiting to see what happens.

First, I don’t know what Rain Girl’s means, and second, I’m afraid of being handed a knife behind my]

Under this atmosphere, Rain Girl let out a low cry.

Then she bent down slightly and squatted down.

clap la la...

Following this squat, it suddenly rained heavily on the ring.

The area that was originally scattered only in the umbrella rapidly expanded, covering all the nine people and eleven beasts.

According to normal circumstances, this level of rain is simply a natural phenomenon that does not hurt or itch.

But the actual situation is not, completely beyond the expectations of all the followers.

Pfft! xN

But all the targets touched by the raindrops are all under heavy pressure.

First, he fell to his knees without any resistance, and then further fell to the ground and couldn't move.

The continuous rain was still falling, making it completely impossible for them to break free.

"This Rain Girl is so powerful that she subdued all her opponents with a simple squat."

Team Qin held his chin and looked at the referee announcing the end of the game, and couldn't help showing a look of praise.

Sure enough, the strength of the artifact cannot be underestimated.

"And the method is very magical. I can't judge what kind of attack principle that rain is."

"Not sure, she is your biggest opponent in this group."

Saying that, he looked at Li Pu.


Li Pu stared at the screen and was also a little moved.

If you kill this Rain Girl, will you be able to get a cube?

Obviously, only he would care about such a problem.

"How, do you have the confidence to deal with her?"

Seeing that the other party was so calm, Team Qin couldn't help asking curiously.

【Ding bell ding bell ding bell! 】

Before he could answer, however, his phone rang.

When I took it out, I found that there were more than a dozen missed calls.

All from Professor Ho.



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