If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 463: Start with a full set of inscriptions

The latest website: [Quack! 】

Seeing this scene, Jian Duck couldn't help laughing beside him.

It felt that it was simply overthinking it. With Li Pu's level of throwing circles, he didn't have to think about those good things at all.

I originally thought that this transformed boy came to Taobao, but now it seems that it is just pure entertainment.

Look at the inscription that the case is rough and uneven, and even a little cracked, it is definitely not a good thing.

This kind of inscription, even if you put a few pounds of feed on it, it doesn't want to equip it.

As for the hawker as the stall owner, he was also at a loss at this time.

Fascinated, I feel fascinated now.

The arrangement of his items is divided into several grade areas, the most valuable but impossible to set "dream it" area.

Some are of good quality, and you need luck + manual work to get the "Boss Don't Come Next Time" area in the low-probability set.

There are "I advise you to take it as soon as you like" area where the quality is average, but the item value is slightly higher than the snaring fee.

And there's one final grade, the "you just frown and count me as a loser" area.

In the end, the items in this area are all worthless things, and even if all of them are caught, the business will be profitable.

Just like the inscription on the quilt just now, it is completely a waste inscription.

It was the product of the failed experiment that he went to the nearby research institute and came back wholesale.

In terms of jins, one sack is packed in one sack, and now he still has several sacks piled up at home.

Ordinary banknotes are given, and there is no need to pay crystal coins.

Now even the sharp-toothed sword-duck of the Qin team is standing up to cheer, but the teenager is only caught in this kind of thing.

It made the hawkers feel a little embarrassed.

"Little brother, you can just close your eyes and throw it forward. Throw it away."

Handing the inscription to the other party, the hawker did not forget to explain in a low voice.

It is a rare case in the ferrule industry that the stall owner actually intends to help the guests cheat in reverse.

If it spreads out, he will be called the shame of the industry.

But the other party's obviously inadvertent toss just now made the hawker even more uncertain.

Since he couldn't figure out the other party's intentions, he could only resort to this.

"This inscription is not bad."

How could Li Pu take it over to check, his eyes lit up.

[Choke Yellow]: The speed of spell channeling is moderately reduced

What the medium range was, he didn't know.

However, it looks very good.

【quack? 】

Jian Ya found that the boy was looking at him, and he always felt uncomfortable.

Even the duck feathers are secretly showing signs of being erected, which means that nothing good is going to happen anyway.

"Again, I don't believe it anymore."

However, Li Pu quickly retracted his gaze, rolled up his sleeves with clumsy acting skills, and said the same clumsy lines.

He believed that in the pile of objects in front of him, there must be even worse, no, more superb inscriptions hidden.

So from the beginning, he did not intend to bully other hawkers.

It is not easy for others to do business and make a living, so there is no need to do things absolutely.

But as a big collector of exotic inscriptions, Li Pu has never seen anything fancy.

A mere [Choke Yellow] can't satisfy him.

So next, in the misunderstanding of the peddler, Li Pu repeatedly took action and took all the inscriptions of the products that failed the test into his pocket.

After watching this scene, others are stupid.

It's completely different from the hemorrhage that I expected before, and I actually still make money after a wave!

And now he can see it, this guy is not drawing anything good at all, what he wants is these inscriptions!

The key is that the other party has a lot of drama, and every time you lose one, you have to beat your chest and squat.

But brother, have you ever thought about it, you have not missed a circle, you have already exposed your strength!

The waste inscription I put in the farthest corner, didn't you also send it into your soul!

I feel that the difficulty of that position is not much smaller than that of the skeleton!

"No, these harvests."

At this time, Li Pu had finished throwing the circle in his hand, and he was a little disappointed while holding a handful of inscriptions.

Disappointed, really disappointed.

Their quality is too good to meet their own requirements.

"Boss, if you don't, don't do it."

Seeing that Li Pu wanted to pay for a ring again, the hawker approached at the right time.

According to his guess, this researcher is either doing some small experiments by himself, or he is pure masochism.

For these garbage inscriptions, I have a soft spot for them.

"I still have a whole bag here. You can give a few and take them directly."

Pointing to the back of his booth, he motioned for Li Pu to look over.


Li Pu raised his brows when he heard the words, and said in his mouth, "I'm so sorry."

In social situations, the subtext of some words is reversed. What he said = then I'm welcome.

So let Jianya stay in place and wait for him, and he walked over to buy goods.

After turning over the entire sack of the inscriptions of the failed test products, Li Pu was reluctantly satisfied.

This time, it can really be called a gain.

[Weak Green]: Health is greatly reduced

[Red of Weakness]: Physical attack greatly reduced

[Short Circuit Blue]: The success rate of spell channeling is greatly reduced

[Corgi's Yellow]: The movement speed is greatly reduced

Through previous introductions, Li Pu learned that normal inscriptions generally have two effects.

One is the effect of increasing basic attributes, and the other is the effect of adding special functions.

Both effects are strong, it is really strong.

If you use pure data as an example

【So-and-so's green】

Effect 1: Health +5

Effect 2: Get a shield equal to 50% of your health every 3 minutes

Although the effect 2 is very good, because the effect 1 is too stretched, the shield with 50% of the health value is not too high.

But sometimes, there is a tendency to balance.

That is, the special function of effect 2 is too strong, resulting in effect 1 will appropriately weaken the summoned beast.

For research institutes doing experiments, inscriptions with strong effect 1 + effect 2 are too difficult to produce.

However, inscriptions with negative effect 1 + strong effect 2 will be relatively easy to get.

If something goes wrong in this groping process and the experiment fails, then there will be a failed product.

Like the four inscriptions in Li Pu's hands that only have one effect, and they still have negative effects~www.readwn.com~ are real failures.

I'm afraid no one will use it except him.

Because even if the inscription box is empty, it is better than the negative effect.

So under the stunned gaze of the hawker, he enthusiastically stuffed some crystal coins in the past.

Seeing the slightly sinister smile in the enthusiasm of the young man, the hawker always felt that something was not right.

As if these inscriptions were bought to harm people.

But how the inscriptions of the failed products were used to harm people, he couldn't figure out.

In this way, he watched Li Pu leave.

Watching the other party pull the famous innocent fat duck to the grove outside the stadium.



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