But after thinking about it, Team Qin felt that this idea was a bit unrealistic.

Because he knew very well that this pair of summoning combinations was not an ordinary summoning combination.

It can be said that there is no bond between the Summoner and the Summoner.

It's useless for you to tie up Professor He. What should Li Pu do?

No binding at all!

"Alas, I can't believe that I can meet such a wonderful combination in my lifetime."

Rubbing his forehead, Team Qin sighed.

It's better to have a good friendship. If you have the mind to think about those things, it's better to first think about what can impress Li Pu.

However, according to his brief observation, the other party seems to be from the Chinese cultural background as well.

The Chinese culture is famous for its strong cohesion, which means that at least the chances of Li Pu being poached by other countries such as the Chou Kingdom are relatively small.

From this point of view, Qin team felt more at ease.

The next schedule can be described as one game after another, so Li Pu did not return to the box.

Anyway, there are specially equipped staff who will guide him throughout the process.

After three more consecutive games, Li Pu became famous.

At least in a small area of ​​several nearby arenas, he has attracted everyone's attention.

Because all his opponents are either inexplicably attacked by spells, or inexplicably poisoned to death.

One or two, it can be said to be lucky.

But including Gong Wuyuan, this is all four!

If you don't notice the difference, you're a fool.

So for a while, many players were afraid that they would be drawn to face Li Pu in the next round.

What's more critical is that after so many rounds, the battle was solved without anyone even releasing the summoned beast!

This is the most terrifying!

Some people speculated that Li Pu merged with the summoned beast in advance, some speculated that there really was an invisible summoned beast, some speculated that Li Pu had poisoned his opponent in advance, and some fools always believed that Li Pu was lucky.

Only those few opponents have some inferences after combining the battle records and watching a few games, but they have not disclosed it to the outside world for the time being.

At this time, their psychology was very similar. After all, only the higher the ranking of Li Pu who defeated him, he would not be so embarrassed afterwards.

In short, after continuing to win a few less strong opponents, Li Pu finally entered the top circle.

The so-called top circle is equivalent to qualifying for the group.

The rest is just a battle for rankings and rewards.

It was also mentioned before that Huaguo would give out rewards immediately for every victory in this Summoner Contest in order to cultivate the overall strength of the Summoner.

However, Li Pu felt a little puzzled. He obviously won so many games, but he didn't see any prizes, and he didn't know where they went.

Entering the first round of the top circle, Li Pu met the previous Jiang family who had Rain Girl.

His name is Jiang Daoli because his mother was conceived in a rice field.

"You are strong."

The young man named Jiang Daoli had a frosty expression on his face, but he directly affirmed Li Pu when he came up.


Li Pu squinted his eyes and smiled back: "You are also very strong."

Because of the closeness of the ring, he has watched the opponent's game a few times.

To be honest, without everyone's knowledge, this Rain Girl's methods are almost as strange as her own.

No matter what opponent you face, there is only one move, and that is squatting.

If squatting once can't solve it, then squatting twice.

After two rounds, any opponent has to get down.


Jiang Daoli nodded and thanked him, but he turned around and said, "But I'm not afraid of you."

"Why don't you surrender."

Before the start of each round, Jiang Daoli would say a few words to the opponent, trying to make the opponent retreat by reasoning.

Obviously, this is not possible.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on."

Li Pu was still smiling, and at the same time threw away the inscriptions on his body.

The level on the other side is not very high, only LV12, and the success rate is very large.

After all, it is also the top circle, and he did not intend to take it lightly.

In the end, there were still accidents, and Rain Girl's resistance might be surprisingly high.

Li Pu only exchanged [Arsenic Green] and [Corgi Yellow].

Among them, [Corgi's Yellow] is to reduce the movement speed, which seems to be useless for Rain Girl.

Because according to his observation, the rain girl's fighting style is the most typical listening to the wind, and she will not move a step from beginning to end.

But I feel that it is enough just to successfully replace [Arsenic Green].

So far, no summoned beast has been able to withstand this poison.

By the way, Li Pu also looked at the rune he just got.


When he saw it, he was stunned.

What do you have on yourself?

[Void Green]: Lose extra health when taking damage

[Muddy Yellow]: Receive a specific slowing effect

Li Pu did not expect that the two inscriptions he had exchanged for him were also such strange goods?

That is to say, the rain girl was equipped with this kind of inscription from the beginning.

It's not obvious, it's for oneself.


Jiang Daoli, who was standing five meters behind Yu Nu, put his arms around his arms: "Unfortunately, Gong Wuyuan and I have a good relationship."

It turned out that Gong Wuyuan did not leave after stepping down, but observed several Li Pu battles in a row.

Because she doesn't believe that the chicken lizard that she spent energy and painstakingly cultivating will make such a low-level mistake of leaving the field.

So after a few games, she really got a clue.

After learning that her friend Jiang Daoli entered the top circle, she immediately informed all of them.

Jiang Daoli also attached great importance to it, and directly followed Li Pu's example and went outside the stadium to pick up a pile of junk.

Unexpectedly, in this first game, the two met.

However, Li Pu, who was calculated, did not panic, after all, the other party also had [Arsenic Green] on him.

Wait a minute, maybe it will automatically die.

【Woooo~! 】

Unexpectedly, the rain girl suddenly started to cry, and the rain in the umbrella suddenly became heavier.

Then she bent down and squatted slightly...

A bright light flashed across his body.

"You want to wait for my Rain Girl to be poisoned to death."

"Unfortunately, there is no such possibility."

"Detoxification is her specialty."

After taking the stage, Jiang Daoli showed a successful smile for the first time.

Although the poison of the inscription cannot be completely dispelled, as long as it is dispelled regularly, it can be unharmed.

Therefore, this opponent who is full of strangeness in everyone's eyes has been solved by himself. How can the sense of achievement in it not be laughable.

"Next, it's my turn."

So under his instructions, the rain goddess became resolute, holding the umbrella in both hands and kneeling violently.


Knees hit the hard ring ground ~www.readwn.com~ It hurts to hear.


Immediately after that, on the arena in front of him, there was an unimaginably dense rainstorm.

"This rain is not right!"

The first to react was the referee on the field.

Before the rain fell on him, he already had the feeling of a sharp object approaching from the air.

Therefore, without caring about other matters, the fusion was directly mentioned to the maximum.

【Roar! 】

A tiger roar resounded through the audience, and he had turned into a tiger man with thick fur.

As for Li Pu, he didn't seem to react.

Standing unprepared on the field, ready to meet Li Yu like this.



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