If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 469: Professor Ho's Mission

Suburban, consortium base building.

"Xiao He, now you have browsed all the projects in the entire research center."

Back in the office, Professor Li asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

Generally speaking, the research projects here involve some secrets, and ordinary people are not qualified to visit.

Not to mention Professor He, even the dignified second summoner of the Qin team is not qualified.

The reason why Professor Li did this, of course, has a lot of meaning behind it.

"What do you think?"

Professor He was a little nervous at this time.

Among all the projects in the research center, she is most concerned about the summoning array that she has been researching.

However, when she saw the progress of the consortium's own summoning formation, she realized how backward her research was.

All the processes and even all the experiences in the institute she belongs to have been operated by others more than a year ago.

This makes Professor He feel like a clown who has been following the wrong path that others have taken.

At this time, he didn't even want to go back and recall Li Pu's thoughts.

I have to say that this visit was a big blow to her self-confidence in scientific research.

"The consortium is far from comparable to us in terms of experimental conditions and exploration progress."

After thinking about it, she admitted frankly.

"Hohohoho, that's natural."

Professor Li touched his bald head and smiled.

But this smile is not mocking the other party.

On the contrary, as the technical leader of the consortium in the province, he attaches great importance to these small and medium-sized research institute groups.

The reason why the consortium has such strong scientific research capabilities and also supports other small and medium-sized research institutes is naturally to cast a wide net.

After all, sometimes some small accidents may lead to new technologies.

Just like the example of Professor He, he inexplicably has the ability to qualitatively change the Summoner's [talent].

"I'm a little confused now, and I don't know which direction to study next."

Although his self-confidence has suffered a serious blow, Professor He's enthusiasm for scientific research has not changed.

What attracts her the most in the world is experimenting, followed by beautiful women.

The reason for her questioning intention is revealed in her words because she feels that today's Mr. Li is very kind and warm, not only like an academic senior, but more like an elder.

"Actually, I never let the leaders of your institutes visit, and that's one of the reasons."

"It's about worrying about affecting your confidence and enthusiasm, but also about being misled in your direction."

"After all, the consortium's projects seem to be leading, but when it comes to academia, who can say that the path he chose must be the right one until the results are complete."

"Well, I've always admired you."

"And after today's communication, I found that there are two projects in hand that may be suitable for your new direction."

Professor Li still smiled and began to guide the topic.

"And the two projects are entirely within the consortium."

"So the conditions given are the same as all the projects in this building."

In order to ensure that the bait is attractive enough, he added two more sentences.


Hearing this, Professor He's eyes lit up.

Granted, it's kind of heartbreaking to give up on a project that I've been working on for a few years.

But if Li Pu hadn't appeared, her research institute would have been cut off from the capital chain.

In addition, the domestic animal summoned beasts that have been summoned many times also made her somewhat disheartened.

Perhaps, it is really time to try another direction and project.

You must know that she has always felt that she is no worse than the project leaders of the consortium, but the experimental conditions and treatment are far different.

Now it sounds like Mr. Li seems to want to make himself the project leader. Isn't that beautiful.

Seeing the other party's expression of interest, Professor Li knew that it took so long to set the stage for a showdown.

"First of all, the first project is the research on the fit and qualitative change of the Summoner's [talent]."

"You are the beneficiary of it, and if you come to host the research, you will be more likely to produce results than others."

"Of course, cough...I have some experience in this area myself."

"So I will always help you."

While talking, Professor Li pretended to clear his throat, but his purpose was completely exposed.

In fact, being able to sit on the top spot of his own research institute, Professor He is not completely stupid.

She is sensitive, at least when it comes to research projects.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Li just wanted to personally participate in the research as a qualitative changer of his [talent].

If you become the project leader, you will definitely end up in person when necessary, or even serve as a research object.

In the current situation, perhaps this project has no other research objects at all.

But Professor He does not reject this, and she has also done many human experiments.

In the experiment of summoning Li Pu, he acted as the experimental subject.

The vast majority of Summoner's technical research is quite mild and will not cause any harm to the human body.

What's more, even if the consortium wanted to treat himself, Professor He suddenly felt very secure when he thought that he had a caller with unlimited potential as a backer.

Maybe I should put things together in the near future and raise his level a little more?

Thinking of Li Pu, her thoughts strayed before she knew it.

"As for the second project, it's relatively unpopular."

At this time, Professor Li continued to speak.

"To be honest, I've always wanted to do this project."

"But because it was too unpopular, no one was willing to stand up and take responsibility."

"According to my assumption, if the technology of this project can be developed, it will definitely be of great merit in the future."

Having said that, his gaze towards Professor He became sincere.

When he visited before, he took time to browse the other party's resume.

One thing to say, one is indeed excellent, and he is a rare talent.

Moreover, the professional knowledge is also very suitable, and it is very suitable to be the person in charge of this project.

Therefore, in this second project, he simply wanted the other party's scientific research ability, and had no other purpose.

"In my personal opinion, you can actually carry out these two projects at the same time."

Of course, what he said was purposeful.

It means that for the first project, Xiao He, you can be the person in charge in name, and cooperate with me to do the experiment.

Then put all your energy into fiddling with the second project.

"So Mr. Li, what exactly is the second project?"

It's all said and done, Professor He has been scratched, and he doesn't care what the other party's subtext is or not.

"This second project is..."

Speaking of this, Professor Li sat upright~www.readwn.com~ and his expression became serious and solemn.

"The hybridization and reproduction of summoned beasts."



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The main story that should be written will still be finished.

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Thank you all for your support, without you this book would have been over.

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