Huang Lao once said that the cube card is a bridge for communication between different ethnic groups.

Li Pu thought at the time that this was just a boast of a cube card enthusiast.

Clearly, he still underestimated the magic of the cube.

That kind of magical power that seems to be poisoned.

Sword Spirit, who had shut himself out just now, actually agreed to a game of cube cards so easily.

This... is outrageous.

But looking back on all kinds of pasts, the world seems to be very Li Pu in the first place.


At this time, an illusory light floated out from the sword body and condensed into the appearance of a man.

Without considering the constituent substances and discussing only from the appearance, his upper body is no different from the normal human race.

But the lower body is different, it is a fluttering lower body.

In short, like a ghost that often appears in cartoons.

There are many kinds of energy races, some like Chiclaw and the others can be modeled arbitrarily, and some have a fixed shape like the Sword Spirit in front of them.

It is precisely because of this human-like shape that they are more suitable for swords.

"Boy, let's put the cards."

After taking a few glances at Li Pu, the other party waved his hand and released the photocoagulation table of the cube card.

For the time being, call it the King of Swords and Spirits.


Li Pu nodded and began to ponder.

Obviously, combined with the introduction of Chiclaw and the current experience, there is a high probability that he cannot understand the strange temper of these sword spirits.

So next, should he win or lose?

That's right, this is what Li Pu is really thinking about.

To tell the truth, with two rare bosses in hand, coupled with his ability to foresee, he never felt that he would lose to others on cube cards.

But it seems that it is precisely for this reason that he has always been a little less interested in cube cards.

It was just a little bit of interest, so he wasn't poisoned.

If not, just put some water.

Li Pu thought about it and made a decision.

Since you have something to ask for from others, it is best to save some face for others.

"hurry up."

At this time, the Sword Spirit Card King was already set up, and he urged impatiently.

"Come on then."

Li Puyi stretched out his hand and clicked on the "Random Deck" function.

The cube card does have this function. It draws 9 random cards that are enough to make up 100 points from all the cards to form a regular deck.

As for the trump card, it's also random.

There are many types of monsters he has brushed, so there are naturally many cards.

Among so many cards, there are not many that are actually easier to use.

Therefore, in terms of proportional probability, the probability of bad cards in the random deck will be higher.

Li Pu felt that by using the "random deck" function, it would appear that his intention to release water was not so obvious.

It's better than just putting nine weak cards.

"Oh? You're quite confident."

Sure enough, the sword spirit card king on the opposite side raised his brows, showing a look of interest.

His understanding was different from that of Li Pu.

The "random deck" function is a function only used by experts.

Experts who have been obsessed with cube cards all year round will regularly organize their card pools.

Put those thoroughly discarded cards into a separate designated isolation card pool.

Then, in such a simplified card pool, a "random deck" will be performed, and no cards with low combat power will appear.

The main purpose of using "random decks" is to prevent opponents from guessing their decks.

Because some tournaments, or invitational tournaments held by gods, will adopt a multi-match system of best of three sets or best of five sets.

This makes it easy to get targeted if you consistently use a fixed deck.

Therefore, many masters of cube cards are accustomed to use "random decks" in any situation.

That is to say, this "random deck" has already made the King of Sword Spirits regard Li Pu as a real master.

Before the cube, everyone is equal.

He would never take it lightly just because the other party was a young boy who looked young.

On the contrary, the King of Swords and Spirits saw a kind of tolerance from his demeanor.

As an energy family, the perception of certain things is very keen.

How to describe this kind of temperament.

As if everything is under control, there is a feeling of "I have never lost and will never lose".

Of course, he thinks it's just overconfidence from the other side.

After all, how could there be someone who hasn't lost with a cube, at most it's just a higher win rate.


At this moment, sword spirits in the shape of men, women and children also floated out of the nearby sword house.

Judging from their expressions, it is obvious that they are also interested in this game.

"Come on, let's unveil it."

The stronger the opponent, the more excited the Sword Spirit Card King will be.

What's more, there are still so many people watching.

He wanted to let Li Pu and other fellow villagers get to know him well. It is not a waste to be called the King of Cards.


Li Pu didn't even open his eyes, and randomly selected a card.

Now that he has decided to release water, let alone foresight, he didn't even check his own fold.

Open whichever one you touch, just let it go.

【faint! 】

On the side of Sword Spirit Card King, a red projection appeared on the card surface.

Li Pu couldn't help but be curious when he heard the voice, and looked up.

Not to mention, it's a coincidence, this thing is very similar to the white rag monster that I had encircled and suppressed not long ago.

The only difference is that the colors are different.

【faint! 】

However, the red rag of Sword Spirit Card King actually has a linkage effect.

At the same time as the unveiling, another card was triggered.

This is the blue rag monster that was revealed by linkage.

【faint! 】

Then, the blue rag monster linked up with the yellow rag monster...

【faint! 】

Yellow rag monster, linked to green...

【faint! 】

【faint! 】

【faint! 】

【Brother! 】

【faint! 】

【faint! 】

Unexpectedly, only the first unveiling round was called one after another, and the opponent actually revealed all the cards.

"It's so ruthless. As soon as he came up, he released his nine-link killer."

"I'm really envious. I've only collected six colors of Youyou so far."

"Don't think about it, the remaining three are not within the scope of the Wild Spirit State at all."

"Only he is a desperate lunatic who will risk his life to go to the LV50 area for a few strange colors."

"So, it's natural for others to have such a deck."

"Hmph, let this outsider have a good experience."

"Yes, in terms of cube cards, we must be the first village in Wildling State."

"Last time, Tiaotiaoyicun still wanted to challenge us, it was just wishful thinking."

"The same goes for Tiaotiao 2, 3, 4 villages, a bunch of trash."

A group of sword spirits talked a lot, and they went astray when they talked about the topic.

"Is there such a magical card?"

Li Pu took a closer look at the opponent's card this time, and couldn't help but sigh.

【Red Youyou】-11 points

Attack 2, Defense 0, HP 9

[Youyou Physique]: Red Youyou cannot take non-attribute damage

[Youyou Weakness]: When Hongyouyou takes restraint attribute damage, it will have an additional +2 on the basis of the original restraint.

[Youyou Action Team]: When Hongyouyou unveils the card, reveal another piece of Youyou.

[Youyou Great Unity]: After nine Youyou cards gather for 9 rounds, they merge into a 60/0/60 [Big Youyou]

Youyou cards of other colors have similar attributes.

A card with only 11 points is not very strong in the game, that is, it is just an average score.

But when all 9 cards are revealed in the first round at the same time, it is still very impactful.

Li Pu felt that he was thinking too much, and he didn't seem to need to release water at all.

This guy who calls himself the King of Swordsman Village is indeed very powerful.

What is the concept of nine openings at the beginning.

Moreover, these Youyou cards are not afraid of non-attribute damage, and they have a full 9 blood, so their survivability is very strong.

Surviving all 9 rounds is not impossible in some coincidental cases.

Once the 60/0/60 [Big Youyou] is combined, it is basically a crushing trend.

From a certain point of view, the opponent's deck is stronger than the rare BOSS cards.

"Great, I will lose this game without a doubt."

Li Pu shook his head feigning regret, and while speaking, glanced at the card he revealed.





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