Or should I say, the situation in the next few rounds is even worse.

Although the copy of [Ice Cut and Cut] is on the opposite side of the harvest, the seal is also further expanded.


With the advent of the unveiling stage, the last of the original four initial seal cards finally announced its withdrawal.

This meant that with the increase in the number of seal cards, Li Pu and the others could no longer bear the pressure of treatment.

After all, there are not many healing cards in Li Pu's card pool. In addition, he encountered the accident of focusing fire at the beginning of the opponent's game. If he hadn't used [Self-destruction] to stop a wave of attacks, the current situation would have to be a round or two ahead of schedule. advent.

"It feels...it's over."

The old sword spirit couldn't help but sighed.

In the next round, his copy [Ice Cut] will also be sealed.

At that time, there is only one card left to survive on the side of the card.

That was the mysterious card that Li Pu had placed in the corner and had never been shown to them.

"It really doesn't seem to work."

But at this time, even Li Pu did not report hope.

After all, the dungeon rules are there, even the [strongest snail] cannot escape the fate of being sealed.

However, he was very curious about how many layers this card had been stacked up to now, but it was a pity that he had already chosen the other cards to unveil, so he couldn't preview it.

I brought the two summoning cards [Dancing King Murderer] and [Sneezing Slime], and the boss on the other side has been summoning the Eye Guard, so I didn't deliberately record the number of cards that died in battle, and I couldn't count the cards according to the cards. space to judge.

"Just one more round."

So after thinking about it, he said this.

Even if you lose, it's good to unveil the board and see the number of layers of [The Strongest Snail] to satisfy your curiosity.


The old sword spirit glanced at the [Thirteen Unity], who had been blown up long ago and was now in an egg state ready to be resurrected.

I thought that Li Pu was planning to rely on [Thirteen Unity] to slowly grind to death the boss.

But in fact, he has secretly calculated, which is impossible.

It is true that all the healing cards on the opposite side have been cleared by them.

However, due to the heavy losses of their own side, there were too many spaces on the field. A large number of [Eye Guards] provided the BOSS with a high life limit. Even now, more than half of the spaces were not filled by the eye guards.

The final result is not that [Thirteen Unity] grinds to death the BOSS, but the BOSS grinds to death [Thirteen Unity] by relying on the overall eye.

"We clear all the regular cards."

But since Li Pu didn't believe it, the old sword spirit didn't say much, and instead ordered the two old friends.


"no problem."

The two Tiaotiao village chiefs nodded. Anyway, it was only a matter of a few rounds, and they didn't mind waiting.

【kill! 】

So under the leadership of [Ice Cut and Cut], the regular cards on both sides had a final collision.

Li Pu's goal on their side was the opponent's only three regular cards left.

And the choice of light and shadow is those few seal cards that are in jeopardy.

As long as they are blasted, when the next round spreads, Li Pu and the others will only have one card that can be revealed or has been revealed.

At the end of the attack round, there is no doubt that the goals of both sides were achieved at the same time.

"Okay, it's up to you to play next."

The old sword spirit spread out his hands, indicating that they had nothing to do.

"Okay, wait for me, soon."

Li Pu didn't think there was a chance of winning either, he nodded and prepared to choose the [strongest snail] to reveal.

Then, at this moment, something suddenly happened on the field.


Above the canyon, a pure black thunderbolt fell straight down.

Ace, regular cards, etc., without exception, are all shrouded in black light.

"what's the situation?"

The old sword spirit and others were shocked on the spot.

They have opened up wasteland so many times before, but they have never encountered such an accident.

Li Pu sensed something was wrong and wanted to open his eyes to see.

But before it even had time, he was hit by the branch thunderbolt that suddenly stretched out from the black light.


What was hit together was the light and shadow of the opposite hill.

Immediately afterwards, under the watchful eyes of the old sword spirit and the others, Li Pu and Guangying were pulled into the light group by the black electricity that seemed to have substance.


Tiaotiaomei was the closest to Li Pu, but she couldn't react at all to save people.

"This is a copy of the cube card, so it won't be dangerous, right?"

Tiaotiaoquan is still wide-eyed.

He has played more than one of the cube copies, but he has never encountered or heard of inexplicable control of personal freedom.


Only the old sword spirit held his chin and fell into contemplation, and after a while, his eyes were bright and he said loudly: "Rule four! No comment!"

"Perhaps, we are triggering the hidden rule!"

His tone was excited.

This rule 4 has always been confusing. Could it be that Li Xiaoge is really a **** of luck, and it was triggered as soon as he came?

"So, did he enter the hidden level?"

"I'm going! It's very possible!"

The two Tiaotiao village chiefs immediately resonated.

Although I still don't understand the trigger conditions, at least one thing is certain.

Hidden levels, there are advantages to the cliffs.

What else can the benefits of a cube copy be, of course, cards!

"But... can he pass smoothly?"

However, after thinking about it, Tiaotiaoquan questioned again.

"Yes, that fire phoenix is ​​very strong."

Hearing this, Tiaotiaomei also showed a worried look and said: "But the light and shadow on the opposite side has also been pulled in. I'm afraid that I still have to meet that big eyeball. The ending is really hard to say..."

"Don't worry about it, just leave it to your fate."

"If he can't even beat him, then it's even more useless for us."

So, the old sword spirit finally told the story of how he lost to Li Pu.


"Never two [Ice Cutlass] hit him?!"

The two Tiaotiao village chiefs were stunned.

But after thinking about it, this possibility is indeed real.

"His card skills are no less than ours."

Old Sword Spirit stroked his beard. In fact, what he wanted to say was that he might be stronger than us, but he couldn't say it out of face.

"Also, I'm afraid you didn't listen carefully just now~www.readwn.com~ He still has a hole card in his possession, which I haven't seen yet."

"It can be placed side by side with the Fire Phoenix, think about it, can it be worse."

His reminder further eased the hearts of the two village chiefs.

It seems reasonable to say so!

While they were discussing outside, Li Pu had already entered the black light group.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was pitch black.

Unexpectedly, [Bat Moth Eye] will also fail one day.

"It's not easy to do."

Muttering, he opened his eyes again and changed his way.

Don't you have the talent [Searching Eye].



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