【Dead Kangaroo】-14 points

Attack 4, Defense 5, Blood 5

[Jumping Punch]: The dead kangaroo can attack an additional target in even rounds, and the attack power +4

[Jump Jump Jump]: Melee damage received by dead kangaroos -2

After Li Pu read the information, to be honest, he thought this card was not bad.

It can be said bluntly that the combat power is much higher than the surface score.

It's a bit similar to [Boom Horse], and its quality is somewhere between BOSS and rare elites.

It seems that the score is not so amazing, but in reality, the combat effectiveness of this senior jumping jump should not be underestimated.

Subsequently, the self-made cards of Tiaotiaomei and Lao Jianling were also completed one after another.

【Beauty】-13 points

Attack 3, Defense 3, Blood 7

[Jumping Charm]: During the battle of this round, the beauty can get a chance to stop for 1 round, and the attack +10 in the next round

[Jumping Puppet]: After the beauty defeats the target, she will turn it into a 1/1/1 puppet

[Jumping Force Field]: For every one of your own summons on the field, Beauty's HP +1

Compared with Tiaotiaoquan, Tiaotiaomei's self-made cards are obviously one level higher, and there is no doubt that they are properly rare elites.

It is a relatively comprehensive summoning card, with better survival and decent damage ability.

But to say the best quality, but also belong to the old sword spirit.

【Swordman】-16 points

Attack 12, Defense 1, Blood 3

[Attack Form]: The swordman chooses in the unveiling stage, the attack +3 in this round

[Defending Form]: Swordman chooses in the unveiling stage, defense +3 in this round

[Flesh Form]: The swordman chooses at the unveiling stage, and the blood volume of the round is +6

The increased BUFF can be changed at any time according to the actual situation.

Originally, it has a high score and a good attack power. If you choose the meat form, it will directly become a card with more than 20 points, a real attack card.

Next, under Li Pu's suggestion, the three of them also walked to the other side very wisely, without preventing him from slowly making cards.

The first item [Elemental Umbrella] just now was reserved, and he decided to start with the second item.

At present, I only know that the skills that are brushed out will be related to myself, but there is no fixed number for the time being.

So click [Refresh], and then open your eyes to preview.

"What kind of **** is this."

However, after one glance, he couldn't help but complain.

[Supreme Tongue]: Li Ren stops 1 round and makes meaningless actions

Fortunately, there is a chance to preview, otherwise, if you randomly use six skills, maybe half of them will be similar waste skills?

Such skills are useless.

Refresh again, preview.

Just seeing the name, Li Pu couldn't help frowning.

[Zero into whole], this is a good thing!

The results continue to browse...

[Turn zeros into wholes]: When Li people receive single-digit damage, they directly change to 10.

"Play with me, right?"

This one is even more speechless.

It was not until the third refresh that I finally got a satisfactory answer.

[Papa]: Li Ren is immune to control twice per round

This is very powerful, at least in a 1V1 game, two control in a round can basically be regarded as immune control.

For the third skill, Li Pu intends to choose an endurance skill.

In his mind, a comprehensive and powerful card should have the ability to recover.

His recovery methods include [Son of the Earth], [LV2 Kaka Absorbing Profound Truth] and [LV1 Cave Worm], I don't know if the green inscription [Recharge First Aid] in terms of inscriptions counts.

As a result, with the idea of ​​shopping around, he just brushed all four skills out.

[Son of the Earth]: Li Ren stops for 1 turn and recovers 3 HP

[Kaka Suck]: Liren's defense +1 this round, and recovers 1 HP when dealing damage

[Dongdong Worm]: Li Ren stops for 1 turn, each time he takes damage -1, recovers 3 blood

[Rechargeable First Aid]: In this round of battles of the Li people, there is a chance to recover to full health during the unveiling stage

Each of the four skills has its own strengths.

In the end, under various trade-offs, he chose [Dongdong Worm].

Although it does not restore much HP, it has a small life-saving skill that prevents it from being focused on fire.

[Elemental Umbrella] [Papa] [Dongdong Worm], this will take up three pits.

Now that his survivability is full, he has to start thinking about output.

First of all, there is one that can be directly reserved.

[Thundering Shore]: Li Ren deals 4 points of thunder damage to the target and its four adjacent units respectively.

This is originally a skill that I usually use to brush monsters, and it can be said to be handy.

It's a pity that the damage has been weakened a lot, but if you think about it again, there are five grids in total, and 4 damage per grid is 20 points. This AOE ability is not bad.

You know, your initial attack power is only 12, that's all.

Moreover, it still ignores the enemy's attack, and sometimes it can be used to attack one's own people for special purposes.

The second output skill, Li Pu originally wanted to choose a powerful single attack skill.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident.

[Cheat Hu]: Every 3 rounds of Li Ren's actions, the action of the 4th round can be released twice

This is great.

Twice in one round of [Thundering Shore] or [Dongdong Worm] twice in one round, the picture is very beautiful when you think about it.

After a little hesitation, he chose [Cheat Hu].

Even if it is two consecutive general attacks and A draws, it is very profitable.

The last skill took a lot of time.

Many originally good [talents] or [skills] became a little deformed after being transformed into cube cards.

[Madesia]: When the four squares around Li are grass, deal damage +12, and seal target skills for one turn

Four squares of grass, where to find it yourself.

There was no grass in his pocket except a piece of [Brother's Grass].

[Unstoppable Momentum]: After Li Ren is attacked 5 times in this round, he can launch an impact attacking 5 targets, with rock attribute damage

After being hit five times, to be honest, I don't know if that order came out.

And the most important thing is that a game can only be used once, which is too bad.

[Wood God]: Li Ren disappears directly from the game and returns after 5 rounds

This is also a bit tricky. It seems that it has a super life-saving ability, but it can't do anything during the disappearance.

It's like disappearing, no, it's disappearing.

[Guo Guo Profound Truth]: In the attack round, you can launch 3 attacks with 4 damage each, increase the damage to 8 insects, and restore half of the damage

This looks relatively normal, but it has strong pertinence and weak generality.

3 times of 4 damage, the total amount is only the original 12 attacks, and the defense power of the target has to be calculated 3 times, and the loss explodes.

As for summoning a grass and a snowman, and transforming into Sonic, these three things have never been brushed out, perhaps because the professional [ability] cannot be converted into a card.

The commonly used [Super Saiyan] was shaved into a deformity, and turned into an enhanced version of [Brother Guicao].

The key is that the enhanced version of [Brother Guicao] is not as good as his initial 12/6/12 3D, this transformation is meaningless.

"That's it..."

When he saw a certain skill he developed for the third time~www.readwn.com~ Li Pu gave up.

When he brushed it for the first time, he still wanted to look at the back.

The second time, because the hand was too fast, it was directly dropped.

Now for the third time out, it's time to choose it too.

"It's done."

So Li Pu said a word, and immediately attracted the attention of the old sword spirit and the others.


This time, after reading it, they couldn't even speak.

God **** it, what kind of skill is this? !

Especially the last one!

crazy? ?



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