, the fastest update can foresee the future, I just want to brush the latest chapter!

The attack round continued, and [Booming Horse] was taken away by a round of focus fire, perhaps because it was too much of a threat.

But on the light and shadow side, a card was also destroyed at the cost.

After one change, Li Pu was still at a disadvantage.

"He should reveal [The Strongest Snail] in the next round."

"Yeah, although there are no summoning cards in this round, 14 cards have been accumulated and retired."

"That's +14/+14/+14, that's awesome."

Everyone on Principal Zhuang's side has already started to calculate the data when [The Strongest Snail] is revealed later.

"No, there seems to be something wrong."

At this time, it was the magic milk who questioned again.

As soon as these words came out, everyone cast their eyes on her.

The cards are clearly laid out there, what else could be wrong?

"Have you forgotten the first [blind card] he revealed."

"If you understand correctly, the chosen fold should be able to act normally."

"But in fact, apart from the first round, in the remaining 8 rounds, he did not have a folded card that changed."

Obviously, the magic milk found Huadian.

After listening to her explanation, everyone also reacted.

That's right, which fold card did [Blind Card] choose?

And that card, why does it seem that no action has been taken so far?

This question brought everyone's attention back to the game.

However, in the next 10 rounds, something unexpected happened.

Li Pu did not reveal the [strongest snail] they expected, nor did he reveal any cards.

Even because [Boom Horse] was the last card in the column, the trump card row was exposed after exiting the field.

As a result, the trump card slot in this column was revealed by the light and shadow attack, and the result was an empty slot.

At the same time, it also revealed a new card.

The ratio of the number of surviving cards that have been unveiled on the field is 2:3, and the ratio of the number of remaining regular cards is 2:5.

Li Pu was also broken into a trump card vacancy, and the disadvantage became more and more serious.

"It's hard to do now, little Lizi."

"No, I just don't understand, why didn't he reveal the [strongest snail]?"

"Could it be that [The Strongest Snail] is the trump card this time? The trump card doesn't reveal itself?"

"It seems reasonable for you to say that."

"But how do you explain the magic milk's point of view just now?"

"Can you call the magic milk, call me sister!"

In the end, everyone went back to the issue of [Blind Cards].

In the attack phase of turn 10, this question remains unanswered.

Li Pu's remaining two regular cards were also defeated and retired, and this time he only completed a wave of 2-for-1.

Before the 11th round, the ratio of the number of surviving cards that have been revealed on the field is 0:2, and the ratio of the number of remaining regular cards is 0:4.

The most important thing is that Li Pu has no cards.

The only two folds left on the board are the two trump cards.

"[The strongest snail], can it really turn the tide?"

Finally, Principal Zhuang couldn't help but question.

At this point, they have all determined that the remaining trump card is the [strongest snail].

Unless, that challenger Light and Shadow is not Li Pu.

But so far the poker game has been completed for 10 rounds. The challenger, Light and Shadow, reached into the bag and ate snacks 15 times in total. This is not Li Pu, but it is too outrageous.

It has to be said that they all think that [the strongest snail] being the trump card is a bad move.

Although it was only a glimpse at the time, the attributes of that card were so amazing that it was still fresh in the memory.

[Snail Snail Sun Formation]: When the strongest snail dies, it will be split into [small snails] according to the remaining space, and the total attack and defense blood of all [small snails] is equivalent to 1/2 of the strongest snail's

This skill, if used as an ace, is meaningless.

In fact, there are two most suitable positions for [The Strongest Snail], one is the vacancy in the trump card column.

The other is to stand in front of the trump card as a guard.

"Calculate the points, the regular cards on the boss's side are actually not worth many points."

"It's definitely not a big problem to deal with [the strongest snail]."

"But the point is, I don't know what the boss's trump card is."

Someone analyzed the most critical factors.

In this dungeon, it's not that Light and Shadow hasn't pulled out rare boss-level cards.

A rare boss-level card is the trump card, and there is no room for contempt.

But it is useless to discuss anything now, because the light and shadow only need to attack the two trump card positions respectively to find and reveal Li Pu's trump card.

The 11th round officially arrived, and the light and shadow once again revealed a new card.

There was still no movement on Li Pu's side, so the attack phase started directly.

【Ouch! 】

A hideous shadow wolf took the lead in attacking and pounced on one of Li Pu's trump cards.


The bite of the **** mouth made a crisp sound, but it was an empty seat, and there was nothing.

In this way, Principal Zhuang and the others can be sure that Li Pu's trump card is not the [Insect King Fortress].

Because [Insect King Fortress] needs to occupy two empty card slots, and now the trump card column has displayed two empty slots, it is obviously impossible to be it.

【Eat the gun! 】

Light and Shadow's other mutant dwarf card attacked the last and only folded card with a short spear.



This time, the damage finally appeared, indicating that Li Pu's trump card is here.

However, 1 point of damage from scraping is not enough.

At the same time, the attacked trump card was finally revealed.

"Ah this?" xn

The face of that card immediately made Principal Zhuang and others dumbfounded.

Because the projection on the card is just a dark shadow, and it is completely invisible.

As for the specific information of the card, it is the same mystery.

【? 】-? Minute

attack? ? ,Defend? ? ,Blood? ?

【? ? ? 】:?

All of them are question marks, which means that there is no display at all.

"Is this the effect of [Blind]?"

Principal Zhuang responded quickly.

It turned out that Li Pu's [Blind Card] in the first round was actually used on top of the trump card.

"That's not right. Since it is equivalent to unveiling, why hasn't his trump card been moved from beginning to end?"

The magician's eyes were full of puzzlement.

They have all seen the attack range of [The Strongest Snail].

Even if there were three rows of your own cards blocking it, at least attacking the opponent's first and second rows would be no problem at all.

Why hasn't it moved from start to finish?

Let's not talk about the outcome of the game, don't you panic when you don't do anything with such a strong card?

"Hey, I feel that this card is probably not [The Strongest Snail]."

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly expressed his opinion with a little hesitation.

"Isn't it [the strongest snail]? Not really?"

"Yeah, you can't leave the rare bosses alone and play other cards, right?"

"Unless Xiao Lizi has another card that is more suitable as an ace, such as another rare boss card?"

"Just kidding, it's obviously impossible."

"That's it~www.readwn.com~ It's amazing to have a rare boss card at this age. If there is a second one, I will wash my hair upside down."

"But... I suddenly remembered that we had never seen his ace..."

Just when everyone was talking about it, Li Pu's trump card moved.

To be precise, the projection of the trump card moved.

The dark shadow suddenly flew up.

From the trajectory, it looks like a person jumped into the air.

I saw this black ball projection stably landed on a certain card on the opposite side, and then...


A cross-shaped thunder column smashed down violently.



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