If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 521: Qualification to become a god

, the fastest update can foresee the future, I just want to brush the latest chapter!

Back at Blue Star, Li Pu appeared in his residence.

It was the same old place as last time, this dormitory demon has basically been reserved for him.

One good news, one bad news.

Because of the follow-up global conference, the eldest nephew and everyone are still staying in the magic capital during this time.

Therefore, Li Pu only needs to open his own door and pry open the door across the aisle, and Li Pu will be able to eat convenient, delicious and familiar meals.

I only see the food, but not the people.

I mean cold rain.

No one can be seen at all, but he is always conscientious and responsible for cooking.

This guy has touched a whole new realm when he touches the fish, and his sense of existence is gone.

And recently his service has been upgraded, the food is always warm, and everyone is welcome to eat at any time.

Everyone can only judge by the residual temperature of the food that this guy still exists in the same world as them.

Li Pu felt that the book "The Way to Become a God" should probably be read to Han Yu, maybe the body evaporated and the soul became a **** in a flash.

The God of Fishing, this name just sounds awesome.

The price of the substitute is to completely lose the sense of existence, and the blessing obtained is a slight improvement in cooking skills.

I have to say that Li Pu thought a bit far, but this is good news. Someone is taking care of the meal.

The bad news comes from the twin sisters.

8 is an auspicious number.

But at the same time, it is also the number of times the combatants' quarters have been attacked since the two entered the magic capital.

For a more intuitive concept, an ordinary city with a similar size to the West Metropolis.

The number of monsters that come to the city in a year is about the same number.

Looking at how long it took for the two of them to come to the Magic Capital Academy, it is enough to compare the terrible things.

The combat team of the Magic Capital Academy has been miserable for a while.

Usually there is a situation around to get a task, and I finally returned to the dormitory to take a rest, but the task actually came to my door.

Not to mention other things, the repeated reconstruction of the dormitory alone is a considerable expense.

It is true that due to the existence of guards who are good at civil engineering skills, a mere dormitory does not consume much time and energy.

But material costs, shipping costs, these are all real money.

Even the sea cliffs on the edge of the artificial island where they are stationed have collapsed twice, and the severity can be imagined.

Therefore, under the investigation of the relevant personnel, after eliminating all reasonable possibilities, they heard an unreasonable possibility from the mouths of two enthusiastic citizens, Li Moujie and Nong Moumei, who did not want to be named.

After some historical investigation, this unreasonable possibility became the only answer.

There is a mountain of ironclad evidence, and you have to believe it if you don't believe it.

Therefore, due to various considerations, the logistics department headed by Lao Cai finally decided to adjust the residence of the two.

The choice of this residence, there are many places to pay attention to.

First of all it needs to be remote enough, away from crowds, especially students.

In this way, if an accident occurs, the probability of casualties that may be caused is greatly reduced.

And it can also give people sufficient time to react before Warcraft can cause more serious consequences.

The area of ​​artificial islands is actually not that large, and various teaching measures take up a lot of space.

Therefore, there are only a few optional addresses that come and go.

Secondly, this place must be guarded by a master.

Where the big guys live, that's definitely not going to work.

If they knew that their residence was overturned due to man-made arrangements, then the skulls of Lao Cai and others might also be overturned.

Secondly, the residences of Qian Xun and several representatives of the imperial capitals are not good either. After all, they are guests, or guests with honor.

Moreover, guests from other countries will also stay there in the future, which will not affect it well.

The main thing is that the cost of rebuilding there can be much more expensive than the combat quarters.

So they chose to choose, and they kicked the ball to Li Pu.

Fighting violence with violence is fine.

Now even if Li Pu doesn't admit his fighting ability, no one will believe it.

You said you were a good citizen, right? Come, take a look at these photos of the wreckage of Mermaid Island.

So going around, Li Pu returned to the starting point.

Can't escape, can't escape.

Fortunately, he knew that although this arrangement was made on the bright side, if he really wanted to make a big noise, these beasts would break ground on Tai Sui's head.

Lao Huang can teleport from the magic capital to the imperial capital. Could it be that other old monsters can't even protect an artificial island?

They don't make a move, they just give the younger generation some opportunities to exercise.

Li Pu didn't care too much anyway, except for sleeping and resting, he usually stayed in the [Water Field], or he went to the new world.

If some monsters really want to fall, the first to suffer is the eldest nephew and the others, and Han Yu, who does not know where to hide and is killed, no one knows.

Just like now, after returning to Blue Star to rectify a little, he has come to Lao Cai.

There are other people besides him in the control room, that is Lao Hu.

At this time, the pair of enemies were playing chess, and from the perspective of the situation, their chess skills were about the same.

"It's been pretty diligent lately."

When Lao Cai said hello, he didn't even raise his head.

Indeed, things have been temporarily in the new world recently, so Li Pu spends most of his time on brushing skill proficiency.

Now that he is level 31, many skills are about to be upgraded.

He plans to brush all skills to level 3 first, and then go to the level 3 full entry.

So under the support of abundant energy, this bubble is a full three days and three nights.

As wished, all skills have been upgraded to lv3.

Some skills are upgraded to enhance the effect, some shorten the cd, and some reduce the release conditions.

In short, his strength has been raised by a considerable level.

He returned to his residence and slept for a long time. After waking up in the ruins, Li Pu confirmed that all the members had no arms or legs, and then went to the trial copy again.

The level 3 full entry of [Water Field] is far more difficult than [Diaotiao Ruins] in the imperial capital. So far, no one has been able to survive the first difficulty.

[Turn Lag]: Guardians can only act once every two rounds ~www.readwn.com~

[Shui Ling Carp]: All projections in the copy are upgraded by one grade

[God of Gamblers]: The number of dice for two of the frog porcelain has been changed

[Girl Tutu]: An additional boss is added to the instance

[Goldfish Girl]: Instance adds an additional boss

That is two purple frog porcelains with five sides of 6 and one side of 66, and the first throw will be 66.

From Li Pu's current familiarity with this copy, he felt that this was also the biggest difficulty.

As long as it resists the two waves of 66 spell attacks totaling 132 spells, then the latter problems can be solved relatively easily.

In the past, he only barely resisted the first 66 rounds, but now the situation is different.



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