If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 528: What kind of teacher is this? !

"I lost my power?"

Looking at the figure that was about to go away, Jessica couldn't accept it.

Although the strength attribute is not her strongest attribute, it is also one of her confidence points.

Don't look at LV27 now, there are already close to 50 points under various bonuses.

It stands to reason that no one of the same age should be taller than himself! Should not!

Now, a Chinese student casually met on the side of the road is actually better than her? !

After being stunned for a few seconds, Jessica stood up again. As for her expression, she was no longer too comfortable.

"cough cough"

In this regard, James did not say much.

He naturally has a lot of experience, and feels that students are students after all, which is a bit of a fuss.

It's just that the two children collided while walking. It's a bit too arbitrary to judge the strength of the two.

The coughing sound seemed to have magic power, and immediately made Jessica feel a little awake.

The complexion immediately returned to before, but the calmness of the previous one was relatively reduced, and it became more restrained.

"I heard that this boy Li is very close to Teacher Li."

At this time, Tang Yu secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect to be hidden, so I have some clues."

As for who is stronger and who is weaker between Jessica and Li Luo, she didn't think about it at all.

No matter how strong you young people are, are you stronger than Li Moupu?

I have here a few post-disaster photos of Mermaid Island, do you want to take a look?

After the episode, there were no more incidents. Tang Yu introduced the basic information and facilities of the college along the way, and brought the two of them to the fort base.

A big man with a dog-headed hat was already standing in front of the steel gate waiting.

"Captain Qian."

Before Tang Yu, James was the first to say hello.

That's right, this person is the captain of the Imperial City fighters, Qian Xun.

During the global conference, the imperial capital and the magic capital seemed to be a collective.

So strictly speaking, Qian Xun is not a guest here, and some work will be assigned to him.

Accompanying James into the castle is his current task.

It's okay to accompany or stare.

After all, James was a prominent figure on Blue Star, plus some previous friendships, it was reasonable and reasonable for Qian Xun to be in charge.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

At this time, Qian Xun also said hello, and the two of them held hands together.


Obviously it was just an ordinary handshake, and the two also had a cordial expression and a harmonious atmosphere, but as a result, fireworks like electric lights exploded.

"what's the situation?!"

Jessica didn't know much, and was startled on the spot.

Tang Yu next to him was calm.

It has long been heard that Captain Qian has a little holiday with James of the ugly country, and it seems that it is true now.

Don't look at her expressionless expression at this time, in fact, the aftermath of such a slight collision between the two has already made her feel a sense of oppression, which is something that a low-level child like Jessica cannot understand.

Tang Yu believed that if no one cared, the two would be able to demolish the fort base in just ten minutes.

"It seems you are still hostile to me, old friend."

When James spoke, his smile became even brighter.

"Who made your hands and feet dirty? Look, isn't this leaking electricity?"

Qian Xun also smiled, not giving in an inch.

In fact, not only on Blue Star, but even in the foreign realm, the two have had an intersection, and in most cases they appeared as competitors.

So now that they meet each other and greet each other with smiles, it can only be said that both of them have good hearts and are hypocritical enough.

But Qian Xun's words were right. James's hands and feet were indeed not very clean.

It's not that he might lose something if he enters the fort base, but this guy will always try to make a little mess on other people's territory, which is a thorn.


The hand is still holding, the electric light is still flickering.

"Okay, you two."

At this time, Tang Yu had to stand up and discouraged: "Let's go first."

Obviously, she didn't want to get involved in the conflict between the two.

Why don't you hurry in and walk around, and then what you two are going to do has nothing to do with me.

Hearing this, the two let go of their hands.

I saw Qian Xun flipped his wrist and threw the two temporary pass cards to James.

So after a series of verifications, the four entered the fort smoothly.

"It seems that each academy's base has its own style."

Walking in the steel corridor, Jessica sighed as she looked left and right.

In the past two years, she has been fortunate enough to enter the fort base of several academies. Although it looks similar, but the details still have their own styles.

For example, here in Huaguo, there are dragon and tiger-shaped stainless steel reliefs on both sides of the aisle.

Lifelike, like living things.

"Little Jessica, don't look at anything you shouldn't."

James next to him heard the words, smiled and sarcastically said: "Be careful to make Captain Qian unhappy, but I want to ask you."

"The little girl is very curious, of course you can look at it casually."

Qian Xun disapproved, smiling and sneering: "But if you glance at it, get out of here immediately."


In this regard, Tang Yu could only cover his forehead.

But in the next second, something suddenly happened.

I saw a figure jumping out from the outer passage in front.

With a yellow talisman on the head, indigo skin on the skin, and jumping forward.

This is clearly a jumping family.

"Small, be careful! There are enemies!"

Jessica was the first to respond and took out her own source lamp.

In her cognition, the jumping clan is a monster.

What's the situation?

Why are there monsters in the base of Magic Capital Academy? !

She, who had suffered at the hands of the dancing clan, subconsciously turned on the source light.

As a result, once the hand was raised, it could not be put down again.

Jessica looked sideways and found that Tang Yu had grabbed her wrist and did not move at all.

"That...it seems to be Teacher Li."

In fact, Tang Yu's expression is not very natural now.

She looked at it several times before she recognized Li Pu.

How outrageous is this person in Xindao?

According to the trend, it will not become an energy family one day, right?

"Oh, it's you."

Qian Xun's acceptance is quite high.

Who is Teacher Li of our Imperial College, I have long seen it~www.readwn.com~ Teacher? "

Even the well-informed James could hardly keep calm in front of Li Pu.

When did Hua Guo have a dance teacher?

Didn't I hear about grass and slime before?

And the most important thing is that James perceives that the intensity of the other party's breath is far less than his own.

But what's the matter with the level of solidity that makes you feel threatened?

I'm afraid it's all about to materialize, right?

What a ridiculous jumping family!

"?? Teacher Tang, Captain Qian."

Li Pu has a strong physique, and he only needs two light jumps to cross the 20-meter corridor to reach them.



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