In fact, Team Qin really wanted to set off immediately, leaving a little time for Li Pu and Professor He to deal with the summoning of the Coordinate Array.

Li Pu's work efficiency is also very high, it only took half an hour.

In a dance bar, I found a depressed and drunk Professor He.

Seeing this blushing but excited guy whistling towards the stage, Li Pu felt helpless.

The key is that Professor He, who drank alcohol, didn't recognize anyone, and held Li Pu's and Qin's hands respectively, saying that he wanted to witness their marriage.

So regardless of whether she was happy or not, Li Pu carried him to the back alley by the back of his neck like a chicken.

After gently awakening the secret recipe, Professor He became full of energy.

The taste of drinking has completely faded, but unfortunately the redness on his face will not fade away temporarily. It is estimated that it will take three days or two days.

After completing the binding operations on both sides, Li Pu asked the Qin team to make a call and asked the consortium security team to pick up Professor He.

The two of them were preparing to leave for the location of the copy.

In fact, the place where the copy is located is not too far from here.

Because the province where they are now is geographically remote, the same remote copy is naturally near the border of the province.

But no matter how close you are, you still need transportation.

After the light group is bound, it takes some time to recharge and reset. During this time, Li Pu cannot leave the new world.

In fact, if you go there by helicopter, it will only take about two or three hours.

Qin team, who was hesitant at first, completely dispelled the idea after hearing Li Pu claiming to be able to fly a helicopter.

Just when he suddenly had a headache about how to go, things turned around.

Li Pu, who was standing on the side of the street, was recognized.

The other party was a summoner, and when the summoned beasts surrounded Li Pu, there was a relationship on both sides.

After Li Pu showed the miracle, the man was forced to give a gift to Professor He under the pressure of his summoned beast.

So after a simple exchange between the two sides, Li Pu discovered a fact.

That is, I am in the new world, and it seems that there is no shortage of vehicles at all!

Sure enough, as soon as he said his appeal, half an hour later, a team of over ten flying summoned beasts was assembled in front of him!

"What a god..."

Team Qin stared blankly at the situation and couldn't help but sighed at Li Pu's appeal.

At the same time, I am also sighing, there are so many summoned beasts that are infertile?

But the point is... when his eyes fell somewhere, his eyes became a little indescribable.

The summoner of the angel family, did you come to the wrong studio?

With your body, you can't fit anyone, right?

Could it be that you are greedy for our grandfather Li's hue?

Team Qin felt that there was not much else to say, at least the selected summoned beasts had to be large enough.

At least it can carry two people at the same time, one Li Pu or him, and one summoner himself.

After all, singing pigeons are not suitable for long-term long-distance flight.

So two flying summoned beasts are enough.

And most of the flying summoned beasts are not slow, they are faster than helicopters, and they may arrive in about an hour.

However, under the advice of Team Qin just in case, Li Pu chose three summoned beasts of qualified size.

A large eagle with a wingspan of more than five meters, a yellow dog with huge ears that can fan the wind to the sky, and a cloud turtle with a cloud as its shell.

In fact, what he originally wanted to choose was the mechanical life-type summoned beast with a propeller.

But because he was afraid that the other party would fall apart, he had no choice but to give up.

Besides, nurturing life seems to be a matter of flesh and blood, and a mechanical class does not know what to join in the fun.

So under the envious gaze of the unselected summoned beasts, Li Pu and the others officially set off.

Facts have proved that Qin's suggestion was correct.

Halfway through the journey, the yellow dog Li Pu was riding couldn't hold it any longer.

Panting heavily, its eyes gradually turned red, and it had to land early, and then returned to its original world without even being able to say hello.

Only its summoner was left in this wilderness, with a dazed look on his face.

Then came the eagle, and finally the cloud turtle.

After sending good wishes to the three summoned beasts one after another, Li Pu finally barely reached his destination.

"Climb over the previous mountain, and that's where the copy is."

Qin team, who originally wanted to call his colleagues to pick him up, thought about it, and finally gave up and said, "Let's go over it, let's take it as an exercise."

Li Pu had no objection to this, and he did not do much about climbing the mountain.

However, after reaching the top of the mountain in the past, he used [Demi-God Wings] to fly directly down.

Too bad it doesn't work in the new world, right?


A mountain is separated, in front of the copy light door.

At this time, a temporary camp has been set up here, and the scale does not seem to be small.

In fact, this dungeon didn't appear for a short time, but because the restrictions were too harsh, few summoners challenged it.

More precisely, it is difficult to solicit.

Besides, the threat of monsters in LV15 is not very big, and the garrison team is more willing to wait for them to come out of the dungeon before destroying them.

However, due to the involvement of the consortium, the popularity has suddenly increased.

In a certain board room in the camp, three young people are gathering together.

"Isn't it that the consortium is in a hurry, why haven't we entered the book yet?"

A beautiful girl in a short skirt sat on a chair and complained.

"I heard that there seems to be another team member who hasn't arrived."

The little fat man next to him responded.

On his shoulders, crouched a monkey.

Judging from that petite size, it should be a baby monkey.

But if you look closely, normal people will be startled.

Because this is not a simple monkey, but some kind of mutant monkey.

Its head looks like a bull's head.

But it is not as gentle as the general cattle appearance, on the contrary, it has green face and fangs and horns.

Devil monkey, is its scientific name, usually people used to call this species the bull-headed monkey.

This monster has a very famous feature.

That is, although the upgrade is not fast, they basically have a combat power that exceeds the current level.

"I heard that the player who came in was recommended by the second seat."

When the little fat man surnamed Ai said this, he glanced at the corner of the wall.

There sat the third person in the room, a handsome young man with his eyes closed.

"Second seat? Master Qin?"

The girl also set her sights on the youth and had a hint of admiration.

Which of them here is not a potential elite that the consortium is striving to cultivate.

Especially this young man is the apprentice of the chief summoner of the Tangtang Consortium.

However, the apprentice of the chief's recommendation for the last seat is estimated to have a good show now.


However, at this moment, the earth suddenly shook.

It was as if a cannonball had smashed nearby.

"what's the situation?!"

Fatty Ai immediately bounced up flexibly.

At this time, let alone him, even the handsome young man opened his eyes, revealing vigilant and suspicious eyes.

Could it be that there is a BOSS Warcraft running out?



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