Seeing this, Yamato on the opposite side also quickly summoned his summoned object, known as the existence of Shikigami in the country of small days.

【Bingbing! 】

Then the thick and hollow ancient armor of the Japanese samurai appeared out of thin air, and let out a low voice of urn.


Li Pu felt the breath of the terracotta warriors, which was a bit stronger than when he was on Mermaid Island.

It seems that it is not only him who has improved during this time, but others such as Yamato have not stood still.

When I opened my eyes, it turned out that the armor of the terracotta warriors had a few more lines that were not there before, and the overall texture also changed, which seemed to be of a higher grade.

The audience who watched through the light of the screen made comments at this time.

"Wow! It's actually a summoned object!"

"I'm so envious, I heard that the summoning class is very strong."

"And his terracotta warriors are very durable at a glance."

"It seems that it is going to be real, and I am looking forward to the next battle."

However, just when they focused their attention on the terracotta warriors, an unexpected scene happened.


The first action after the Terracotta Warriors came out was to respectfully bow to Li Pu.

Honestly, it's a bit of a drama.

The original fierce battle is in progress, and it is a few meanings for you to greet the referee with a summoned object.


"Is this summoning so polite?"

"Indeed, this is the first time I've seen a summoned creature that will take the initiative to greet people."

Be polite, that's the only answer the audience can think of.

It's impossible that this summoned creature knew the referee, right?

However, they cleverly avoided the correct answer in this way, and the Terracotta Warriors did remember Li Pu.

After all, the last NONO battle in [Stone Homeland] made it still fresh in his memory, how could he forget this big guy.

I still haven't seen the straw man eldest brother, otherwise, according to the unique worship of summons to summons, it can be made to kneel and lick directly.


The young Asan boy on the other end shouted loudly when he saw the Terracotta Warriors appear.

Look at that posture, it must be something like a declaration that he will not lose to Yamato.

So I saw his two skinny arms spread out, and then slammed together.


The crisp applause sounded, and the originally surging energy aura exploded directly.

call out! xN

Light and shadow flashed across his body, and the young Asan suddenly had more than a dozen clones.

This scene, in terms of visual impact, is much stronger than the Terracotta Warriors, and the audience was also surprised.

"This, is this a clone skill?!"

"And there are so many!"

"Amazing, my [LV1 True Eye] can't tell the truth from the fake."

"It feels like it's dangerous over there in the small days."

Soon, public opinion began to tilt towards the side of Asan.

For Li Pu, this is naturally what he hopes to see.

If Yamato doesn't get into trouble, how can he return the favor?

Of course, he's a neutral, unmarked referee.

There is no time yet, so I can't help Yamato for the time being...

oh no

It is temporarily impossible to manipulate the results of the game...

Not right either.

Anyway, just keep watching.

However, Yamato is not that weak, on the contrary, he is very strong.

The audience is not optimistic about themselves, just because they don't understand enough.

"Human sea tactics, do you think it will work for me?"

At this time, the corners of his mouth rose, and he gave instructions to the Terracotta Warriors with confidence.

【Bingbing! 】


So the terracotta warriors knocked on the armor on the chest, and then the whole body stiffened into a petrified state.

"Bala?!" xN

All of a sudden, those Asan rushed towards the Terracotta Warriors with red eyes.

This is the [taunting] state, and they temporarily lose control of themselves.

After the Terracotta Warriors activate their skills, although they will enter the [Petrochemical] state, their armor has also been greatly improved.

Ouch! Ouch!

-1, -1, -1...

Asan and his clone punched the stone armor, and all of them were scraping.

His weapons are palm prints.

A mark that can be attached to the palm of the hand. Although this type of weapon mainly focuses on punching and kicking, the damage is mostly attribute attack or spell damage.

For example, Young Asan's palm print is an attack with the water attribute.

The water attribute happens to be restrained by the soil and rock attributes of the stone skin.

In addition, it will be greatly weakened after the clone, so there will be an embarrassing situation like scraping.

"Eat me a big fire shot!"

Yamato, who succeeded, had a happy expression on his face, and pulled out the emerald green bow and arrow hanging from his back.

I have to say that this wave of Asan's clone was hit at the muzzle of the gun.

Terracotta Warriors are good at group control, while Yamato is good at group attack, and the power is greatly increased when paired together.

call out! xN

The red light condensed, followed by a large number of rocket arrows.

[LV3 Fire Arrow Rain] is the name of this skill.

So those arrows with flames really slanted down like rain.

This scene made the audience's mouth slightly open.

It is true that the majestic momentum of this Fire Arrow Rain has a very impactful effect.

But what they care more about is that the referee is also within the shroud of Huo Yayu.

It's not that Dahe boldly wants to attack the referee, but the referee himself is too arrogant and stands too close to the battle circle!

You must know that the referee also linked the PK crystal, so there will be no danger to life, but if you really want to be shot, it will also hurt!

However, the situation that followed was even more astonishing.

The audience was surprised to find that those rocket arrows avoided Li Pu as if they were deliberately doing it.

It was just a circle of arrow holes left on the edge of the open space where he was standing!

"Excellent archery!"

"This control of skills is simply incredible!"

Someone on the stage immediately exclaimed, obviously no one would naively think that the referee was lucky.

"Superb ass..."

But the actual situation is that Yamato blushed a little, but he knew how much he weighed.

The reason why he is unscrupulous is just because he believes that Li Jun is strong and will not care about the damage of this mere rain of AOE arrows.

In terms of shock, he was the one who was the most shocked.

Because the result was even more exaggerated than I imagined, so many arrows actually missed Li Jun!


Li Pu, who was standing still, looked calm and felt the slightly hot air around him.

He had foreseen this scene just now.

It's just that I didn't expect that the talent of [Rain Man] is really a bit of a rogue, and even Huo Yayu can dodge.

Next time you have a chance, should you try the meteor shower?


On the other hand, Ah San Juvenile did not feel so well.

Although there is only one real body, he was still shot by several arrows, and his blood volume was suddenly reduced by a small amount.

However, it may be that the damage will release the control, and at this time he finally gets out of the [taunt] state.

The distance was widened again, and this time even further.


The energy surged from his body, and an aura that was even more powerful than before was ready to go.

He wants to use stronger moves!


Li Pu, who sensed this situation, had a happy expression on his face.

Is the other party going to use the trump card, will the Yamato brothers be yellow?



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