If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 565: Test tasks before departure

The waves were frozen together with the sea surface, resulting in an instant solution to the tsunami problem that was a huge threat.

But Li Pu felt a little out of the way.

It is true that the magic milk's means are very powerful.

But this way of performance is somewhat surprising, not as tall as imagined.

"My mission has been completed, and it's up to you guys."

The voice of the magic milk sounded again, urging everyone below to act quickly.

This kind of spectacular picture that is enough to change the natural phenomenon should have left more time for everyone to marvel, but it is obviously not possible right now.

"Let's go too."

As a teacher of Magic Capital Academy, Tang Yu naturally had to actively respond to the call of magic milk.

So under her guidance, the team arrived at the designated temporary camp in the thirteenth war zone.

When they reported to the camp, Lahiri personally greeted them.

"Mr. Tang, Teacher Li."

Before World of Warcraft, he didn't care about personal festivals, so he shook hands with everyone very seriously.

Originally, he was the commander of the district and the first combat force, so he did not need to meet a small team in person.

It can only be said that Tang Yu's team self-assessment is too amazing to write.

The level distribution of this wave of Warcraft is very uneven, ranging from LV20 to LV50.

30 LV30 elite monsters, if you don't think too carefully, can be converted into a LV40 boss or a LV50 general monster.

A squad of this level is enough to become an elite sharp-edged troop in any war zone.

But when he saw Li Pu, Lahiri got the answer.

Although it was only a brief contact before, he could feel that the opponent's strength was definitely not bad.

Coupled with the words of Tang Yu, a well-known teacher, the two teamed up with the remaining 8 team members, and they did have this level.

"You can arrange the specific tasks, this team can give enough trust."

He turned to the adjutant for orders.

The commander can't do everything by himself, he only needs to make the final decision.

The adjutants of each theater are talents who have received corresponding training and can complete various strategic deployments well.


The blond male adjutant nodded and led Li Pu and the others out.

"Everyone, please."

Before going out, Lahiri's voice came from behind.

This made Li Pu's perception of this person a little higher, and everyone was united in front of Warcraft.

A few steps away, the adjutant took everyone to a larger tent.

Here, there is a precise chart.

The coastal terrain and corresponding sea areas of the entire 13th theater are clearly visible.

"Everyone, this is the area we need to clear up."

The adjutant took this chart and introduced: "It was shot and zoomed in real time with a satellite, and the authenticity is 90%."

His words are very particular. "Qing and suppression" has the meaning of taking the initiative to attack, rather than "defense" and "defense" such defensive words.

Because if you blindly defend, it is very likely that those monsters will get more opportunities to act.

Assuming that a small number of these massive monsters bypass the defense line, or even bypass the entire artificial island of the Magic Capital Academy, it will pose a great threat to the magic capital behind the island.

Therefore, it is the real meaning of their mission to wipe out the monsters with the fastest speed within their ability.

Another hidden message in the adjutant's words is "90% authenticity."

To know that satellite shooting, and it is still in real time, it should not only be 90%.

"and many more."

And Tang Yu obviously found this too, pointed to the chart and asked, "Why are there so many islands?"

"In my impression, there are no small islands or reefs in this sea area."

As one of the teachers who led the team to the sea most frequently at the Magic Capital Academy, let alone this temporary thirteenth war zone, she memorized all the charts around the Magic Capital Academy by heart.

These islands created out of thin air are obviously not likely to be low-level errors in operations.

"Mr. Tang is right. In fact, we just received the news."

The adjutant nodded and said with a slightly dignified expression: "This time's Warcraft may not be the same as the previous global conference."

"They are not completely brainless, on the contrary, they also have some intelligence or nesting instinct."

"These islands are all the footholds they made."

The relevant intelligence personnel only completed the instrument exploration not long ago. Although these footholds do not seem to move and do not pose a direct threat, they add up to a large area.

This ability to create land is very rare in beasts.

What's more, such a batch phenomenon and very rapid generation is unheard of today.

But when Li Pu heard this, he was slightly relieved.

Of course he doesn't worry about himself, with the talent [mermaid skin], he can breathe through his skin even in water.

But the eldest nephew and the others obviously can't do it, and their actions in the water will be hindered, which will greatly weaken their combat effectiveness.

Now that there is a foothold, it may not only be beneficial to Warcraft.

"Since the commander said hello, then I will assign this area to you."

After explaining the situation, the adjutant pointed the pole to one of the largest beast-built islands and its surrounding waters.

"The A2 area is the second most difficult area to clear out of the Thirteenth War Zone."

"Judging from the life intensity detected by the instrument, the average level of Warcraft is around LV30, which is also in line with your team."

According to Lahiri's arrangement, the adjutant intends to treat the squad in front of him as the most elite unit in the theater.

"What's the hardest?"

However, the eldest nephew seemed a little dissatisfied with this arrangement.

The second most difficult area?

Are you looking down on my uncle?

Still look down on Li Pu?

"The hardest part is this A10 area."

Perhaps guessing what the other party was thinking, the adjutant pointed to another place and smiled and said, "Although the area is not large, it has been detected that there is a rare LV35 elite."

"So for safety's sake, Commander Lahiri will lead a few second-grade teachers there."

It can be seen that the importance attached to this LV35 rare elite is very high. You must know that Tang Yu is only the best in the third gear, and there is still a little gap between the second gear, so she is not even qualified to enter the team.

"The rare elite of LV35?!"

Hearing this, Jessica was immediately shocked.

"What's the matter? Don't you all feel terrible?"

As a result, she looked around and found that she was the only one in the team who lost her temper.

Others, all have a look of indifference.

Is this team so indifferent?

Suddenly ~www.readwn.com~ she felt that she had found the wrong partner.

But how could she have imagined that other people's reactions were not because Li Pu was in the team.

Rare elite of LV35?

It's almost the same as a rare boss.

"It's not too late, if you're ready, you can go right now."

The adjutant here is not very busy, and has already begun to urge them.

"But before the official departure, you still have a task."

"This mission can be seen as a practical test of your abilities."

"If it can't be done, I will revoke the order in the A2 area."

"So, please come with me."



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