A3 area island, east side.

Tang Yu and the others landed in the air again, and this time they clearly felt the presence of monsters.

"No, why are there fewer people?"

But Tang Yu, who was the captain, nodded and found that the numbers were wrong.

Teacher Li Pu went on his own. Teacher Li Xue was killed in the air. It stands to reason that there should be 10 heads in the team, but now there are only 9.

"Oh, Brother Hanyu just contacted me."

The eldest nephew stood up and explained at the right time.

"He was still floating in the sky and didn't come down."

"It is said that the parachute is being controlled now, and it is planned to land directly to A3."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be speechless.

However, the few people here at Duokai are a little accustomed to it, and they have already seen the essence of Hanyu.

According to his ability, I am afraid that he can play the parachute into a flying machine.

If they quickly clear the monsters and head to the next A4 island, maybe that guy will land there instead.

In short, the final landing destination should be the coastal base camp.

"Okay, then let's get started."

Tang Yu covered his forehead, too lazy to pursue it.

【Hoohoo! ]xN

At this moment, the roar of monsters sounded not far away, expressing serious dissatisfaction with this group of guys who invaded their territory.

These beasts have different shapes, and in terms of appearance, they are nothing more than beasts such as lions, tigers, wolves and leopards with enlarged versions.

But one thing in common is that their tails are all scorpion needle tails.

"There are quite a few."

Duo Kai looked at the besieging monster, eager to play a sword flower.

"Be careful, there seems to be a BOSS-level monster hidden here."

Tang Yu's perception was not bad, and he immediately reminded everyone when he found something.

"Then leave the boss to me."

Duo Kai, on the other hand, was full of confidence and directly assigned the task: "The miscellaneous soldiers will be handed over to the little straw bag and the big bear, the eldest nephew will be the main milk + detoxification, and the sister will assist the milk output."

【Grass! 】

"Received." x3

Several people who cooperated tacitly agreed.

On the other hand, the twins on the big day are dignified.

This level and number of magical beasts are not comparable to the vast Mermaid Island back then. Even if the two of them are experienced, they must be treated with caution.

Equally serious, there was Jessica.

She herself, to be honest, has never encountered a monster of this size.

In the test mission just now, I couldn't fully understand the strength of my teammates, and now it's more or less bottomless.

"But luckily, it's still there."

Thinking of the grass figurine teacher who was able to beat Slanka violently, she felt somewhat relieved.


But when he looked over, he found that the other party was no longer there.

【Grass! 】

She hurriedly followed the sonorous reprimand, and saw that the grass figurine had already landed in the monster pile with great momentum, and initiated a... kowtow.


Jessica couldn't help but be speechless when she pulled her hips.

But the reactions of others were quite normal.

Even the brothers and sisters Da and Xiaoju have seen how powerful this guy is.

In order for the straw man to be able to help the team better, Li Pu brought it [LV3 Thunder Power].

The first use of this skill made the straw man excited.

Boom! x16

Bang! x16

At this moment, as the straw man landed, sixteen large rock pillars suddenly rose up around it.

These big rock pillars lifted all the magical beasts in the range to the sky, and the thunderbolt that appeared out of thin air just fell down.

-340, -321, -624! , -303...

A bunch of dense numbers fell out.

The average level of Warcraft present is only about 30. The ones with more HP still have about one-third left, and the ones with less HP are instantly killed on the spot.

"What kind of damage is this?!"

Seeing this scene, Jessica was shocked.

So this is the strength of the grass figurine teacher?

Now she fully understands.

It's really not wrong for Slanka to be beaten!

Just this damage, adding two or three more to him will end the same way!

And the composite special effects of thunder attribute + rock attribute are also fully displayed at this time.

The beasts who were not killed in seconds fell to the ground, all fell into the state of [petrification], and their bodies shook slightly but could not break free for the time being.

Especially those ordinary monsters with low resistance, they turned into stones and couldn't even move, and they didn't know how long they would be petrified.

"I haven't seen you for many days, Cao Jun has become stronger..."

Yamato, who was standing at the back, sighed.

【Bingbing! 】

And the terracotta warriors who have been summoned by him are beating on the chest of the armor and cheering for the big brother.

"When Cao Jun becomes stronger, it means that Li Jun also becomes stronger."

Xiaoju was excited, and at the same time felt a little regretful, she seemed to be pulled further and further away by Li Pu.


At this moment, the wild laughter on the other end also attracted the attention of several people.

Looking around, he saw that Duo Kai was waving his long sword with sparkling electric lights, shuttling in the group of beasts.

【Hoohoo! 】

A big bull BOSS with a scorpion tail is fighting with her.

As for the mobs next to her, she was directly ignored by her.

These guys are just superimposing the existence of dodging buffs on themselves.


The words of successful evasion made her attack speed faster and faster.

Even if [Boom Knight Sword] originally had a low chance of triggering thunder and lightning, it became very frequent at high attack speed.

As for the blood loss caused by being hit, the eldest nephew can be too full with a small mouthful of milk.

However, his detoxification skills have a CD, so now Duokai's whole person is green, and he drops a small number of poison damage at a fixed frequency.

"It turns out that Kianjun is that strong?"

Yamato was surprised by Dokai's performance.

He immediately simulated it, and found that he didn't seem to be his opponent?

And the number of attacks... make people want to clamp their legs.

"Brother, we can't lose either."

Perhaps seeing through her brother's thoughts, Xiao Ju commanded the flaming unicorn while fighting.

【Ouch! 】

The majestic unicorn beast roared and rushed into the group of monsters.

Its roar sounded like a horn of attack, and the rest of the team began to use their own means.


The Thirteenth Theater, Command.

"Sir, this squad is really a real elite soldier."

In the split-screen monitoring of many teams, the adjutant stared at the picture from Tang Yu's watch.

"Well, but don't forget, their team is not complete yet."

Lahiri nodded.

He specifically called up the location map of the A2 team on his screen.

At this time, there are only 8 signals on the island of A3, and another signal that has no sense of existence is slowly moving at a constant speed between A2 and A3.

As for the signal representing Li Pu, it was lost for a while after the unknown explosion.

"Sir, the A1 squad leader requests a call!"

At this moment, the liaison officer suddenly issued an application.


The adjutant was stunned for a moment~www.readwn.com~ signaled the connection.

The A1 team should have almost reached the island in the A1 area at this time. I don't know what is the unexpected situation to connect the call now.

[Hey, hey, can you hear me? 】

So on the communication screen, a thin and thin black brother of the diamond country soon appeared, who was the captain of the A1 team.

Before waiting for the adjutant to answer the call, the other party quickly continued to speak.

[That, Commander]

[Is the exploration instrument broken? 】

[There are no monsters on the A1 island! 】


The adjutant was taken aback.

Why do today's detection instruments always fail?



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