
Hearing this, Fu Dui'er couldn't help but look at Lahiri.

Wouldn't it be too dangerous to explore alone in such a level of labyrinth of Warcraft?

"Okay, but you have to be careful."

But in contrast, Lahiri is obviously more confident in Li Pu.

"No problem, just wait in place and don't walk around."

Li Pu even confessed to each other in turn.

Lahiri nodded in understanding.

In this environment, it is really not a good thing to get separated. It is a good strategy for one party to act and the other to wait in place.


So Li Pu also released his [moving light] and made preparations.

Anyway, both ends of this passage are straight, and the extension of perception will be hindered and affected, and the length will not exceed 50 meters.

According to the current perception, it seems that there is no difference.

So Li Pu chose one side at random, and then strode forward.

After a while, his figure disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"This teacher Li Pu, I'm afraid it's not easy."

Lahiri spoke slowly when there was no movement at the other end.

Now all they can do is wait, so they are in the mood to slowly smooth their minds.


Fu Dui'er didn't have much insight, and only wondered: "When the casual poker game was set up before, it really seemed that those Chinese bigwigs had a good attitude towards him."

"So what does Mr. Lahiri think he is now?"

The squad is almost gone now, so she doesn't call the captain anymore.

"I can't say for sure, but it should be fast or already in the first gear."

Lahiri didn't actually see anything, so it's all just speculation.

"First gear???"

As a result, this guess made Fu Dui'er stunned.

What is the concept of Tier 1? As Tier 1, she is already one of the top ten qualifiers in Lionfish Country.

"In fact, apart from him, I have other discoveries at this global conference."

Lahiri didn't shy away from Fu Dui'er, and suddenly remembered a certain figure: "That newcomer in Huaguo, no, more accurately, it shouldn't be called a newcomer, but a new grass, and also a first-class."

There are actually many teachers who can bully Slanka, but if you want to completely suppress it, remember to unilaterally beat him, but it is not so easy.

There are still doubts about Li Pu's judgment, but he is quite sure about that person's judgment.

"You mean, the straw man referee?"

Of course, Fu Dui'er knew who the new grass was referring to, the grass-man who the Chinese country didn't know where to find it.

As for the grass figurine, she only treated it as a novelty before.

I didn't expect that Teacher Lahiri would give the other party such a high evaluation.

"Hua Guo really has a low profile..."

After thinking about it carefully, she couldn't help sighing: "Mr. Li Pu, the straw man referee, these are all brand new faces, and I have never seen them before."

To know that the first level of combat power has the potential to be promoted to the top level, in fact, there are not many on Blue Star.

Basically, every one of them knows each other.

The appearance of Li Pu and the grass figurine at the same time, especially since they both belonged to the Chinese kingdom, surprised Fu Du'er.

Especially Mr. Li Pu, who looks young, is a master with infinite potential.

"Well, and it is estimated that there are not many people who are optimistic about Teacher Li Pu."

Lahiri nodded, agreeing with the other party's statement.

That is, he was able to observe some clues because of the small friction in the arena and the convenience of the commander of the 13th theater.

But in fact, Lahiri is more interested in the straw man.

A more accurate statement is that he is more interested in grass people on behalf of Cocoa.

Li Pu looked like a genuine Chinese, and there was basically no possibility of winning.

But the straw man is different. No one has ever seen the straw man have a nationality. Maybe if he does what he likes, he might even be able to pull the cocoa country.

Of course, the more important thing now is to solve the hidden dangers of Warcraft.

When this is over, you can try it.


In the depths of the labyrinth passage, Li Puzheng walked slowly with the [Hanxian Mirror] in his hand.

On the other hand, it is equipped with [Flying Light Crocodile Bite].

Perception is blocked here, but it does not mean that it is completely ineffective.

The reason why he slowed down was because he had already noticed the existence of demon beasts.

Don't look at how quiet the passage is now, but he knows very well that there are many monsters lurking just 10 meters away from him.

Their breath intensity is not low, all above LV35.

The same solidity is also very high, a proper elite level.

If he encountered monsters with this density in the past, Li Pu would immediately rush up to shoot the floor.

But now he still needs to be careful. He is worried that he will cause unnecessary trouble if he makes too much noise.

【Squeak! 】

When he stepped into the warning range of the monster group, the nearest monster immediately responded.

It was a single scorpion tail growing on a black brick wall, exactly the same as the tails of those scorpion-tailed beasts I had encountered before.

However, the size is larger and the strength is stronger.

"Not strong enough."

Li Pu only shook his head slightly, and avoided the side of his body.

At the same time, the cold light flashed, and the sword fell.



The scorpion shell, which should have been very hard, was cut like tofu under the blade of the [Han Immortal Mirror].

After the scorpion tail was directly cut off, it fell to the ground, and began to drift into blue light while struggling slightly.

"The speed is very fast, and the attack power should be high, but it belongs to the type with low blood volume."

Li Pu sensed this scene and made a judgment.

Only 300 HP can kill in seconds, which is relatively fragile among LV35 elites.

But for him, this is good news.

Because the speed is fast, but it can't be faster than yourself.

High attack power is useless, can't hit at all.


However, when he took the time to check the panel and wanted to calculate how much experience points this magical beast could provide, he was stunned.

Because of this scorpion tail, there is no experience point at all.

"It doesn't make sense."

He recalled his experience inside the Insect Emperor Fortress, which was not the case.

【Squeak! 】

As a result, at this moment, another scorpion tail was born in the same place just now.


Li Pu was a little surprised by this~www.readwn.com~ stepped back again and again: "Is that so?"

As soon as they got out of the range, the other scorpion tails that had already stood up to attack, all returned to a calm state.

He thought for a while, then drew his sword and slashed at the wall next to him.


The strong anti-vibration sensation made his palms numb slightly, and the black brick wall was actually much harder than he imagined.

If you can't destroy the wall, how can you really destroy these monsters?

This question stumped Li Pu.

[Hohohoho, it seems that you have encountered a problem]

The long-lost voice rang at the right time.

It was Yuhuo.



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