Its body is not rigid at all.

Not to say that it is riddled with holes, but at least it can be said that it is leaking everywhere, no, it is airy.

call out! xN

I saw a large number of scorpion needles pierced towards the grass man, and it also shouted in cooperation.

【Grass~? 】

Standing on the spot, it even stretched out its nostrils that didn't really exist, giving it a feeling of invincibility.

The scorpion tail attack originally had a poison attribute special effect, but since it was completely evaded, even that special effect could not be attached to it.

As I said before, the straw man encountered the scorpion tail group when he was acting alone.

It came to Li Pu abruptly with its own feet, but it was only for walking.

This maze currently poses no threat to it.

"Is there such a principle?"

Looking at the pile of MISSMISSMISS, Lahiri was stunned.

This was something he had never imagined, it was simply too human.

But unfortunately, the other party is not really human.

"Li, awesome!"

And Fu Dui'er was also stunned.

The attack power is very high, and it is not afraid of the attack of monsters.

Isn't that grass figurine teacher invincible in this maze?

"You're still a long way off."

Only Li Pu would not be accustomed to this guy serving cups.

He could have punched a few more punches, but he had to let the scorpion tail attack him.

It's not a cup, it's not pragmatic at all.

He knew that although the scorpion tail could not pose a threat to the grass figurine, the grass figurine also had little to do with them.

But Li Pu couldn't say it, and if he said it, he would be exposed.

Just now he secretly brushing monsters will be exposed.

So just let the straw man continue to waste his energy.

"Teacher Grass Man, I'll help you too!"

At this moment, Fu Dui'er let out a coquettish drink and took out his weapon.

Li Pu couldn't help but looked up curiously. It was a pure white scepter of shoulder height. It seemed that this was a right-handed player who was hurting his way.

woohoo hoo...

As Fu Dui'er raised his staff, a directional suction suddenly appeared in the labyrinth space where the air flowed smoothly.

The hairs on Li Pu's skin stood up slightly, not because he was afraid of anything.

It was caused by that suction, and the air seemed to be rushing towards the top of the staff.

A blue-white wind pill is condensing under the guidance of Fu Dui'er.

It was only a few breaths in time, and the diameter of the wind pill was more than one meter.

The wind blade contained in it is running around, but it has never been out of control.

"Mr. Fu's strength is still very good."

Lahiri next to him watched this scene and secretly applauded.

As the leader of the first-tier combat power, the opponent recognized his strength, otherwise he would not have been appointed as the vice-captain among the crowd.

From the momentum of the wind attribute attack alone, it can be seen that the strength is extraordinary.

The weakness of mage guards is that they will be vulnerable if they guide for too long, but their power after the guide is completely can not be underestimated.

And the scorpion tail fixed on the wall in front of him is obviously the best target for this type of attack.

call out! xN

So I saw Feng Wan suddenly disintegrate, turning into a large number of wind blades and attacking those scorpion tails.

【Squeak! ]xN

Obviously there is no mouth, but many scorpion tails were cut off and screamed again and again.

As long as it withstands more than three wind blades, all of them are cut to pieces and begin to disintegrate into blue light.

【Grass! 】

The grass man made a cry on the spot.

"How about the grass man teacher, I'm okay with this hand."

Fu Dui'er wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and showed a smile that didn't fall behind.

She was shocked by the power of the grass figurine teacher's basic attack, and now it is time for the opponent to express her shock to her group attack method.


But among those present, only Li Pu understood the meaning of the straw man.

This guy is afraid of being cut by the wind blade.

After all, it is not afraid of being stabbed, but of being cut.

As for this group of attack methods, in the eyes of the grass people, it is far less than that kowtow-style thunder.

And at this point, Lahiri can no longer continue to be an audience.

With a flick of his hands, two daggers appeared in his hands.

Then those scorpion tails were slashed by him, and their attack power was no less than Li Pu's.

On the contrary, Li Pu remained indifferent and just stood there.

[Xiaocao, you can't do this]

At this time, You Huo, who had been standing beside him the whole time, finally couldn't stand it any longer.

She told Li Pu how to destroy the black wall, and she had seen similar renewable beasts.

If you don't directly destroy their foundation, you need to kill them frequently to really eliminate them, which is a trick.

But that is not only inefficient, but also consumes a lot of physical strength.

【Grass? 】

Although the grass figurine hasn't broken a hundred at present, as Li Pu's summoned beast, it is a relatively special existence and can see and hear You Huo.

For these words, it expressed doubts.

However, as the battle situation continued to develop, Lahiri and Fu Duier soon discovered clues.

"Something's wrong, why can't these beasts be killed?"

Don't look at her group attack is very happy, in fact, it consumes a lot of mental and physical strength, not to mention that she is the weakest one in the field.

"They will regenerate."

Lahiri frowned, expressing his findings.

In fact, because he also knew about renewable beasts, he discovered even more.

That is, the wall is extremely solid, and its own attack cannot cause damage to it at all.

Using some of the more powerful skills can only make small scratches or potholes.

But in this way, he thought of a terrible fact.

How did those potholes on the wall come about?

I originally thought it was caused by Li Pu, but now that I think about it, it seems completely impossible.

But could it really be someone else?

Other sub-top or top-level combat power?

In contrast, Lahiri prefers the latter.

Because he himself is a sub-top grade, and in this grade, he is already the type that is more aggressive.

Even he can't cause too effective damage to the black wall, and the results of other sub-top grades can be imagined.

Sure enough, the rare BOSS of LV45 is extraordinary, and it is so difficult to deal with the epiphytic monsters alone.

I don't know how to solve it if the core is really found.

"Mr. Lahiri, what should we do now?"

The attacking action in his hand did not stop, and Fu Dui'er asked.

"Keep attacking."

Lahiri could only answer in a low voice.

The only way now is to spend it hard with But Li Pu couldn't bear to watch this situation.

Not to mention wasting their physical strength, but also a waste of time.

If this continues, if we encounter a few more waves of monsters, when will we be able to find the core?

Time is imminent.

The core is waiting, oh no, the people trapped in the maze are waiting to be rescued.

"Let the trouble go, I'll do it."

So he stepped forward and took out his long sword.

He is about to start.




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