"This momentum...!"

In the top-tier team, some people immediately noticed the scorpion-tailed dragon that was gaining momentum.

First of all, the size of this beast is shocking enough, and then the surging momentum on its body at this time is even more eye-catching.

The team is full of battle-hardened masters, who can't see that this is preparing to make a big move?

"Be careful!"

When his eyes moved to Li Pu, someone on the spot reminded him loudly.

Why does this young man look like a stunned young man, he is still attacking the boss without taking a defensive or evasive posture at this time?

Huh? !

This time Zhang Si. What kind of damage is this horse riding? ? ?

But almost instantly, their attention was drawn to the exaggerated damage.




Especially when Li Pu Yifa's [LV3 Guoguo Profound Truth] + [LV3 Anti-Foot Kill] + [LV3 Madecia] slashed a critical strike, the two added up to nearly 2W of damage, which directly looked silly to everyone present.

This also includes Lahiri and the others. It turned out that what I saw before was not full force? !

Can you still make a stronger basic attack? !

"Who is this, how is it so strong?!"

There are some top-tier players who don't care about the global conference, so they didn't recognize this young man who has been in the limelight recently.

But looking at the pure Chinese appearance, he couldn't help looking at Qian Xun immediately.

We all know more or less about Hua Guo's hidden strength, and I recognize this.

But what are you doing here, why do you seem to have cultivated a monster? !

Look at his age!

Can you tell me how to grow it!

Our country wants it too!

At this moment, in front of so many top-notch files from various countries, Li Pu finally couldn't hide it.

No matter what the Chinese bigwigs want to temporarily cover him for, they are destined to fail.

But they didn't expect that Li Pu's strength had reached this point.

With such strength, in fact, he is no longer afraid of any possible potential crooked thoughts.

At this time, there was more than one person looking at Qian Xun with questioning eyes, and it was obvious that everyone had the same idea.

As for the conspicuous three skill bars, they were automatically ignored.

After all, although three-professional carriers are rare, they are not absent.

What's more concerning is the terrifying injury.

"Don't run away!"

But Qian Xun completely ignored the crowd and directly reminded Li Pu loudly.

Because the scorpion-tailed dragon had clearly reached the final step in its momentum.

Qian Xun and Li Pu fought side by side. In fact, he also knew that he had a method to make his shirt stronger. Now that he is so strong, it should be due to the increase in his own strength and his skills.

But he didn't think that in this state, Li Pu had the means to withstand the full blow of the LV45 Elite Warcraft.

After all, the attribute points of the guard are limited, and the price of attacking incomparably powerful must be weakness in other aspects, such as physique.

After all, Li Pu is not yet a real boss, at most it is only comparable in the short term.

The above are all Qian Xun's personal thoughts.

Of course, after being called by him like that, everyone else paid attention to the past and thought the same thing.

No one thought Li Pu could withstand this blow.

Especially the three people on Lahiri's side, they were worried at the same time but also afraid.

Because of the first wave of fights just now, they had already beaten the scorpion-tailed dragon to the point where the blood volume was approaching the critical line.

It turns out that the other party still has such a big move waiting. I have to say that Li Pu's call to stop before was extremely wise.

But now, now why did he choose to bear it alone?

This question cannot be answered by the three of them.

In the face of such momentum and coercion, even Qian Xun and the others did not dare to go forward and force it.

"Let's go together!"

However, Qian Xun is not without options. One person can't do it, but a team is possible.

In particular, he knows that James has a trick to press the bottom of the box, which can temporarily form a whole for ten people to resist damage.

"do not come!"

But Li Pu immediately called to stop this behavior.

Just kidding, wouldn't he be held responsible for the accident later?

As for his own safety, in fact, he never worried about it from the beginning to the end.

It's not because a straw man died, but because the opponent's big move has long been seen through by him!


At this time, I saw the electric light on the dragon's mouth gather, condensing into a radiant ball.


Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The next second it took shape, it turned into a thunder pillar and slashed straight at Li Pu.

"Ah!" xN

Everyone present exclaimed in surprise, especially Li Shijia and Heguo man, two people with strong perception, whose faces were even paler.

Because they felt that the scorpion-tailed dragon's full-strength attack for a long time was already comparable to a boss-level attack!

The thunder column fell to the ground, causing the entire maze to vibrate violently. Everyone didn't know whether their feet were following the vibration, or whether they were shaking because of fear.


At this time, Qian Xun regretted it.

I regretted why I became obsessed just now, and obeyed Li Pu's drink.

With this momentum, can one person bear it?

At this moment, his face was ashen.

The future of China is gone like this?

Will the bosses take me to the funeral?

Or am I going to apologize first?

Qian Xun's face was lit up by the electric light, and Qian Xun was completely lost.

The scorpion-tailed dragon on that head was actually not feeling well.

It still maintained its posture and did not move, and the thunder pillars continued to fall.

Such a powerful blow actually does not belong to the level that it can release ~www.readwn.com~, so the price is indispensable.

And the price is that the blood volume also continues to decrease.

But what really made it want to cry without tears was that the big move that he tried so hard to release, why didn't it seem to work? !

Yes, it is perceptible as a releaser.

The indifferent figure in the thunder column.

But the scorpion-tailed dragon doesn't believe in evil, it's impossible!

1 minute, so Lei Zhu lasted for a full minute.

When the blood volume dropped to only one-third remaining, it was exhausted.

【belch! 】

There was a hiccup in the dragon's mouth, and Lei Zhu stopped abruptly.

"It's my time."

Just as Lei Zhu disappeared, Li Pu spoke.

He just stood there so well, not even messing up his hair.

Even feel full of energy.

[Electric Potential Energy]: Immune to electrical damage, not affected by its special effects, and recovers a proper amount of skill when attacked by electrical properties

After being hacked for so long, his skills have long been full.

"What the **** is going on here?"

For a time, the audience was dumbfounded.

Compared with the exaggerated attack power, being able to withstand a boss-level attack without injury is the most shocking.

"Monster, monster!"

James' lips trembled as he uttered these two words.

You must know that what you think in your heart is different from what you say in person.

Make a big tyrant. Saying it with your mouth represents an absolute acknowledgment.

He never imagined that the young man who had a relationship at the Magic Capital Academy base would be so strong!

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, Li Pu has already become famous.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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