If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 598: Virtual and real dual core

Latest URL: "Indeed."

At this time, the man from Heguo agreed with some of Qian Xun's opinions.

"Apart from me, you can't guarantee that you won't get lost."

"If we split up, I'm afraid I'll have to find them one by one."

In this regard, he does have a voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the team looked ashamed. Heguo men were an indispensable role along the way. If not, they would definitely have to take a lot of detours.

But if they didn't split up, it would be a bit unrealistic to search for all the lingers in such a big maze.

Just like what Qian Xun said, Chi Zesheng changed, who knows if there will be any accidents in the blocking work of the outside world.

However, the words of the man in the Heguo actually expressed another meaning, that is, he did not agree to split up, it was just that he did not agree to split up, and he did not agree to challenge the core.

"I totally stand for Captain Qian."

However, at this moment, James, who had not spoken, spoke.

This situation, to be honest, surprised others.

Because although it can be seen that his attitude has changed now, in fact, this guy used to be the opposite of Qian Xun.

Unexpectedly, the first person who jumped out in agreement was actually him.

But James is not the kind of person who speaks casually. His speech is based on basis, and his attitude will not change because of the change in Qian Xun.

"I actually observed it carefully just now."

So under the watchful eyes of everyone, he spoke in a eloquent manner.

"I believe that everyone has heard of the dual-core architectural monsters, and some people have even encountered them."

"But I believe there is one, and I'm afraid you don't know about it."

"That's the dual core of virtual and real."

"As the name suggests, one of the cores is actually illusory."

"It's a coincidence, I've encountered it before."

"The biggest feature of the virtual and real dual-core is that it cannot distinguish between true and false, even if the perception is high."

Having said that, James looked at the man in the river country.

The meaning is obvious.

You've been tricked, buddy.

"That is to say, this labyrinth of Warcraft may not be as difficult to overcome as we thought."

"Because what we need to face is just a core."

After speaking, James looked around the crowd.

"But how do you prove that this is a virtual and real dual-core?"

Sure enough, someone immediately raised a question.

"It's not easy, isn't the guardian beast just now the best proof?"

As a result, there was another top-notch answer, who happened to have heard of the virtual and real dual-core.

"The normal dual core, the guardian beast is also double."

"But one of the dragons just now was a phantom."

"I just said how weird it is, I can't remember it."

He also came over after being reminded by James.

Just what James said alone is not so credible, but two people are different.

What's more, the top-ranked rusher was from Xiong Country, a big country that didn't like Ugly Country very much.

It is impossible for the two to collude, and there is no reason to collude.

Therefore, when Xiong Nation's top-level combat power said that, everyone believed it.

"But you said it just now, the virtual and real dual-core can't be distinguished."

At this time, the man from Heguo raised his objection again: "If we can't tell the difference, how can we judge which is true and which is false, and then conquer it?"


This question stumped James.

The last time he encountered the virtual and real dual-core architectural monsters, he actually chose the real core by chance, and he had no relevant judgment experience.

"Then according to which door came out the real dragon, can't you judge?"

Questions were raised.

"Oh, if that's the case, it's really too simple."

Xiongguo's top file directly denied it.

"Then can we use the tried method?"

Another person expressed his opinion: "It is to send two teams to investigate the truth and falsehoods, withdraw after obtaining the information, and then gather all efforts to conquer the real core."

"No way."

For this answer, James also shook his head.

"The difficulty of the virtual and real dual core is that it will not be fixed in place."

"Maybe what you encountered this time was a true nucleus, but next time it will be a false nucleus."

This answer can't help but disappoint, and it really can't be detected by any means.

Li Pu listened beside him, but thought secretly.

It sounds like the skill of the Scorpion Tail Dragon Cube just now.

[Secondary Phantom]: Scorpion Brown Dragon can release a phantom with the same surface as itself on the space, and the two can exchange positions

However, it doesn't seem like he can't help himself.

Because he doesn't have to rely on perception, he can judge by foresight.

"And there's a key to it."

At this time, James spoke again.

"That is, whether it is the true core or the virtual core, both doors must be entered at the same time."

"If you enter a fan alone, you will definitely encounter a false core."

The more you talk about it, the more complicated this labyrinth of monsters feels.

"So it's still necessary to divide the army into two ways..."

Qian Xun touched his chin, looking a little embarrassed.

The first level of combat power is basically no need to consider.

They can only serve as gatekeepers.

So what can actually be used for battle, including Li Pu, there are nine top-tier players and seven next-tier players.

If it is folded in half, it will appear very thin in front of the LV45 rare BOSS, I am afraid there is no hope of conquering the core.

"It's true that we have to divide our troops into two ways, but I have a way that is not the way to go."

James pondered for a while, then made his comments.

"It is definitely necessary to split into two groups first."

"But it can be divided into the main real core team and the non-main force fake core team."

"In order to save combat power, of course, the fewer the number of fake core teams, the better."

"If the fake core team encounters the real core, then we immediately exit the battlefield and re-enter."

"Until the main team meets the true core."

His proposal is obviously the most feasible solution at present.

"I think so."

So Qian Xun nodded, but still raised his hand and listed it.

"But the fake core team~www.readwn.com~ must have at least these conditions."

"First of all, the perception cannot be bad."

"Everyone must agree on this point. After all, this is a labyrinth of beasts. It is not necessary to elaborate on how important the perception is along the way."

"Second, it is necessary to have a meat shield who is on his own."

"In case of encountering the true core, the responsibility of this meat shield is to withstand the damage and ensure a safe retreat."

"The third is the treatment."

"Treatment is the insurance of last resort against accidents."

Three conditions are listed very clearly.

But Li Pu listened, how could he feel like he was talking about himself?



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