The latest website: Tombstone H Alliance Branch, the large conference room of the office building.

Most of the screens that were cut into multiple pieces were fixed on Li Pu's gang. After all, it was the local players who were most concerned about.

At this time, audiences from all walks of life were watching the big screen and talking about it.

"This young man is amazing...!"

"God, how long has he been in the grass, he has already overturned four waves of competitors!"

"The point is, those enemies didn't understand what was going on until they were out. It was so embarrassing."

"How did he locate the enemy's position? Is there a special method or is the perception attribute too high?"

"It should be a special method. How high the perception can be to find the target so accurately."

Most of these audience members have the responsibility of guarding the village or city. Even if they are not experts, they at least have the vision of a master.

They asked themselves that if they were replaced by themselves, they would not be able to do this at all.

In fact, in this large conference room, there are also contestants of this conference.

It's just that most of them were eliminated early, and some of the more powerful ones only reached the third round.

Of course, there are also those with strength like Youyou City Lord, but they are not interested in becoming a god, so they did not participate.

In short, there are many surprising aspects that Li Pu has shown, and his own strength must not be mentioned.

Super strong ability to find enemies, and the whereabouts of ghosts, are all admirable.

If you want to spread it out and elaborate, this elusiveness is really elusive.

Walking like a lunatic, walking like a ghost.

Even though most of the people present were all kinds of strange non-human races, such as the Youyou Clan, the Jumping Clan, and even the Lantern Clan, it was not that everyone had never seen a Human Race.

How can there be a human race, and they are still pure human races, walking with their hands? ?

You have two good legs, if you don't want them, why don't you donate them to those in need?

The key is that on the basis of this inverted march, there is still a sword in his mouth.

When you are a green algae-headed swordsman? !

However, everyone complained and complained, and they still had to be convinced.

Don't look at people's posture is very ghostly, but the coordination is not very good.

I feel that there is no difference between walking with hands and legs, and the movement speed is really fast.

And every time the neck is moved, the sword will take away a life, which is really exaggerated.

He even stood upside down on one occasion, waiting for the enemy to come over and have his feet cut off.

As a result, the guy whose foot was cut off died on the spot, and the companion next to it was also scared to death by the strange picture.

It has to be said that most of the audience present were very interested in Li Pu.

In a corner of the back row of the large conference room, the information that City Lord Youyou and Jerboa saw were slightly different.

"That summoned creature is quite powerful."

With arms around his arms, Jerboa was surprised.

He had already seen Li Pu's level in the third round.

But at that time there were also straw figurines, and it thought it was just a turf jacket.

As a result, I didn't expect Li Pu to clear the time for four waves of enemies, and the straw man had already taken down two and a half enemies.

Of course, the Jerboa knew that it was due to the ShadowClan, but Sombra only provided survivability.

The combat power and combat strategy are determined by the grass figurines themselves.

Especially the combat strategy makes it feel that this grass man is far less stupid than it looks.

The specific situation is that after clearing the first wave of duos, the straw man encountered a single player.

But it should be the survivor after the battle between the two sides, so this player's equipment is particularly good.

Not only could the straw man not be able to kill the opponent in one hit, but he was caught and could only bite the bullet and hammer each other.

The straw man, who felt that he was at a disadvantage, finally found an opportunity to escape.

After paying attention to the jerboa of the grass man, I originally thought that this guy should change his strategy. After resting and recovering, he took advantage of the protective color to harass or chase.

Wait until the enemy is overwhelmed or shows slack, and then hits hard.

But in the end, the jerboa realized that he was wrong.

And it's horribly wrong.

The straw man who escaped didn't even take a break, and didn't delay for a while... and found Li Pu.

When Li Pu came, he naturally cleaned up the other party with ease.

Jerboa was dumbfounded, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that the grass figurine's decision was very wise and reasonable.

If you can't beat it by yourself, why don't you invite the big brother here?

"That grass man is indeed a good helper, but..."

City Lord Youyou also paid a little attention to the grass man, but when he heard the comments of his old friend, he changed his words.

"This time, Li Xiaozi, I'm afraid he will meet an opponent."

"Look at the screen over there, the half-demon, half-mechanical guy."

Jerboa looked in the direction pointed by the city lord Youyou, just in time to see the fkgb walking into the grass with its angel companions.

"Is this guy very powerful?"

It expresses doubts.

"Your eyes are locked, of course you didn't notice."

"Its means are special, very special."

"I only noticed him when the first poison circle began to shrink."

"This guy so far..."

"Has taken down 15 competitors."

Youyou City Lord calmly said an astonishing number.

15 The number of enemies killed is more than Li Pu.


Li Pu was walking upside down in the grass, carefully sensing whether there were any experience packs around him.

Without God's perspective, he certainly did not know the arrival of the fkgb number.

But if he knew that the opponent had killed more enemies than himself, he would definitely find the opponent as soon as possible, and give the eliminated experience packs for everyone, oh no, avenge the players.

After all, I am here, and I absolutely cannot allow a second person to bully these kind and innocent players.

But sometimes fate is a wonderful thing.


Just when he felt it, he suddenly discovered a strange situation.

In the spiritual link, the straw man is approaching his side at a high speed.

As the grass figurine's summoner, Li Pu of course knew where the grass figurine's speed limit was.

It can be said that the speed of the straw man now exceeds its upper limit.

Even with a herd of cattle chasing him, he couldn't run so fast.

"Not quite right."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Pu knew what was going on.

Strong wind, he felt a very strong wind blowing this way.

How strong is this wind.

He was so strong that he was blown upside down, and his feet broke the fixed posture inadvertently, causing the [lv3 Wood God] to fail directly.

"What's the Before he could understand, he heard the sound of coughing.

The grass in front is falling down like waves, and the direction is the same as that of the wind.

【Grass~! 】

Half a second later, the straw man who was blown in the air quickly floated past.

call out!

On the contrary, the thick black reacted extremely quickly, and transferred to Li Pu's shadow at the moment of brushing his body.

"Boss, a monster has appeared!"

As soon as he entered the shadow, the thick black immediately exclaimed.



(End of this chapter)

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