After Li Pu made a plan and completed the preparations, it coincided with the contraction of the drug circle again.

This time, the location of the safe area is where the big grass just now is.

It's just that there is no place to hide here now, and everyone entering the safe area is equivalent to automatically revealing their traces.

Of course, Li Pu is not afraid of this situation.

Instead, he quickened his pace and returned to the place where he had escaped before.

More people than just now are engaged in a melee.

As for the FKINGB that destroyed the grass, it was still standing there, watching the crowd leisurely.

Anyone who dares to approach him will be slapped with a palm.

This happened several times, and after discovering that all those who were photographed were gone forever, no one dared to take the initiative to provoke him.

With the closing of the poison circle, all the surviving players have now come to this melee battlefield, there are about 50 people.

It's very chaotic here because there is nowhere to hide.

If you don't attack others, you will be attacked by others.

Those who form an alliance will be besieged first, and those who show too much competitiveness will be besieged first, and everyone will be in danger for a while.

Only by showing a one-shot kill like FKINGB, would no one dare to provoke him.

Although the scene is chaotic today, there are actually very few people who are really out.

Or that the efficiency of this chaos to eliminate players is very slow.

The reason is that everyone wants to get a higher ranking, so they pay more attention to self-preservation than to kill their opponents.

Li Pu, who was standing on the edge of the safe zone, couldn't help but want to be moved by the scene in front of him.

"Great, everyone is still alive."

That's why he wants to move.

Now his condition is relatively good, no one has noticed his arrival, so stay out of it for the time being.

The talent [Red and Blue Tyrant Talisman] is not a complete taunting skill. The farther the distance is, the less affected other people's attacks are.

It can be said that Li Pu is standing at a relatively safe distance now, and there is no long-range attack that does not turn to this side.


But at this moment, a big head fell in front of him, it was the big head man before.

"It's you?"

Before Li Pu could speak, the big-headed man was taken aback immediately.

You must know that the sand just now made his eyes burst into tears, and the redness has not completely disappeared until now.

"Go away! Hahahahaha!"

But now there is no time for the big-headed man to do more reactions, because there are laughter behind him immediately chasing.

That duo was the murderer who knocked him down.

2V1 is a great opportunity that no one wants to miss.

Seeing this, the big-headed man gritted his teeth, knowing that he was not far from being out of the game.

There is an enemy in front and an enemy behind.

Why don't you fight?

At this time, if he can quickly kill the human race boy in front of him, then at least his ranking may be improved by one.

However, as soon as this thought came up, he felt the figure in front of him bloom!

Li Pu, who was carrying the sword, actually bypassed the big-headed man and stopped the pursuers.

"What do you want to do?"

His tone was very flat.

1V2 is a good opportunity, and he won't want to miss it.

"Ah this!"

The big-headed man's expression instantly changed to surprise.

Does this mean that you want to form an alliance with yourself!

Sure enough, the Qiyuan battlefield is not such a ruthless place, there are still good people!

The previous sand-throwing hatred was put down by him at once.

Since the other party is so kind and still remembers the previous agreement, then he should also reciprocate.

Do it side by side with... eh? !

As a result, as soon as he got up, the big-headed man saw that the duo who were chasing him had turned into two blobs of blue light.

What is this!

He was stunned on the spot, this ally is too strong, right? !

If I follow him... eh 2? !

However, before he could open his mouth to speak, the sword light slashed towards him.

"I hate other people fighting the most."

Finally, just before he was out of the game, he heard this sentence.

what fight?

Aren't they just hitting me?

And... wouldn't it count as a fight if you killed me? !

With a series of question marks, the big-headed man turned into blue light.

The situation of Li Pu and the three of them was noticed by the surrounding players.

This caused them to slow down all of a sudden.

Another big devil came?

And let no one play?

Should we run farther?

Similarly, there is a string of question marks over there.

However, Li Pu told them the answer with practical actions.

"Don't fight."

I saw him quickly pounce on the nearest 3V3, raising his hands and falling.

Boom! x16

Bang! x16

The momentum of the sixteen thunders + stone pillars directly attracted the attention of everyone present, and also made him like to mention four experience packs.

For a time, Li Pu was elated, and everyone was miserable.

However, all the players present were not good, so it was impossible for Li Pu's behavior to be so smooth.

So when he locked the target to the next place, he was thwarted.

In the face of Li Pu, who was rushing with his sword, the four who were fighting fiercely...

He actually stopped and dropped his weapon!

Everyone: "We're not fighting!"

Li Pu: "Uh..."

To know that the blade at this time had already landed on the tip of one of the contestants' noses, Li Pu was completely stunned by this situation.

But even so, he stopped abruptly.

These guys are so smart, I never imagined that.

Although not allowed to fight is just a bad excuse made up casually, but everything is about being famous.

I never thought that this lousy excuse would immediately make Li Pu a little harder to ride a tiger.

The reason is further said, for example, the FKINGB number is very strong.

But no matter how strong he is, he can't match everyone present. Li Pu, who has been chased and killed by nearly 90 people, has a deep understanding of this.

Therefore, the choice of the FKINGB number is that Li Wei will not shoot anymore.

This way, you won't provoke public outrage, and you can keep yourself safe at the same time.

And Li Pu didn't plan to follow this practice because he wanted to pick up the experience pack.

At this time, if he really just quacks and kills blindly here, it will inevitably force other players to unite in a short period of time.

To know the current situation, it is no better than the L League career assessment at that time.

Even if the number is less than 50, he does not dare to offend all of them.

Therefore, even if he was reluctant to give up, Li Pu could only temporarily let go of the four experience packs in front of him and choose to go elsewhere.

But then, a terrible scene happened.

Intelligent creatures are capable of learning.

In the face of this big devil who was wandering around the audience, everyone actually showed a surprisingly tacit understanding.

Every time Li Pu went, the chaos there would stop immediately.

The truce of those players truce, and those who lost their weapons, made the atmosphere very strange.

The good-looking Qiyuan turned into a police patrol.

Wherever the police go, there is peace and harmony.

One second, fists and feet are facing each other, and the next second, shoulders and backs are hooked.

After walking back and forth like this, Li Pu found that the script seemed to start to go beyond his imagination again.

The reason was because they were worried that he would kill a carbine, and those people didn't dare to fight again after they stopped.

After some free time, the players began to feel embarrassed and simply started chatting with their opponents.

After getting it, it was like an infectious disease, and the entire battlefield actually stopped and changed to chatting.

For a time, he felt really tired.

I just want to collect a wave of experience, how can it be so difficult?



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