"By the way, I have a material here, can you help me look at it."

Since he mentioned the Mechanical Principality, Li Pu naturally thought of the high-grade mechanical materials in his hands.

If it was Han Shu, maybe he would be able to recognize him?

"You still have the wreckage of my father, Bumbo, on you?"

Han Shu was stunned when he heard the words.

I won't even take out the parts of my grandfather's infantry.

"……,of course not."

Li Pu was a little embarrassed, but thinking about NONO Jibao and the guy in front of him must have no blood relationship.

So he took out the [Boom Element] and [NONO Core] at one time.

The small electronic chip and the red crystal with the current structure inside immediately caught Han Shu's attention.

"Let me take a closer look..."

After getting permission, it took the two materials into its hands.


A blue light shot out of its eyes and began to scan back and forth across the surface of the material.

"This is a good thing, where did you get it?"

After watching for a while, Han Shu excitedly raised his head and looked at Li Pu, his eyes lit up.

The eyes here are shining, the kind that really shine.

"this is……"

Li Pu took it and felt a little strange when he touched it.

He looked at it carefully, and he was stunned.

【Ming Machinery Kai】

Effect: After use, the production profession can be opened - Ming Mechanic

Description: When a new production occupation is opened, the current production occupation will be automatically overwritten and destroyed

This is actually a professional scroll of inscription mechanics.


Li Pu was silent, the other party was able to take it out and give it back to him, the meaning was obvious.

Seeing Li Pu's expression in full view, Han Shu sighed inwardly and was also delighted.

When my younger sister was too young, my father only brought his elder sister and himself when he visited relatives.

The relative had a good relationship with their family, so he taught his sister and himself the inscription technique on the spot.

And then let them bring back this scroll, so that my sister can start this rare production profession in the future.

It's just that Bumblebee is not very interested in the production profession, and has never met the conditions for learning, so the scroll has been idle until now.

Now this guy in front of him has taken care of his younger sister for so long, and the younger sister has her own intentions, so she just gave it away.

It is said that women do not stay in college.

After taking this thing, you will accept my love.

Han Shu thought so secretly in his heart.

Unconsciously, after Yamato, it also became a sister-in-law, No. 2.

"There are actually conditions to use [Ming Tool Kai]."

"That is, you must first have the production occupation of an inscriber or a mechanic."

"I heard from my sister that you are a very good inscription caster, right, so the conditions are definitely fine."

"The main reason for letting you do it yourself is for the 20% bonus."

In order not to make Li Pu suspect, Han Shu gave another explanation.

All production occupations start with a talent.

[Self-sufficiency]: When using/equipping homemade items, the effect is +20%

Of course, it can also help Li Pu make it, but in this case, the 20% bonus will be gone.

Therefore, it is better for Li Pu to do it himself.

"This thing is too precious, I can't take it for nothing."

However, Li Pu thought about it and handed over the mechanical scroll.


This situation made Han Shu a little surprised.

It was stunned for a while before reaching out to pick it up, but immediately stunned again~www.readwn.com~ Then you let go, brat! "

It turned out that Li Pu had handed it, but he was holding it tightly.

With 100+ strength, it can use both hands, and can't break it apart.

"I'll change with you."

In fact, the meaning of Li Pu's words just now was very clear.

If you don't take it for nothing, it doesn't mean you don't take it.

"Alright, alright, eh."

Han Shu, who tried his best to no avail, was a little suspicious of his life. He waved his hand and said angrily, "Then give me the [violent element]."

It was a good intention. It only took five-star materials and left five-and-a-half stars to Li Pu.

In fact, it's really good intentions. In Han Shu's opinion, the [Burst Element] is not very suitable for Li Pu, and it is more suitable for the mechanical or cyborg family to upgrade and strengthen the body.

"it is good."

This time, Li Pu felt that the two sides were evenly leveled.

"Right, I still have to remind you first."

"After using [Inscription Tool Kai], your original inscription casting technique will be erased."

"Actually, it doesn't mean that the inscription technique is necessarily better than the inscription casting technique. There are advantages and disadvantages between the two."

"You have to think about it before you make a trade-off decision."

"If it really doesn't work, it's not impossible for me to help you make it."

In the end, Han Shu reminded again.

"Well, I see."

At this time, Li Pu had just closed the preview eyes.

I'm afraid you don't know, I can pretend to be two production occupations.



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