If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 728: Sony Ericsson family debut?

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【Grass! 】

The grass man was the first to respond to this cry, and he resisted.

Because being attacked by two NONOs happened recently, the memory is very fresh.

This was a rare occasion, and it also shouted out Li Pu's heart.

As for Zhongwei, who was promised, can you be loyal from this call?

When I opened my eyes and looked at the shape of this thing, it wasn't much better.

He has thick hands and feet, a semi-circular head without a neck, and his whole body is like a big iron bucket.

He is a little shorter than a straw man, taller than a snowman, and somewhere in between.

"This pair sells well!"

Han Shu looked up and down, left and right, and it seemed that this was in line with its aesthetics.


When You Huo heard this, he seemed speechless.

It feels like the guy in front of him is nothing more than the low-profile version of Hanshu before.

The only difference is that the bottom plate of Hanshu at that time was a crawler, and it was just a pair of legs.

"Good guy, there's no such thing as luck."

Li Pu called out the panel and took a look.

[Physical 96, Strength 96, Agility 96, Mystery 96, Spirit 96, Perception 96]

The figure is an iron bucket, and the six-dimensional is also an iron bucket.

As far as the left side is concerned, it is not as useful as a grass figurine.

But so far, he has found that the situation is not as bad as he imagined.

Because from the very beginning when he called NONO, this guy stood there dumbfounded the whole time, not rebellious at all.

Of course, Li Pu was used to the grass and the snowman.

"Should we give it a name?"

At this time, You Huo looked at the [Unnamed] on the panel.

"Must be handsome."

The more Han Shu looked at this little guy, the more he liked it, so he quickly expressed his second opinion.

"It is indeed necessary."

Li Pu folded his hands and pondered for a while.

"Bucket body shape, the data is also very average."

"It's very similar to the low-end Korean number, and it was born from its formula."

"His name is Zhongwei, but his voice is unruly."

"Since that's the case, combining all kinds of..."

Everyone: "???"

Iron Man: [NONO! 】

The next second, Iron Man pushed the door and rushed out.

"What do you mean?"

Han Shu was also dumbfounded when he saw this situation.

"It's nothing, let's go."

Li Pu covered his forehead and walked out.

Although he managed to get hold of the iron man twice, he still felt quite troublesome.

But at least there is good news, that is, it doesn't seem that Iron Man, like NONO Machine Violence or [NONO Profound Truth], will be completely out of control as previously feared.

At present, it seems that this guy is just doing the reverse behavior purely according to his own instructions.

"You must never follow me", so Iron Man obediently followed Li Pu to the outside of Tombstone City.

"Just here."

Perceiving the empty surroundings, Li Pu stopped.

Along the way, Han Shu and You Huo also wanted to understand Iron Man's logic program.

I can only say that I am a little dumbfounded, but now I am more curious about what Li Pu wants to do.

"Give me a body."

So soon, they heard Li Pu's order.

【NONO! 】

As a result, Iron Man shook his head for a while, and suddenly turned into nine.


Han Shu was taken aback immediately, the key point was that the nine iron men were also covered with a bright spore shell.

"Do me a favor."

Just when it was surprised, Li Pu came over and patted the mecha: "Help me kill them, it's better to use that kind of continuous AOE."


Han Shu is really stupid this time, why is there such a request?

But since Li Pu asked, it did not refuse.

The armor of the chest was opened, revealing a bunch of warheads with floral colors.

【NONO? 】x9

Before the iron men could react, Han Shu launched the Lolita missiles.

Boom! xN

According to Li Pu, it carried out a continuous wave of bombing.

"Just now...Did they split? And it seems to have split twice."

After Han Shu shot the missile, he pointed to the pothole that was left, expressing doubts.

"It seems that there is something in it."

You Huo looked with his probe and found that there were many apertures superimposed on the ground.

"It's the two of you."

Li Pu, who had expected this for a long time, pointed to the grass and the snowman, and then pointed to the deep pit.

"Eh? But I've run out of warheads."

Han Shu was stunned for a while. It has not been replenished for a while~www.readwn.com~ Oh, the two of them don't need to fight. "

Li Pu waved his hand, and then said again: "Even if you want to fight, you may not be able to fight."

"What's the meaning?"

[Sonny! 】

Just as Han Shu asked a question, he heard a sonorous cry.

"Hey, is that guy swearing, don't you care?"

It pointed to the deep pit, but the result was an action.

What the **** is this? !

I saw a straw man covered in blue standing in the deep pit at this time.

It was surrounded by blue light, and the grass on its back turned into thick, long and hard thorns, like a non-mainstream grass.

Sony Grass, come on stage.

【Piao Ni~】

Another cry sounded, and the snowman also completed the transformation.

Sony Snow, here we go.

It's just that it didn't change much, it just changed from pure white to dark blue, like a blue pill.


Before Han Shu could open his mouth, Sony Grass turned into a blue afterimage and walked past him and ran into the distance.

"Oh shit!"

The traces of light left on the ground caused it to quickly move away.

Puff, puff, puff!

However, Sony Snow's speed was not that fast. After a while of jumping around, she fell in front of Han Shu, almost shattering herself.


"Shouldn't you explain it?"

Seeing such a situation, You Huo finally couldn't help turning to Li Pu to ask.



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