The latest website: "Come on, let's go and have a look."


No. fkgb raised half of his brows, motioning everyone to go and watch the excitement.


The female angel obeys the boss in everything, so of course she keeps up with her obediently.


And Li Pu didn't have any opinion either and started walking.


Only Yi Li followed them, but his expression was not very natural.


Most of the players are approaching over there at this time.


Because everyone is very curious, what kind of idiot without long eyes dared to make trouble at the conference of gods.


In fact, Li Pu's idea was even further than theirs.


He wanted to see if the God of Tingfeng, who was the only seven able to manifest himself and possessed an entity, would punish him.


If you can see the Lord God make a move, it should be very knowledgeable.


It's a pity that so far, the action of the Lord God has not been sensed.


Before they got close enough, Li Pu and the others heard a male voice gasping for breath on the other side of the scene.




Especially Li Pu, who had already sensed the situation inside by walking through the onlookers one step ahead of his companions.


A half-orc was holding a dagger and slammed into another half-orc's thigh.


The scene of the blue-light liquid spraying wildly was a bit tragic.


This scene made Li Pu suddenly think of something, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.


"I-I'm your best friend..."


The half-orc who was inserted had pain written all over his face.


"Because you are my best friend..."


The half-orc holding the dagger looked sad, but his movements were not slow.


"Just be patient."


"Hey, how many did you count just now?"




At this time, they had already walked into the crowd, and they were all stunned when they heard this conversation with Li Pu.


"Then... did he count the wrong number?"


The female angel looked at her companions.




The fkgb number also heard it, and said she was speechless.


"Half-orcs, maybe their brains aren't very good."


Li Pu shrugged.


But it seems to be to refute this kind of remarks, or to remind the surrounding discussions, the orc who was inserted also seemed to find that the number was wrong, and suddenly bounced up his upper body and grabbed his companion's murdering arm.


"Wait a moment!"


Just when everyone thought it was going to correct its companions, it let out a low roar: "I said can you change the position to insert it! Don't keep catching one stab!"


Well, as expected of a brainless orc.


The audience was completely speechless.


But in fact, it wasn't just the two half-orcs who were playing the farce at this time.


There is also a half-orc, holding a mysterious red button with -1 written on it. At this time, it is full of confusion, as if considering whether to press it or not.


This is obviously a four-person track group, and the orc at the end is wearing a mask, has taken off the orc battle armor that they never leave, and is starting to take off his inner lining.


In addition to this group of orcs, there are also four energy-type guys who also behave strangely.


One of them has been drawn into a human shape and is kowtowing to another teammate, calling him grandpa every time he kowtows.


The remaining two, the body of the energy group that stayed in place kept shaking slightly, as if hesitating about something.


These eight players are all around a dark brown slime at this moment.


Wearing a small white hat on its head and a long mustache, it was watching the eight contestants with a kind smile on its face.


But no matter how fake the smile looks, it looks like a profiteer.


The onlookers were discussing a lot at this time.


"What are these guys doing?"


"I don't understand, what are the harsh conditions for God's substitution?"


"It feels more like making a fool of yourself."


"It's not like some serious god, why can it cause the two teams to make such a fuss."


Listening to their conversation, Yi Li, the horse-headed man in the crowd, secretly clenched his fists.


That is, at this time, one of the energy clans who was hesitating and thinking before broke the situation.


"I choose! I choose to be chased by snails!"




As soon as these words came out, Li Pu directly set his eyes on Yi Li beside him.


The truth is revealed.


Isn't this the God of One Billion!


"Now I know why I chose the snail at that time."


At this moment, the horse-headed man covered his face and showed a wry smile.


"No way, the competition is too fierce."


"If you go slower, you won't be able to catch up."


Among the many costs, being chased by snails is one of the rare cases where you take money first and then do things.


Things like sticking 2,000 knives in a friend's thigh, running 20,000 kilometers naked, etc., all have to pay the price before they can get the money.


"The contract is established, boo."


With the announcement of the God of One Billion, the players who lost the selection all showed their disappointment.


"It's over, it was inserted in vain."


The half-orc whose thigh was still bleeding was lying on the ground with a pale face, partly because of disappointment and partly because of blood loss.


"What do you mean when you step on a horse!"


But another half-orc waved the mysterious red button on his hand and roared with swear words: "I've pressed the horse more than 40 times!"


Everyone: "..."


Press it to shorten it by 1. It took more than 40 clicks. Even the half-orcs couldn't stand it, and they might have already eaten.


"Thank you, Lord God!"


At this time, the energy clan didn't know what they were about to face, and was loudly thanking the God of One Billion.


"No thanks, it's just a contract, boo."


"I'll wait until you leave the sky garden before putting in the snails, boo."


"And make sure it's more than 100 kilometers away from you at first, don't worry, boo."


"The money has been sent to you, boo."


The Billion God shook his beard.


"Hahahahaha! I got rich!"


With the prompt sound of the payment, the energy clan immediately let out ecstatic laughter.


"Should I be reminded?"


When Yi Li saw this scene, it was as if he saw himself back then.


On the other hand, Li Pu was much more direct. I saw that he only thought for half a second before walking up and holding down the head of the energy ball.


"Friend, make a friend."


He said so.


This friend can really be made.


Not to mention anything else, at least one of my [Incomplete Scroll A and B] might be able to make up for the C-D block.


"You're crazy!"


But the energy clan directly withdrew several meters.


Li Pu's actions really reminded him.


Now that I am a rich man, it is very likely that I will meet someone with bad intentions!


"Everyone! All kinds of animals in my family have dystocia, so let's get away first!"


As soon as the words fell, it really flashed and disappeared into the Li Pu did not expect such a big reaction from the other party.


I can only say that I seek more happiness.


Anyway, at his current state, 10 million red envelopes is not an unattainable amount.


With the departure of that energy clan, this farce can be regarded as a sign of termination.


So the show ended, and the audience dispersed.


There was only one poor orc, lying on the ground and crying.






(End of this chapter)



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