You must know that Mosquito God is a little famous in the circle.

Basically everyone knows the power it can give.

There was a period of time hundreds of years ago, when the gods were quite tyrannical in the foreign realm.

After all, 7 subordinates, each drawing 10% to the **** substitute, is quite a perverted level.

Especially when the higher the level of the gods and the subordinates, the higher the attributes, the more obvious this effect is.

During that period, there was a team specializing in hunting rare bosses, and they took the initiative to find Mosquito God and request to establish a contract.

There were less than 10 people in that team, and with just 10 people, they could hunt down rare bosses in exotic places because they were all panel monsters.

At that time, it was the team leader who established the contract with Mosquito God.

The captain himself is a tyrannical panel monster, and after extracting 10% of the attributes of the seven teammates, it becomes even more panel monsters. It is said that one-on-one rare bosses of the same level can be played back and forth.

Is such a **** who was directly eliminated by Li Pu because his wings were flapping too loudly?

All the gods in the queue didn't expect this to happen, and they didn't know what to say all of a sudden.

But the most annoying thing is that Mosquito God actually left without a single refutation!

Looking at the resentful little eyes, those who didn't know thought it had been hurt by Li Pu!

What is the origin of this human boy?

Could it be the son of the predecessor of some great god? Or relatives?

Does he know what Mosquito God has the ability to refuse?

For a time, the gods really didn't dare to make trouble.

Especially those gods who didn't know Li Pu at all, they felt more and more mysterious about him.

It can only be said that one thing descends one thing, the original gods are just praised by people.

In fact, without the sustenance of God, it is difficult for them to survive without substance.

It's just that there are many people and few gods, and they have always been the party that holds the right to choose.

Occasionally, I encounter Li Pu who doesn't treat them as human beings, oh no, it's really wrong not to treat them as gods.

So with Mosquito God's lessons learned, the next interview became extremely fast and smooth.

But as a result, a long line came down, and Li Pu did not meet a **** that satisfied him.

There are several gods in the direction of healing, but all of them restore health or restore skills, which is far from what he wants.

There was a **** in the original team, but it made him feel very hopeful. This time shucaN Zhang Si

It's called the God of Restoration.

This sounds like the meaning of restoring the light to the eyes.

As a result, when the other party introduced him, Li Pu was both disappointed and confused.

Disappointingly, the God of Restoration has nothing to do with eyes at all.

What's confusing is that he doesn't know what it means to reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

The full name of the God of Fuming is called the God of Anti-Qing Fuming.

Its ability to endow the gods is to allow it to gain fans of a non-governmental organization "Heaven and Earth Society".

The price is to have the words "repeated" and "Qingming" on the bottom of the foot.

He wasn't interested at all anyway.

After the communication with the gods, the players were also released from the compartment. As expected, the banquet finally resumed or began to enter the normal process.

"It's really depressing."

Li Pu, who was sitting in a corner of the venue, looked a little tired mentally.

"Don't be discouraged, there will always be the right God."

Yi Li next to him spoke comfortably.

He did find a few relatively suitable gods, and planned to contact them later.

In short, it's a leak.

He also knows his strength, and it is estimated that he ranks very low among the players present.

If those gods failed to negotiate with the other players in the end, his hopes would only increase.

At every dinner party, there is always a small group of players who rely on luck or hold their thighs to get the spot, and their strategy is the same as Yi Li.

For gods, sometimes they have to lower their requirements and choose a **** instead. After all, something is better than nothing.

Don't look at them as having no entity, they can roam freely in foreign lands.

In fact, finding a divine replacement is not an easy task for some gods.

The only place that can provide a high-quality and suitable slime carrier and has a large array to save divine power is the Hanging Garden.

"Fortunately, tonight is not for nothing."

Li Pu adjusted his sitting position to a more comfortable position, took a sip of his drink, and took out the little raccoon.

After interviewing so many gods, I did not gain anything.

In the process just now, he got some useful information.

Basically, several gods in the roster scroll have been locked.

Among them, the **** of elixir is the most important object of attention.

The **** of elixir, the name is very reliable when you hear it.

It is said that by becoming his substitute, he can obtain the ability to manufacture elixir, and he is a **** who is partial to the life system.

As for the price, it is not clear for the time being, and it has not been set out.

It's a pity that none of the gods Li Pu was looking for did not attend the banquet. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

He could only entrust the staff to make contact and quietly wait for the result.

"Looks like I'm not playing tonight."

Halfway through the dinner, FKINGB walked towards the two with a wry smile.

In all fairness, his situation is actually even more special than Li Pu.

Although he found a few gods who seemed to be compatible, others were helpless after learning about his situation.

Similar to Li Pu's current situation, he has also been recommended by gods, and has a list of several gods who may be It also needs to be contacted before the result.

On the contrary, the female angel found a suitable **** and successfully became a god.

However, she is not really interested in combat, and she is looking for a **** of life.

"It seems that we all have to participate in the sports meeting."

After adjusting the chair next to it into a reclining chair, FKINGB lay down beside Li Pu.

Part of the reason for the gods who didn't come to the dinner was that they didn't care much about the trials in the Seven Plains Battlefield.

The more diverse sports games for God are the items that are included in their observation.

"A sports meeting..."

Li Pu frowned slightly when he heard this.

It seems that his journey to find God is far more tortuous than he imagined.

"By the way, are you interested in teaming up to play volleyball?"

At this moment, the FKINGB number came over.

Two-person volleyball is one of the more popular items in the God-for-Games.

"Don't underestimate those opponents. There are real gods participating in the God-substitute Games, not just reserve players like us."

For various purposes, such as increasing the intensity and viewing of the games, the gods sometimes end up as well.

"You two, you are all right."

Before Li Pu could answer, a big-eyed clan came over.

"The gods you need to contact have not been contacted yet."

"But they have left a message before. If they intend to cooperate, they must participate in the following sports events."

Li Pu took over the project and looked at it, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it was hit by the FKINGB number.



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