Following the flow of people, Li Pu found that the number of people participating in the obstacle course was much higher than expected.

Before and after adding up, there are almost 60 people up and down.

Except for 30+ people who were faces from yesterday's dinner party, the rest were all raw faces.

In it, he found the existence of Mao Mao.

Even Mao Mao saw him, but he didn't know why he moved away deliberately.

FKINGB has said before that there are genuine gods participating in the God Substitute Games, which is not surprising.

Some gods do nothing for idle time, they just come to play.

And some gods replace it for a variety of other reasons.

"Do you think there are too many people?"

FKINGB seemed to know what Li Pu was thinking, so he approached and explained in a low voice.

"I went to inquire, and the success rate of yesterday's dinner contract was about 40%."

"In other words, there are almost 60 players left, and there is no negotiation with the gods present."

"However, this success rate is already relatively high compared to previous years."

"Some of the remaining players are still waiting for news like you and me."

"Part of it is still under negotiation."

"There is a small part, but there is no God willing to ask for it for the time being."

"And these players who are not willing and unwilling to God will choose to stay in the Hanging Garden for a long time."

"These people are called repeaters."

When the words of FKINGB came to this point, Yi Li's face had already begun to change.

To be honest, things didn't go so well for him either.

If it's not good, he will really become a repeater.

"So now you see, there are about 30 people here who were last night's players."

"The rest, 10 people are resident gods."

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. "There are still 20 people who are repeaters."

Yi Li: "Why are you looking at me when you say the last sentence?"

FK No.: "No, no, you are too sensitive."

Yi Li: "What's so sensitive! What's the meaning of your smile, explain it to me clearly!"

FK No.: "No, no, I definitely don't think you will be relegated."

Between the words of the two, they finally came to the real meeting point.

Across the crowd, Li Pu opened his eyes and saw a small wooden platform built at the entrance of the track.

There was a green slime on the stage, looking down at the crowd through the microphone.

Its feature is that it has a small scale on its head, which looks very strange.

【Today's event has many new faces, boo】

[Maybe you don't know this uncle, boo]

[So, let me introduce myself first, boo]

[This uncle is adhering to the principle of absolute fairness, the **** of fairness, boo]

[My principle of fairness is, look at my mood, boo]

Li Pu: "..."

Just now, FKINGB also introduced that most of the referees of sports events are held by gods who are too busy to panic.

After all, in their long lifespan, they always need to have some fun.

However, this so-called **** of fairness seems to be unfair, and the two sentences before and after pasted together are already contradictory.

"This referee doesn't look very reliable."

Yi Li gave an unceremonious evaluation.

"That horse-headed man over there, eliminate Bo!"

In the end, the God of Fairness had a good hearing, and actually heard this rant.

clang clang.

However, because of the vibration of the cry, the scale on its head also fell.


Li Pu was speechless again, why does this **** of fairness feel a little fake, is it really fair?

"Me, me, I'm eliminated?"

Yi Li was stunned on the spot.

"That's right! It's you, boo!"

"Who, help me pick up the scale and put it on, boo!"

The **** of fairness answered sharply, while calling for the players under the stage.

"If you talk too much, how can you criticize the respected referee."

FKINGB next to him gave the horse-headed man a slanted glance, and by the way, he bowed his hand to the **** of fairness.

At first glance, that attitude is the old rivers and lakes, and it can be flattering.

In the end, Yi Li could only leave the crowd with a sad face.

Walking to the edge of the track, I found a place to sit down.

However, taking this opportunity, he can also take a good look at the track that is about to start racing.

I have to say, this track is scary just by looking at it.

The spaciousness is spacious enough, but it is covered with various traps.

There are ground thorns, guillotine knives, iron pendulum balls, electric grids, poison arrows and other messy things, which feel more like a large torture device.

This time 17B* Chapter Si. [Now let’s talk about the rules, boo]

【Listen now, boo】

[First of all, in the track, the final effect of all your damage methods will be converted into push and pull strength in a certain proportion]

[The original push-pull method will be appropriately weakened according to its own situation]

[There are also all deceleration or acceleration methods, all of which cannot take effect]

[In other words, you have to rely on your own strength to run]

【Allow any means to stop the opponent】

[Although you can't cause damage, you will still be injured if you encounter some obstacles]

[So there is still the possibility of being eliminated]

[As for how to crack the mechanism of each level in the track, it is up to you to play it yourself]



After listening to the explanation of the God of Fairness, Li Pu probably knew something.

After he finished speaking, he felt a subtle change in the atmosphere on the Some people were eager to try and seemed very excited, some people were used to being indifferent, but in general, they were all wary of each other .

As for the relationship with FKINGB, Li Pu has also discussed it.

The two first formed an alliance and cooperated, and then competed.

【All right! Everyone is on the track and ready to go! 】

With the order of the God of Fairness, all 60 people passed through the door and poured into the starting space of the track.

This track looks spacious, but even if it accommodates 60 people at the same time, it will be very crowded, not to mention that many of the participants are of large races, so it is almost the level of meat for a while.

But even so, no one dared to cross the starting line even a little bit.

After all, the fairness of the God of Fairness has been seen by everyone just now.

Li Pu's position was in the middle of the crowd, and the people around him were a blue-skinned orc and a snake-tailed snake man.

The FKINGB number and Mao Mao, who always avoided Li Pu, were located at the end of the crowd.

"Human boy, you made a big splash at the dinner party yesterday."

"I don't know if you have the level to match."

Before the start, the blue-skinned half-orc spoke to Li Pu with a smile with a ferocious effect.

As a result, Li Pu didn't even look at the other party.

The reason why he didn't look, of course, was because he was blind.

But there is another reason, that is, at this time, he is slowly, slowly, slowly pressing his palm towards the ground.

"I knew it!"

Mao Mao, who was secretly paying attention the whole time, couldn't help but twitch in the corners of his eyes.


Make a big tyrant. ...

If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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