You must know that at this moment in the track surrounding the Hanging Garden, people from all walks of life are showing their magical powers.

Some people forcibly break into the organs, some people are careful to avoid them, and some people keep stumbling on their opponents.

There is only one human race boy, who seems to be in a different world.

The chaos around him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

It seems to be very relaxed, traveling on the track at an almost uniform speed.

But the uniform speed here needs to be focused.

Because this constant speed does not just refer to pure running.

The normal running posture only accounts for about 20% of him.

The remaining few percent were replaced by various strange movements.

Running upside down, running sideways, running upside down, running upside down and sideways, these are all relatively routine.

Jumping, hooking, using both hands and feet, using both hands and feet on the back, and even continuous long-distance rolling.

He has all kinds of postures that should not appear on humanoids.

What's too much is that every change of his posture is very natural and smooth, and he can't see the slightest inconsistency.

What's more, his speed was not affected at all even if he changed various postures!

But the most extreme is not these.

"It's a little weird..."

"His postures are quite strange, not like a human at all."

"Don't say that, it's not like the human race, even if we are anti-joint octopus monsters, we won't use these postures."

"No, that's not what I said, look carefully."

"Have you found out, so far he has not been delayed once by the trap."

"Huh? It seems to be the case!"

"If you don't tell me, I haven't found it yet!" Qiang Xie read Xie

"Don't delay, that's still polite."

"He has never actively triggered a trap!"

"This is too exaggerated!"

"And I've been watching. When others want to attack him, they are either bounced off inexplicably or avoided in advance."

"It's just divine..."

A group of players who were slightly behind Li Pu were discussing while running.

For each obstacle race, the team will always be divided into three tiers: front, middle and back.

The front, middle and back here do not fully represent the racing level of the players.

More, it depends on their understanding and strategy.

It can only be said that running in the front, running in the middle and running behind, each has its own advantages.

However, in general, in the early stages of the track, most people still prefer to fall in the middle and back of the team, such as Li Pu now.

It is precisely because the middle section has the largest number of people, so the strange phenomenon he caused was quickly spread.

Most of the players present were not fools, and almost all of them changed their strategies immediately after learning about this situation.

You must know that the area of ​​the sky garden is not small, and the track around the island is naturally very long.

During this time-consuming process, saving your stamina and keeping your cards is a top priority.

Now that he has discovered that there is such a **** beside him, he should follow him honestly, copy his specific route 100%, and repeat every step he has taken.

It's not too good to have a **** to help you find the way and clear the mine.

So, a very strange situation appeared.

Li Pumingming's current performance is average, only in the middle of the team.

But there were more than 20 players hanging behind him. They consciously formed a small group, carefully following his pace and route.

After just following for ten minutes, the players couldn't help but feel that their choice was very correct.

In their opinion, this is definitely a safe route.

It's just... a bit tricky.

"Have you seen his steps clearly, follow closely, and don't make a mistake!"

"I can see it clearly, but what if my body can't keep up..."

"Me too, my hands and feet are twisted into a twist."

"Damn! How did these actions come about!"

"Idiot! Who asked you to imitate the action, just keep up with it!"

"Not good! Someone has fallen behind!"


Just as someone shouted to be left behind, a large knife fell on the side of the team.

The person who was left behind was directly cut into two sections, turned into blue light and eliminated from the track.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face turned green.

Only then did they realize that they were on a safe route right now, but they were actually walking on the edge of extreme danger.

For a time, everyone had to be extremely energetic.

After a while, the electric light in front caught everyone's attention.

The grid that almost blocked the entire track appeared in front.


From far away, you can hear the crackling of electric sparks.

【Roar! ]xN

And what was woven into the grid was not an ordinary current, but a roaring electric dragon.

When all the players saw this huge power grid, their faces were not very good-looking.

The newcomer was deterred by the momentum because of their first experience.

The old man is very aware of the power of this power grid.

Invincible grid.

This is the name that old people give to this kind of handicap.

Simple and straightforward.

True damage + electric properties, and it can also kill people in seconds.

If you touch it, you have to hang up.

Don't look at that grid hole is very large, in fact, it is impossible to pass through it.

Because those electric dragons seem to have life and spirituality, they will change the shape and position of the grid by constantly moving.

And they will actively attack and bite the players who are close.

It is unrealistic to rely on bouncing or flying to pass. The anti-aircraft guns on both sides of the track are to prevent this from The only place where you can pass safely is the small road where the power grid is located in the lower left and right corners of the track.

The two trails were attached to both sides of the track like pipes, and extended a distance of more than 50 meters in the front and rear.

Players only need to enter the pipeline path in advance, and if they cross the grid from there, they will neither be electrocuted nor attacked by the electric dragon.

To be honest, this level is actually not difficult at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can spot the existence of the entrance to the left and right paths at a glance.

However, it was a blind man (?) who took the lead.

"It's not right! Why doesn't he enter the pipeline?!"

"Hey! Is this going to rush directly over?"

"I'm afraid I'm not a newcomer, so I don't understand the power of the power grid, right?"

Amid the doubts of the people behind, Li Pu directly ignored the entrance of the pipeline and chose to move forward.

【Roar! 】

Just as he passed the entrance, the electric dragon roared and attacked him.

"Finished this newcomer."

"He avoided so many complicated traps before, but he despised the simplest invincible power grid, alas."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Yeah, we've only just started, and he's going to be gone."

When everyone saw this scene, they were all regretful.

It is not a pity that Li Pu is about to be eliminated, but a pity that they have just discovered such a good leader, and they will be eliminated because of carelessness.

However, under the watchful eyes of the public, Li Pu actually passed through the minions of the electric dragon without injury. Now Zhang Si

And directly hit the power grid with his body, and passed safely. control the big lord

call out!

Everyone: "???"



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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