After closing his eyes, Li Pu knew that the distortions on the wall were just an illusion.

In fact, those traps will not change, and they are still there.

For him, blindness has become an advantage at this time, and he is not affected by this illusion.

Although there are other players with good perception, it will undoubtedly be a little uncomfortable for them to block their vision and keep moving at a high speed.

"Don't look anywhere else, just follow me."

While speaking, Li Pu had already sensed that someone in front of him had been sacked and eliminated.

With his guidance, Mao Mao and FKINGB felt the pressure was greatly reduced.

On the way, the two of them didn't even have to shoot. In front of Li Pu's sword and punch, there was no opponent they couldn't handle.

It was the straw man himself who accidentally fell into the trap and sacrificed himself.

"I couldn't experience it through the screen before. I didn't expect him to be so reliable as a teammate."

Mao Mao couldn't help sighing as he looked at the Qi Blades that slashed the opponent into the trap.

In fact, for Li Pu, it is not difficult to adjust the direction and angle of the air blade and use his strength to knock his opponent into a trap.

Because that operation method is very similar to his usual [Breaking Style] ability, except that one slash is a move and the other is a person.

In this way, the three of them marched smoothly all the way to the end of the track.

"It seems that the players this time are a little weaker than before."

At this time, the smile on Mao Mao's face became more and more unable to hide it.

Not long ago, Li Pu took down another group of players, and their trio had already established an absolute leading position.

At this time, she was standing with Li Pu in front of a deep pit that could not be seen to the end.

"If it weren't for you, we really didn't know that the last level would have a combination lock."

"I'm going to press it now, you pay attention."

The voice of FKINGB came from the deep pit.


As his words fell, a strong wind rose from below.


After the strong wind, a yellow beam of light emerged.

At first the beam of light was slightly scattered, but gradually it began to condense into a number, 7.

"The last code is in hand, 14757, come up."

Li Pu opened his eyes to look at the number, and then notified the FKINGB number in the deep pit.


FKINGB responded and started climbing.

Everything went smoothly.

Li Pu felt that it was better to have someone who was familiar with the situation lead the way on such a strange track.

If it wasn't for Mao Mao's reminder, they didn't know that they needed to collect scattered passwords along the way.

Nor would they know that this deep pit, which they used as a trap to avoid, was actually a place where the password was hidden.

At that time, if you go to the end point and then turn back to find information, it may take a lot of time and effort.

Another example is that some of the previous organs, as Mao Mao said, require three people to press the button at the same time to open.

Of course, Li Pu, who has many younger brothers, can do it himself.

Don't say three buttons, it's four, oh no, he's fine with twelve.


Just sensing Mao Mao's movements, Li Pu couldn't help but wonder: "It's just a very simple password. Is it necessary to write it down in a notebook?" This time sH*uCanG Zhang Si

Every time she got a password, she wrote it down in a small leather book, which made it feel like a fuss.

"It's just a personal habit."

Mao Mao smiled and did not explain much.

He just secretly clenched the small leather book, and was nervous for a little while without a trace.


In the monitoring room, the biggest screen was playing the picture of Li Pu and the three standing in front of the finish line.

"It looks like Xiaomao Mao is going to succeed Boo."

The God of Fairness smiled intrigued.

Lizard-tailed men, on the other hand, are completely unconcerned about the whole process. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

"Has the final winner appeared?"

He had been keeping his eyes closed all the time and he opened his eyes when he heard the goddess speak.

"This cat-eared person looks familiar."

When his eyes fell on Mao Mao, he was slightly puzzled.

"Don't you remember the stand-in for the Forgotten God? You're a fool for leveling up."

"Oh, it was her."

The lizard-tailed man pouted and closed his eyes again.

It doesn't matter who wins, just don't waste too much time on yourself.


At this moment, the three of Li Pu were standing in front of the finish line of the track.

They have plenty of time, and the second-tier players have at least 5 minutes to get here.

Mao Mao was holding a small leather book in his hand, which recorded the password that was successfully collected just now.

This is impossible. As the **** of oblivion, she has to pay the price of amnesia when she uses her abilities.

If you don't remember your password, that's too bad.

The hand holding the leather book was slightly strained, and Mao Mao felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle.

In fact, it was just her own guilty conscience.

Li Pu and FKINGB don't care about the ranking of this competition at all, they came in just for experience.

Mao Mao was different. Originally, she didn't care, and she didn't even want to participate in this obstacle course at all.

But just before the competition started, she accidentally discovered something and knew in advance the reward brought by the God of Fairness.

To put it bluntly, she really wanted it.

Now it's just one last step away from getting the reward.

As long as you enter the password to start the transmission, you will be the first to go out and get the first name.

For Mao Mao, the only problem is how to get these two Fortunately, she is ready.

There are other uses for the abilities that the Forgotten God gave her besides event-centricity.

That is, all targets within the range can forget a keyword.

According to the length of the keywords that need to be forgotten, the number of targets, the strength of the targets, and the strength of herself, she decides how long she needs to pay for the side effects of forgetting.

Mao Mao knew that both Li Pu and FKINGB were strong, especially Li Pu.

But to know that her own strength is also not weak, the price to pay should be the loss of ten minutes of memory, which is not a big deal.

As long as the two of them forget the password, and then they can retrieve the password through the small leather book.

Plan pass.

"I'm sorry, you two."

So sticking her tongue out to the two of them, she snapped her fingers.


At the moment when their fingers snapped, the three of them were shocked at the same time.


Then, the small leather book in Mao Mao's hand fell to the ground.

"Huh? Where is this place?"

Then she woke up first and looked around blankly.

It has to be said that she still underestimated Li Pu's strength.

The side effects made her forget not ten minutes, but two hours.

After doing this, Mao Mao didn't even remember what he was going to do.

Even the memory goes back to before she got the news and came to participate in the competition.


On the contrary, Li Pu was not affected, and was still wondering why the other party said sorry. control the big lord

But this is not important, the important thing is to leave here quickly to end this experience.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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