After the medicine is fed, the next thing to do is to wait for the results.

In the ward, it suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's attention was on Li Jiu.

Li Pu actually felt a little nervous. He could hear his heartbeat more clearly than before.

Of course, he can also hear the elder nephew and Huang Lao, after all, the perception attribute is there.

The eldest nephew's heartbeat was also fast, even faster than his own.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

1 minute.

3 minutes.

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

However, all the vital signs, including brain waves, did not change at all on the instrument, and they were still so smooth.

"It didn't work out."

In the end, Huang Lao was the first to speak.

The panacea is just a name.

That doesn't mean it's really omnipotent.

"Why is this..."

After a while of silence, Li Pu finally spoke slowly.

The eldest nephew had a dark look in his eyes, and he couldn't help lowering his head slightly.

"Is there such a possibility."

At this moment, Huang Lao spoke again.

This time, he succeeded in attracting the attention of both his uncle and nephew.

"I believe you also know that if the qualified person died in a foreign land."

"In addition to losing the qualifications of the qualified person, there are three possible outcomes."

"One is to die on the spot. There is nothing to say about this." This time Z*Hu Zhang Si

"The other is brain death or becoming a vegetative person, etc."

"The last one is mental trauma or amnesia, which is a very lucky few, needless to say."

More than three experts have made judgments about Li Jiu's situation before.

Not brain dead, just a vegetative state.

In this vegetative state, the panacea can be cured, and the person will wake up on the spot.

Huang Lao has a great say in this, because the same situation happened in Xiong Country next door.

And it happened that the vegetative man was his old friend.

Now that the panacea can't cure Li Jiu, it means that his vegetative state may not have happened because of his death in a foreign land.

"Is there such a possibility that Li Jiu became a vegetable in a foreign land?"

"Let me put it another way, Li Jiu has never died, and he is still a qualified person until now."

"It's just that when he traveled to a foreign land, he was in a vegetative state."

In the end, Huang Lao expressed his guess.

A panacea can cure a vegetative person who has died in a foreign land, but if the other party is a vegetative person in a foreign land, it is not easy to say.

After all, the alien world is so big, and there are so many strange things.

Maybe it was some kind of curse?


After hearing these words, Li Pu was also confused.

According to Huang Lao, then the ninth uncle, who is a vegetable, was also taken care of during the exotic time, and has been in a safe place for the past few years.

"No, if that's the case, we have no reason not to know."

But this time, the eldest nephew is suddenly not stupid.

If someone is really taking care of Grandpa Jiu over there, then there can definitely be information transfer between the two sides.

Like stuffing a note in his hand.

Or, write something on his body.

No matter how bad it is, you can also tattoo some messages on your skin.


Having said this, Huang Lao also felt that his conjecture might be biased.

But for now, let's not discuss whether Li Jiu suffered death in a foreign land or became a vegetable in a foreign land.

At least one situation is very realistic.

That's the panacea, it doesn't work.

The uncle and nephew had to face this reality.


In the end, Li Pu first sighed.

He comforted himself that this wave was not without gain.

At least one wrong answer is ruled out.

Right now, there is still a path in front of him to take, and that is to find an effective God-replacing ability.

In the next time, both uncle and nephew were not very interested.

Hopes are dashed in front of them, which is a very shocking thing.

So they were bored in their own rooms and spent the past few days on the Blue Star.

Originally, Li Pu still wanted to make a fortune with Huang Lao by using [Brand Making], but he was in no mood and could only talk about it later.

This kind of emotion has continued into the alien time.

Li Pu didn't go out for two days in a row, or even left the room.

During this period, he thought about several questions and planned the next actions.

First of all, the current plan remains unchanged and will not leave the sky garden for the time being.

First, he took the opportunity to familiarize himself with the various items of the Games, and second, he was waiting for the replies from the gods.

So far, he has made contact with a **** through his staff.

However, judging from the results of the panacea, the **** of insomnia is likely to be powerless.

In this regard, it may be possible to obtain results through further contact inquiries.

Li Pu intends to stay here for another month or so before leaving.

A month should be enough to do the above things on your own.

And you can do it again, oh no, it's not right, it's not right, in short, it's just to cooperate with my cheap brother Chuge again.

Because the other party's ability is limited to once a month.

Then, go to the Mechanical Principality.

There are communication slimes on the empty island, so Li Pu can contact DJ-17 if there is a delay in time.

That guy looks quite idle, plus he gets along well with Han Shu, so if he pays some detention fees, he probably won't refuse.

But before heading to the Mechanical Duchy, he still has a small thing to do.

A month later, it's almost time for the start of the secondary league.

Now that the panacea is ineffective, and he has almost brushed the magical beast talent of Qiyuan Canyon.

After thinking about it, Li Pusi decided to retire.

Anyway, now doing a small business with cubic the money is no slower than playing the L alliance.

And the time is free, so you don’t have to worry about the schedule to get online in a hurry.

I heard that there will be a press conference before the start of the sub-league, which will be used by each team to announce the team roster and personnel changes this season, and you can show your face when the time comes.

On the third day of coming to the foreign land, Li Pu finally managed to sort out his mood.

So he decides to go out and find a communication slime and leave a message for DJ-17.

After finishing the work, Yi Li and FKINGB stopped him as soon as he returned to the door.

In the past few days, Yi Li and FKINGB have seen his autism.

As friends, the two are also more worried.

"Well, do you want to play some cubes?"

FKINGB took the initiative to propose to help Li Pu ease.

"Then I will reluctantly be the referee."

Yi Li was there to help.

Feeling the concern from friends, the corners of Li Pu's mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, I'll give you a pair of eyes."

So he nodded.



Ladies and gentlemen, I've reached 160W, and I really can't write anymore.

Because there are too many pirated copies of this book. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

As long as other books have such a collection, no matter how bad the subscription is, they will easily exceed a thousand. control the big lord

I have about 100 collections here and only 1 person sees the genuine version.

Try to struggle again and see if you can write to 200W.

Anyway, I'm going to start planning a new book, and I'm likely to write about beasts, and I don't plan to post it on the urban channel.

If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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