Of course, the stone-skinned lizardmen are not Li Pu's opponents, so soon he can only offer a [Skill Fusion Panel] with both hands.

Li Pu was naturally very happy when he won the lottery, but the development of things started to differ from what he imagined.

During the card game between himself and the Fire Elemental and the Stone Skin Lizardmen, more and more players participated in the onlookers.

Especially in the second game, he kept a little sympathy and did not completely crush the opponent into powder.

Under this deliberate manipulation, the two sides fought back and forth.

In the end, Li Pu eliminated the opponent's trump card after consuming 9 regular cards.

And the trump card he carried was not [Thirteen Unity], but [Insect King Fortress].

Of course, let the water go back to the water.

He still brought the bottom card, which was the [strongest snail] hiding in the trump card row.

Make sure you don't lose, and don't expose your deck easily.

Under such a premise, this game was played well enough.

It not only made the stone-skinned lizardmen feel that it was a pity to lose, but also felt that the battle was hearty.

Otherwise, Li Pu felt that he had taken someone else's [Skill Fusion Panel] for nothing, and he seemed a little embarrassed. Although someone else offered it with both hands, at the very least, he had to let others have a good time.

However, the result of this is that the wonderful game has aroused the addiction of the audience.

So after the stone-skinned lizardmen, someone came to challenge him.

And continuing the rules of the previous two rounds, it still won the prize.

Considering that if he kept winning, he would probably lose his chance to catch big fish with a long line, so Li Pu chose to throw water directly to lose in this round.

When he took out an out-of-print rare elite card that he had fused and handed it over, the other party was almost overjoyed.

Then, under the booing of the crowd, Li Pu, as the loser, obediently gave up his seat and entered the audience.

I have to say that these players are actually quite strong due to their good strength.

As a result, each subsequent game was quite exciting, attracting more and more spectators, and even some idle staff stopped to watch, and the number of people gradually developed towards breaking 100.

So Li Pu's villa yard, inexplicably, turned into a cube ring.

The loser automatically leaves the table, and the winner chooses his opponent from an active audience.

During this process, Li Pu seized the opportunity to participate in another round.

Because the winner's head is actually the [Skill Fusion Panel] again.

After pretending to be a tough game, he actually won the game easily.

So in the second game, I quickly lost the water and left the field.

The price paid is just a fusion card used as a bonus.

In this way, it is equivalent to exchanging two fusion cards for two [skill fusion panels].

After gathering the [Skill Fusion Panel] by accident, Li Pu got into his room without looking back and started to get stuck.

This time, holding the skill [Unstoppable Momentum] in his hand, he first previewed the fusion result of this skill and other skills.

Can only say that they are not satisfied.

It seems that it is still [LV3 Thunder Situation], and it has the highest degree of fit.

So he spent two [Skill Fusion Panels] familiarly, and he acquired a new skill.

[LV3 thunderstorm]

Time: Cooldown 60→45 seconds

Effect: Impact the designated position in the state of [Overlord], causing lightning to cause lightning damage to all units within the range of 50%→65% of your maximum health, and cause the effect of [knock up] → and cause a strong [knock up] Effect







Description: Heavy thunder comes, all sentient beings are scattered.

It can be said that the skills have been greatly enhanced.

The CD is shortened, the damage is greatly increased, and the word "powerful" is added to the [Knock Flying] effect.

It's a pity that the range of skills has not changed, which is a fly in the ointment.

If you want to get stuck again next time, you have to consume three [Skill Fusion Panels].

But that is the future, Li Pu will not consider it for the time being.

Pay attention to the intermediate process, and collect it if you have the opportunity.

He called up the occupation panel, and finally completed the third-level and fourth-level promotion of the last occupation.

[Mixed King] is in hand, and the talent [Big Clever] will come immediately.

【Big Smart】

Effect: Gain mystery equivalent to 30% of your constitution

Explanation: You will lose.

Li Pu immediately felt that the mysterious and mysterious aura on his body suddenly increased.

It seems that the mysterious attribute has improved a lot, which is really not covered.

Then call up your own property panel, and it really explodes.

[Physical 231, Strength 231, Agility 231, Luck 14, Mystery 211, Spirit 18, Perception 132]

If you don't carry Shuang Tingfeng, the perception attribute is far inferior to other attributes.

As for the two attributes of luck and spirit, I don't have much use for them, so I should give up treatment.

After finishing a thought, Li Pu probed his perception outside the house.

I previewed each skill + rest just now, and it took a lot of time. Now Zhang Si

He wanted to find out, did the group of guys outside retreated?

As a result, this investigation found something wrong.

Not only did the group of guys not lose their enthusiasm, they actually increased in number. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

And it's not just the players that have been added this time, there are actually several big jelly slimes involved.

Yes, the gods are here too.

The most exaggerated thing is that the gods also came to the poker table.

In fact, in the long life of the gods~www.readwn.com~ they also need a lot of entertainment to pass the time.

There are even rumors that several of the top ten leagues were founded by gods.

And the cube cards have naturally become their favorite items.

When it comes to the cube cards of gods, you have to mention a god.

An ultimate old **** who has survived three epochs.

A super powerful **** who is clearly qualified, but has always been unwilling to serve as the main god.

The **** of cubes.

Thanks to it, the gods who have no entity are qualified to play cube cards.

However, although gods can play cards, they are also subject to some restrictions due to their status as gods.

That is the source of their cube cards, which can only come from the offerings of their previous gods, or the exchanges between gods.

The old gods have experienced many gods, and the natural deck is deep and strong.

However, the depth and strength of the deck does not necessarily mean that the card skills are good.

After a while, Li Pu heard the laughter of the players.

"Hahahaha, so God's cards are so bad."

"The cards are good, but how can they play so ugly."

"That's right, I had a big advantage just now, but I couldn't grasp the opportunity and was overturned."

"What a waste of a good hand."

"I bother!"

The last spit came from the horse-headed man Yi Li.

This guy obviously didn't participate in the poker game, but he seemed to be the most arrogant one who dared to spit at the gods. control the big lord

Li Pu went down the stairs and walked out of the house with curiosity.

He wanted to see which **** it was and ended up being ridiculed by everyone.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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