What was placed in front of Li Pu at this time was a rack full of scrolls.

There are a total of five levels in the shelf, the higher the number of scrolls, the fewer the scrolls.

Li Pu first looked at the bottom layer, picked it up at random to investigate a few, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

【Breaking Potential Scroll】

Effect: It contains an unknown third-order occupation of at least A level

【Scroll of Wisdom】

Effect: It contains an unknown third-order occupation of at least S level

【Firm Scroll】

Effect: It contains an unknown third-order occupation of at least A+ level

"Well, the scrolls I have collected here are all A-level bottoms."

"It's a pity that they are basically unknown occupations, so it's not necessarily good or bad."

"You are a pure human race, because you know that although some professions are of high rank, the effect is not necessarily good."

P God introduced it next to him.


Li Pu nodded, and took a few scrolls from the penultimate layer to look at.

【Wind Chasing Scroll】

Effect: It contains an unknown fourth-order occupation of at least A+ level

【Wind Chasing Scroll】

Effect: It contains an unknown fourth-order occupation of at least S level

【Balance Scroll】

Effect: It contains an unknown fourth-order occupation of at least S level

It seems that this penultimate layer is a fourth-order occupation.

"and many more."

But in the next second, Li Pu felt something was wrong.

Hesitantly, he counted the shelves.

1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 4th floor, 5th floor

Tier 3, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6...?

Corresponding to the past one by one, he was surprised to find that the top level should be the seventh-order occupation.

However, he already knew that the seventh-order occupation did not exist.

So that means...

For a moment, Li Pu focused his attention on the five scrolls on the top floor.

"It's been found."

Aware of Li Pu's strangeness, God P laughed.

"If you are interested, you can also become a member of us."

"And right away."

At the end, it added another sentence.

God Scroll.

This made Li Pu finally determine what was placed on the top floor.

Because he himself has one.

[Balance God Scroll]: After use, you can directly become the God of Balance

"I don't have the idea of ​​becoming a **** yet."

For the invitation of God P, Li Pu shook his head.

But I have to say, he is really curious.

So he stretched out his hand and took the five scrolls of becoming gods, took them down one by one, and watched them carefully.

[Where is the melon seed scroll]: After using it, you can directly become the **** of melon seeds

[Lonely Hot Pot God Roll]: After using it, you can directly become the God of Lonely Hot Pot

[Tinglang God Scroll]: After using it, you can directly become the God of Tinglang

[Weed God Scroll]: You can directly become the God of Weeds after using it

[The Scroll of the God of Violence of Kings]: After using it, you can directly become the God of God of Violence of Kings

Just looking at the names of these five scrolls of becoming gods has a strong unreliable atmosphere, and it feels like some strange things.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. It was the **** of weeds, Li Pu felt that maybe the grass people could try it.

But this is just a random idea, he has never heard of summoning a beast to become a god.

"These divine scrolls are not easy to collect."

"Especially the God of Wang Bao, who knew Bo before with me."

"That guy's strength is pretty good, but his ambitions are too big."

"It's a pity, a pity."

Listening to these words of God P, Li Pu felt that he was so similar to God of Balance.

Violent, violent king.

I don't know if every main **** has a related copycat?

He doesn't care much about this, and similarly, he doesn't care about the scrolls of this rack.

Low-level, because I have already passed it, I can't use it.

High-level, one's own professional experience value is not full, and it can't be used.

So when you hold it in your hand, you can't even preview it, so there's no need to waste the opportunity.

Afterwards, Li Pu browsed a lot of shelves.

Sure enough, P God here, almost everything.

[Skill Fusion Panel] [Skill Upgrade Reagent]

【Talent Fusion Panel】【Talent Enhancement Reagent】

[Characteristic Fusion Panel] [Characteristic Enhancement Reagent]

More than half of them were unknown to Li Pu.

To be honest, he was quite moved.

Especially the talent/characteristic enhancement reagent, a preview can really improve oneself a lot.

for example:

[AB face]: The experience value required for leveling up becomes 300%→250%

[Carrying Wind]: Every 2 seconds, the melee damage you deal can reduce the target's skill by 10%→20%

[Partial Eclipse Snail]: Elite level → Rare elite and above cannot be swallowed

[Supreme Tongue]: Tongue flexibility increased by 1000%→2000%

[Big Papa] → [Papa Papa]: You get unlimited Domination effect

[Blindness Subsidy]: For every 10→9 points of perception attribute, the remaining attributes will increase by 1 point

This time Zhang Si. [Friend of Warcraft]: When you kill a Warcraft, there is a 0.1%→0.5% chance to obtain related talents

[Permanent Dual Stamina]: Constitution and strength attributes are always equal and +20%

[Inscription of Balance]: You can exchange any number of inscriptions with the target, and the effect of the inscriptions exchanged is +20%

[Multi-core function]: You can carry an additional occupation → a occupation/skill

[Unconventional coordination]: All unconventional movements will become extra coordinated (↑↑↑)

The improvement effect of each one is very good, but Li Pu is most curious about the last one.

The original [Unconventional Coordination] is already so perverted~www.readwn.com~ After three (↑) promotion symbols, what will it look like.

However, this is just a thought.

Anyway, now he really understands why there are so many masters in this warehouse guarding here.

If it weren't for his firm will and excellent character, he might have had a crooked idea.

But after thinking about it, Li Pu decided to continue to look at it first.

The next batch of shelves are mainly for various experience consumables.

For example, old friends who can increase professional experience, from [Little Experience Candy] to [Super Big Experience Candy].

There are also consumables that increase level experience and skill experience.

And the quality is very good, unlike Corpse Pill and Youyou Pill that will carry side effects for a period of time.

The quantity of these consumables is large, occupying about one-third of the capacity of the entire warehouse.

Li Pu felt that if a newcomer with only LV1 came here, he might be able to surpass him in a very short period of time.

I don't know how many years these gods have lived, and the accumulated collections are quite terrifying in both quality and quantity.

After some careful browsing, and after considering the comparison, Li Pu set his ultimate goal on three types of things.

Skill Gold Paper, Fruit of Talent, Light of Trait.

There are two reasons.

The first one is very simple, there are a lot of these three things, and it is also the last three things that he has not read all of them so far.

Make a big tyrant. Another reason is that the fusion/enhancement of skills/talents/characteristics is great.

But if he finds a suitable new skill/talent/trait, he thinks it might be even better.



If I like to be able to foresee the future, I just want to brush monsters, please collect them: () I just want to brush the monsters who can foresee the future. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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