After the selection, Li Pu left the warehouse with God P.

According to his plan, he should return to his residence at this time.

But because of this trip to the warehouse, he changed his mind.

Because I still have a burden in my hands that I don't know how to deal with, the [Balance God Scroll].

This thing is definitely not usable, but the key is that it is bound to itself, and it is a pity that it is such a bad warehouse.

So after returning to the residence of God P, Li Pu showed it.

"..., boo."

After reading this scroll, P God was silent for a while.

"I heard that the inheritance of the balance was obtained, so that guy is your kid."

When he spoke again, his tone was a little emotional.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. Balance has a lot of good cards."

"It died so suddenly at the time, and it didn't have a chance to leave us."

It turns out that it cares about this.

"You have seen the [Wang Baoshen Scroll] from me before, right?"

"That guy's experience is similar to that of the balance, and they are all losers who compete for the position of the Lord God."

"But the balanced behavior is even more exaggerated."

Seeing that Li Pu was silent, God P simply told a story.

"It all starts from the source."

"First of all, you have to be clear about a concept."

"The original world and the exotic world are two separate individuals."

"Of course, there is still a buffer space in the middle, leading space."

"That is the place where your qualified people were received by the introduction officer, and there is also an independent individual."

"But this little individual, let's put it aside for now."

"Every native world and foreign land are isolated from the beginning."

"Sometimes due to some misunderstandings, a native world may be invaded by other native worlds, forming tiny links."

"This kind of link is called a copy in many places."

"In the vast majority of cases, it is the barbaric world that invades with the help of the copy."

"The inhabitants of the barbaric world cannot communicate and influence."

"They only kill for the sake of killing and are often called monsters."

"Generally speaking, there are only two fates in the original world where a copy appears."

"One is to be able to independently resist the invasion from monsters, and the focus is on autonomy."

"One is not."

"..., boo."

Hearing this, Li Pu couldn't help but think back to the new world.

The new world is now almost more balanced, and the power of human beings seems to be enough to resist the dungeon monsters.

That is, the humans on their side mainly use the summoned beasts, I don't know if they are autonomous.

"If it's the second case..."

So he thought about it and asked God P.

"If it is the second type that cannot be resisted on its own, there are several developments."

"For example, you can compete with the monsters at first, but your own strength growth can't catch up with the speed of monsters."

"Another example is being invaded by a sudden large number of monsters in one fell swoop, leading to destruction."

"In the end, it was discovered early by the foreign land and got help."

"..., boo."

"Of course, from a common sense, foreign domains cannot directly intervene in the native world."

"We can only give strength, and we still need the aborigines in the native world to complete self-rescue."

"Because of the dungeon link, the rules of the native world have become confusing."

"So the foreign land can also send power to the past by opening the copy."

"The specific way of presenting this power is to awaken the aborigines of the native world to their combat power."

"..., boo."

Hearing this, Li Pu understood.

The Blue Star where he was located should belong to the situation that P God said.

He is also an Awakened, fighting against demon beasts.

"And the leaders of things like saving the native world are the seven main gods."

"So, the burden on the Lord God is not easy."

"And of course, they will be rewarded handsomely."

"If a native world can be completely stabilized from all aspects, and finally integrated with the foreign world, they will gain a lot of divine power."

"Although this process is extremely long, the gods have a longer lifespan and can fully afford to wait."

"..., boo."

This news is a bit remarkable for Li Pu.

Does that mean that Blue Star will eventually become part of the Exotic?

This time, it seems to be able to explain why the foreign domain is so large and why there are so many races.

However, from the sound of God P's words, he felt that he should not be able to live to witness the arrival of that day.

"So much has been introduced before, and now let's go back to this guy, Boo."

While Li Pu was digesting it, God P continued to introduce.

"As I said just now, the main forces that help the native world are the seven main gods."

"But sometimes other gods have the opportunity to contribute."

"Individual gods can even directly contract avatars in the native world through special means."

"But not every rule of the original world allows the awakened to enter the foreign world immediately."

"Some native worlds may require that after the war has completely subsided, the rules of the world will gradually evolve and converge, and the awakened will eventually slowly gain the qualifications to enter the foreign realm."

"Under such circumstances, it will be difficult for those gods to quickly gain back their divine power through their stand-ins."

"In return, the seven main gods will compensate for a certain amount of divine power based on the contributions of their stand-ins."

"And balance is an activist among these gods."

"..., boo."

Hearing this, Li Pu got the answer about the new The aborigines can awaken, but they cannot enter the foreign realm for the time being, which is obviously the situation mentioned by God P.

"But over time, the balanced ambitions were slowly revealed."

"It still covets the position of the main god, and wants to gain more divine power to strengthen itself."

"So, at one point it set its sights on a whole new native world."

"Through some covert means, it actively disrupted the rules of that native world."

"This led to the emergence of a copy of this originally stable native world."

"And balance himself, he was the first to come to this native world as a savior of the world."

"And it relies on its own advantages to pretend to be the **** of balance by deceiving the sky and crossing the sea, and deceives the other six main gods."

"As long as it finally saves the world that has fallen into the crisis of extinction because of itself, it will be able to obtain massive divine power through the power of the head god."

"But the result, for the balance, was tragic."

"It happened that among the other gods who entered that native world at that time, there was a **** whose strength was not inferior to mine at all."

"That god's stand-in broke its game by accident."

"And then...the balance was chopped off."


This time, Li Pu probably understood the ins and outs of the fall of the God of Balance.

Of course, he didn't care about the statement that P was secretly sticking gold on his face.

"Then, is there any way to deal with this thing of mine now?"

He pointed to the [Balance Divine Scroll] on the desktop and asked the question that he cared about most.


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