"The first unveiling round, don't think about it for too long."

At this moment, God P spoke.

"If it takes too much time, it will easily lead to siege, boo."

Every time a big fight, the first to get out of the game is usually those who waste time.

Because there are only two kinds of people who waste time.

One is that they are too leisurely and indecisive. This kind of player has to hesitate and think for a long time every round, delaying everyone's time. Naturally, they should kill them early to improve the efficiency of the game.

The second is that it is the kind of old Yinbi who is deliberately spending time and calculating, always thinking about how to ambush a few hands.

Both of these are unpleasant in the big fight, and are easy to focus on.

Of course, Li Pu didn't spend much time either.

Because there are 250+ cards, if you really want to read them one by one, you don't know how long it will take to preview.

It's just the first round anyway, so it doesn't matter too much.

So he hardly hesitated and chose his own unveiling.

As everyone's choices were completed, all kinds of powerful projections appeared on the huge poker table for a while.

The team on the left of Li Pu and the others revealed a rare BOSS card.

The projection has the head of a wolf and a horse, and the animal hair all over its body emits a dazzling golden light. At first glance, it is a big monster of extraordinary quality.

[Wuhu takes off~! 】

However, as soon as it looked up, the sound of the play made people almost fall.

The team on the right also revealed a rare BOSS card.

【Kaka! 】

This projection made Li Pu feel a little familiar.

Large husks, stout limbs and an upright stance.

This is the ultimate version of a sleepy card beast, reloading the sleepy card beast.

【Super Card Beast】-27 points

Attack 9, Defense 9, Blood 9

[Various removals]: Every time the HP of the super card beast returns to 0, the attributes of the next round will be -1/-1/-1 and the state will enter the next stage.

[Various wear and return]: If the super card beast is not attacked for 1 round, it will return to the previous stage when it is full again.

[I'm really super card]: Any attack/negative/healing/buff received by the super card beast will be delayed by 1 round

Not to mention that this card is quite strong, even if every round is blocked, it can support nine rounds.

In addition to the left and right neighbors, there are many rare BOSS cards that were revealed in the first round.

Li Pu felt it for a while, and there were 250+ cards unveiled, at least 50 of them were rare boss cards, and the rest of the lowest level were also boss cards, not even a single elite-level card.

Sure enough, the quality of this divine poker game is different.

What is about to unfold now seems to be a war between Warcraft projections.

And the blank area in the center of the card table is their battlefield.

He has been able to imagine how the battle scene will be when more than 250+ powerful Warcraft projections fight together on the battlefield.

As for Li Pu himself, he chose a BOSS card.

【Sneezing Slime】-16 points

Attack 1, Defense 1, Blood 14

【Software】: -2 damage when sneezing slime is attacked by blunt weapons

[Sneezing]: Every time the sneezing slime is hit, a 1/0/1 blue Qiuqiu will be generated in the space.

Regarding summoning cards, he asked God about the mechanics of the multiplayer game.

When there are more than two summoning cards in the game, the principle of score shall be followed.

Specifically, the number of summons is determined according to their respective score ratios.

for example:

For example, there are 10 spaces on the field and 3 summoning cards.

The scores of the 3 cards are: 5 points, 3 points, and 2 points.

Then the final summoning result is that 5 points occupy 5 spaces, 3 points occupy 3 spaces, and 2 points occupy 2 spaces.

However, if the 5-point card is limited by its own conditions, only 2 cards can be summoned in one round.

Then it is called first, and then the remaining 8 spaces are distributed by the remaining two cards according to the ratio of 3:2.

Of course, the actual situation is definitely more complicated than this, and needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, but the score principle is a recognized game rule, and no one will question its fairness.

In addition, in the scoring principle, rare BOSS cards have an extra +10 points, rare elites +5 points, bosses +3 points, and elites +2 points.

In the attack phase, Li Pu had no interest at all.

His [Sneeze Slime] only has 1 attack power, so whoever slaps it is not Gua Sha.

So he randomly chose a target, and he even completed the attack.

After the selection is complete, the next step is the attack determination phase.

As a result, an unexpected scene happened to Li Pu.

The super fierce battle scene he thought before actually did not appear.

The battlefield in the center of the round table is full of weak projections making small troubles there.

With so many rare BOSS cards, they kept a tacit understanding and basically chose not to shoot.

He opened his eyes and quickly scanned dozens of cards before he got the answer.

It seems that most teams have the same idea, which is Gou.

In the first round, it was either a stubborn card like [Sneezing Slime], or a protection card that could protect one's own cards.

The result is that after one attack round, except for a few cards that were hit by coincidence, all the rest were intact.

The [Sneezing Slime] on their side was not attacked. Instead, one of the folded cards in the first row was dropped 2 points of blood by the king, which was not painful or itchy.

"Don't be surprised, it's all normal, boo."

God P could see Li Pu's confusion, so he explained it.

"There are a lot of teams playing conservatively, especially in the first round, boo."

"And besides being conservative, there is another reason for everyone's restraint, boo."

"That is to try not to damage the card power before finding those three **** public enemies, boo."

Listening to its tone, I even feel a little bit of the same enemy.

As if he was not one of the three public enemies, shameless.

"Of course Boo, the most important thing is to quickly find out that fellow, the God of One Billion, Boo."

Finally, it adds a sentence.

As Li Pu who owns [The Strongest Snail], after listening to it, I think it makes sense~www.readwn.com~ If everyone just fights blindly, it will be the **** of a billion cheaper.

To know that there are 250+ teams, even if one team loses a card, it is three-dimensional +250/250/250.

When the time comes to raise a three-dimensional super invincible snail, that's okay.

"However, how long will this last?"

But he couldn't help but ask.

If we live together peacefully like this, then what kind of cards are we going to play, just drink tea and go straight to it.

"There are 12 regular cards, and at least 4 of them must be revealed. This is the official start of the battle, boo."

P God gave the answer.

For a lineup of 3 rows and 4 columns, revealing 4 cards is equivalent to revealing the first row in most cases.

Although in order to prevent premature exposure of identities, many gods will put a few new cards.

However, no matter how many new cards you bring, you have to guarantee your own combat power, so generally speaking, there are at most 4 cards, and the identities of many gods should be exposed.

As an old opponent for many years, everyone remembers clearly what main cards each **** on the empty island has.

Even with the addition of fresh blood from non-God teammates, most of their decks can't be better than God, and they can't support many new cards.

Li Pu nodded and didn't ask any more.

He just revealed the cards step by step, and then peeped again from time to time to see if he could find out where the other two public enemies were hiding.

【Krypton! 】

Sure enough, at the end of the fifth unveiling round, there was a shout that attracted Li Pu.


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