
After a burst of explosions that covered the entire huge table, the audience fell into silence.

Because the gods were stupid, they suddenly found that the card they had just revealed was gone.

Everything happened too quickly and suddenly, and the card game of the big chaos was extremely chaotic. So many cards were revealed at the same time, and it was impossible to understand what happened.

Li Pu also estimated this, and after passing the on-site preview, he would take it with confidence and reveal the [Self-Exploding Human Bug].

In fact, there are many effects of engaging others in the unveiling stage.

With [Charm], take the opponent's card as your own.

There is [Exile], which puts the opponent's card into a non-selectable state that cannot act.

There is [Dissuade], so that the opponent's unveiling card is forced to return to the folded state.

With [Seal], the opponent's unveiling is temporarily imprisoned by an attackable chain.

Of course, there are also [self-destruction] that let the card leave the field in the same way.

The above effects, except for [Charm], are all effective nemesis against the gods' birth cards.

In the previous rounds, someone took out [Exile], [Dissuade], and [Seal].

But you must know that these effects will not completely kill the enemy cards, but only play a role in delaying the enemy.

And they all have an underlying property that there is an upper limit on the number of targets.

In fact, what Li Pu didn't know was that [Self Exploding Human Bug] also belonged to this type of card, and also had a potential upper limit.

However, unlike other opening cards, its restrictions are a little special.

is the range limit.

That is to say, in a multi-way game, only the targets within a certain range around the [Self-Exploding Human Bug] will be affected by the [Self-Exploding] effect.

The only bad thing is the rules used in this big brawl game of the gods.

[Everytime relative rule]: Any two teams on the card table can be regarded as the target of confrontation with each other.

That is to say, under this kind of coincidence, all teams are within the range of [self-destruction].

For Li Pu, he only knew that he had foreseen great results.

Of course, there are still individual unveilings that survived.

Those cards that were spared either had their own restraint or immunity skills, or were protected by their own function cards.

At this moment, God P was ecstatic and shocked at this situation.

But as one of the biggest beneficiaries, it quickly adjusted its mood.

[Wh, what's the situation... Boo! 】

With the question of its acting skills, the entire public channel suddenly began to fry.

[Bocao, where is my natal card? ! 】

[What are you doing, all the unveilings in this round have been blown up? ! 】

[Who can see clearly, which card is the ghost, boo? ! 】

【I'm the only rare BOSS card ah ah ah ah ah! 】

[This is too outrageous, boo! 】

You must know that in the previous rounds, about 50 teams have been eliminated.

That is to say, the remaining 200 teams have revealed more than 150 rare BOSS cards in this round.

This does not include the natal cards of the gods, and those rare elite cards that are comparable to rare boss cards.

It can be said that in this round, basically everyone unveiled big names.

It's fine now, is it all gone? !

"Haha boo boo boo, so happy! So happy!"

Enjoying the reactions of the gods, God P felt very relieved.

The resentment that he was frequently targeted in the past was finally released this time.

After laughing, its watery big eyes began to turn.

"Your card is really good, boo."

"It's super useful in Brawl, Boo."

"Where did you get it, boo?"

This is not the first time Li Pu has faced this problem.

"I'll give you an address."

So he answered with ease.

Although such a scene is very unexpected, after all, the gods are veteran sticks who have seen countless scenes.

So wailing and wailing, they quickly readjusted their mentality.

Since the culprit of the explosion just now cannot be found, then continue with the previous plan and get rid of the God of One Billion first.

As a result, when the first attack fell on the trump card column of the God of One Billion, and a trump card was accurately revealed, the gods were stunned again.

【Krypton! 】

The snail of the billion **** actually appeared again.

【what the hell! Do you still have snail boo? ! 】

【Ah, ah, this **** really hates snails so much now, boo】

[Fortunately, I caught it here, this guy made it clear today that he is going to win, boo]

[Don't talk about everyone, hurry up and set fire to kill, tired, boo]

As soon as the snail came out, the gods had gradually become numb.

After all, this is the third one, and the shock level is far less than the mysterious [self-destruction] just now.

However, it should be said that in the late stage of the game, the last snail of the God of One Billion has become a super monster with 1700+ layers of BUFF.

Coupled with the [Reparative Shell], it also has more than 900 shields.

This data can be said to be very terrifying.

You must know that the total number of revealed + unrevealed cards on the field is only less than 1,200 cards and less than 1,300 cards.

All of them are unveiled together to scrape the snail, the God of One Billion, and it is impossible to scrape it to death in one round.

But fortunately, there is still the existence of the [God of Armor Stripping].

Not just the [God of Armor], there are many ways to deal with it.

A mere card, after all, it is impossible to compete with so many So after the third round of unveiling this trump card, the third card of the God of Billion [The Strongest Snail] once again Was sent away together.

Also in the same round, each team also got rid of its other trump card by the way.

As one of the Three Public Enemies, the God of One Billion has been eliminated from the competition.

However, due to the appearance of the three [strongest snails], the battle situation was messed up enough.

Taking advantage of this good situation, God P and Li Pu successfully passed the border.

They didn't even have the trump card revealed when the table teams were eliminated to just 64 teams to end the first round.

As for another public enemy, the **** of a thousand kings.

It seems to have adopted the same lurking method as P-God, and perhaps the cards on it are all its stand-in cards, so in the whole game, it has never been found out.

After exiting the game, the surrounding light curtains began to descend one by one.

Li Pu immediately sensed it, and there were many unfriendly eyes.

"There's still some time before the second round starts, boo."

"Come on, I'll take you to meet a god, boo."

God P didn't seem to like this kind of atmosphere either, so he immediately signaled Li Pu to follow him.


Li Pu raised his brows when he heard the words.

God P said to help himself find God, but he remembered it.

Could it be that there are results now?

Judging from the appearance of God P, this time it should not be a casual God.

So Li Pu followed with anticipation.

However, they had just walked out of the arena when they were stopped by Yi Shi alone.


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