If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 787: 【Grassman】-zero points

【Grass! 】

A dull projection appeared on the card, which was the straw man.

【Grass? 】

The real grass figurine circled around this projection a few times, expressing great curiosity.

Even after seeing so many cards, God P must admit that this card is very good.

But if you want it to evaluate, it's not easy to evaluate this card.

If I don't have to say it, it's probably... an additional rare boss level?

In terms of momentum, it is very thin, there is no particularly obvious high-end, and it is completely unqualified.

But in terms of attributes, it can be said to be very bad, and some can be said to be bad.

As for whether it is bad or bad, it all depends on the deck combination.

Simply put, this is a linkage card.

【Grassman】-0 points

attack? ,Defend? ,Blood?

[Little brother]: When the Li people unveiled the plaque, the grass figures unveiled it together

[Papa]: Grass figurine is immune to control twice per round

[Death in place of]: When a Li Ren is fatally injured, the grass man will bear the responsibility first.

【Carry】: Before the game starts, the grass figurine can choose one of Li Ren's skills to take away, but the effect is reduced

[Not important]: The straw man can be placed anywhere

[Not assertive]: If the Li Ren is not in the game, the straw man will not be able to reveal the card

[Grassman's Potential]: The grassman has 1/2 of the upper limit of Li's attack/defense/blood

If P God remembers correctly, [Li Ren] should be 30 points, 12/6/12.

In other words, if [Li Ren] does not receive any buff bonus, [Grass Ren] is 0 points, 6/3/6.

This price/performance ratio alone is enough to match the level of rare BOSS.

And it can also help [Li Ren] to block the knife, this effect is not too common.

However, the flaws are also very obvious. It can be seen that if it is not bound to play with [Li Ren], [Grass Man] will be completely useless.

Overall, this card is still strong.

"Not bad, the odds of a big fight have increased a little, boo."

For the result of this bet, God P is satisfied anyway.

This time, the God of Thousand Kings can be considered to have shot himself in the foot.

"Right, boo."

"Let's go quickly."

After finishing this temporary thing, it remembered that there is still an appointment.

So under the leadership of God P, Li Pu followed him to another rest room elsewhere.

There, a yellow slime was waiting.

Its characteristics are more obvious, that is, the dark circles under the eyes are particularly heavy, like long-term insomnia.

"You talk to yourself, I'll go out and wait, boo."

God P left a sentence and left in a rush.

In the end, it still involves the privacy of both parties, so it consciously chose to avoid it.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, Boo."

The black-eyed slime looked at Li Pu listlessly, and said leisurely, "God of Awakening Bo."

About Li Pu's information, in fact, it has been known very comprehensively, and it was introduced by God P in advance.

Awakened God?

When Li Pu heard this name, he was slightly overjoyed.

At the previous dinner party, the staff gave themselves a list of gods who wanted to find a substitute.

If he remembered correctly, the God of Awakening did not appear in the list.

In other words, this is a **** that God P specially found for himself.

It made him a little grateful.

It seems that God P is not only big in appearance, but also very trustworthy.

And the **** of awakening may meet his own requirements.

Maybe he can wake up the ninth uncle.

In addition, he also has a lot of experience in awakening people.

A mysterious ancient incantation + rigorous and sacred rituals, tried and tested.

Could it be that this means that there is a real fate with the God of Awakening?

"I heard that many gods want to rush to make a contract with you, boo."

"That is to say, the strength is very strong, boo."

At this time, the voice of the God of Awakening interrupted Li Pu's thoughts.

"It's not that easy to be my substitute, boo."

"You must pass my test first, boo."

"But before that, let me introduce you to the ability I gave you, boo."

Saying that, it introduced the situation to Li Pu.

It turns out that the ability that the God of Awakening can endow with God's replacement is very straightforward, that is, it can awaken people.

And whether it is voluntary or forced sleep, coma, mid-curse, etc., all of them are fine.

And the price that needs to be paid every time after using the ability is to insist on not falling asleep for a certain period of time.

If you can't hold on to falling asleep, you will receive backlash.

The effect of backlash is random, including deduction of experience points, crystal coins, medium DEBUFF, and even permanent deduction of attribute points.

"As for the test method, it's also very simple, boo."

"I've prepared twenty-six tests that can make people fall asleep, boo."

"As long as you pass all of them, it's done, boo."

"This is a list of items, allowing you to prepare well in advance and test again, boo."


After speaking, the God of Awakening vomited out a scroll.


Li Pu found a towel in the rest room, wiped the wet scroll, looked at it, and fell silent.

The front of the project list is relatively normal, but the latter items are unreliable.

【Strong Electric Shock】【Hard Object Beats Brain】【Heavy Body Damage】【Near-Death Experience】【Deep Cold Despair】

It feels like I want people to die and sleep forever, no wonder I can't find a **** to replace them.

But to be honest, Li Pu felt that these methods were all useless to him.

Because he has a skill.

[LV3 Kaka Sleepless Night]: You are immune to all sleep control

That is to say, unless he wants to sleep, no one can force him to fall asleep.

After reading the list of projects, he began to hesitate.

After all, is this **** with dark circles under the eyes ~www.readwn.com~ reliable?

So, Li Pu recounted the situation of the ninth uncle to him.

"Wait a minute, you said the panacea is useless?"

Sure enough, halfway through hearing this, the God of Awakening frowned.

"Yes, and I found someone to identify it. It's a panacea."

Li Pu nodded.

As for the weight issue, he also considered this at first.

Later, I got the answer from God P, and the panacea does not actually have the concept of weight.

Although it looks like a liquid, in fact, each capsule is about the same size, and there will be no difference in efficacy.

It doesn't matter if you eat one or ten.

"If that's the case, I'm sorry..."

"This **** should be helpless, boo."

After getting an accurate answer, the **** of awakening expressed regret.

Vegetative, its **** has indeed awakened.

And the success rate is very high, but there is a situation where his **** can't wake up.

That's a target that even a panacea can't save.

You must know that it is much easier to find a replacement for the God of Awakening than to find a panacea.

Therefore, as long as the family members of patients who have the ability to try the panacea can definitely find a divine replacement for the God of Awakening.

Indeed, as the **** of awakening said, it is a pity that so far the patients whose panacea is ineffective have never been awakened by their gods.

There have even been times when it has come in person, with the same result.

"It seems that I can only recommend another **** for you, boo."

However, the words of the God of Awakening gave Li Puxin hope again.


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