If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 791: Li P's defense battle

I have to say that Li Pu's attitude is very arrogant.

What he means is to say: You play by yourself, I will book one of the promotion places first.

Threat, the threat of red fruit.

You must know that threats like this have actually happened among the gods.

The Hedgehog is actually a silent threat.

It means that if you **** me then I will **** you, it is best to measure before you start.

But now Li Pu has come up with this [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone], which is far beyond the ordinary Hedgehog Card, and should be called the Hedgehog Card of Mass Destruction.

You **** me, then I **** you all.

And generally speaking, the gods are disdainful to open up their mouths and make threats clear.

If it weren't for the final "Boom", they would have thought it was some despicable non-God player.

But Li Pu really didn't lie, there were only two fire-type cards that he could get on the table.

Red Dragon 【Boncino】, and 【Thirteen Unity】.

All in the deck.

The remaining 8 regular cards that are still alive are all fire cards from God P, with levels ranging from BOSS to rare BOSS.

Therefore, if you want to eliminate Li Pu and P God, the price is too high and it may not be successful.

Because the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone] is destroyed, a series of fire-type cards will be resurrected, and the non-fire-type cards of other teams will suffer.

What's more, Li Pu also hid a [strongest snail] in the trump card column.

Not sure if other teams are fighting, they will find themselves on the verge of elimination.

Of course, there are still some teams that are happy to see this situation.

Because they carry very powerful fire-type cards, or the overall deck on the field is dominated by fire-type cards.

It is very common to use attributes to match the deck lineup.

However, such teams are in the minority.

Therefore, as soon as the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone] was displayed, the remaining 63 teams were automatically divided into two factions.

One faction wanted to destroy the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone], in order to strengthen their fire-type cards and use this to attack the cards of the rest of the team.

The other faction is very helpless and must protect Li Pu and God P.

The key is that now the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone] has been unveiled, and there is no card protection in front of it, it is completely exposed to the eyes of all teams, and anyone can attack it directly.

Don't look at 200 HP, it seems like a lot, but if you really want to be focused by several teams, it won't last a few rounds.

Therefore, the Pauli faction must strike first and become stronger.

After figuring out this relationship, someone immediately started shouting.

[Everyone, the **** of fire fairness, it has rare fire boss cards, boo]

[That's right, that's right, just those few broken cards, this **** remembers them firmly, boo]

[It has been exposed now, just do it next round, boo]

The **** of fairness could never have imagined that the weak self finally got into the second round and would suffer such an innocent disaster.

Who am I provoking?

【This is not fair, boo! 】

But before the ruthless gods, its protests are useless.

It's not just the gods of fairness that have such encounters.

Similar to its situation, the gods who have already exposed their identities in this round have all been locked in by everyone as the target of gathering fire and crusade.

The most injustice among them is not the God of Fairness, but the individual who owns powerful Fire-type cards but did not bring them into the game this round, but he just revealed his own God.

In order to protect themselves, everyone would rather kill by mistake than let it go.

[It can be said in advance that if anyone dares to hit the seal stone, we will hit whoever, boo]

What's even more exaggerated is that there are gods who speak directly.

[Yes, even touching his regular cards won't work, boo]

[If anyone violates the law, we will immediately focus on you, boo]

【Agree, boo】

[Agree +2, boo]

Even a lot of people agree.

"Hahahahaha! It's so cool, it's so cool!"

At this moment, P God is unprecedentedly happy.

You must know that before Li Pu decided to use this tactic, he was worried about whether it would be unstable.

After the results are really implemented, the deterrent effect is greater than I imagined.

Didn't see those guys, did they all say harsh words to protect themselves?

You must know that this kind of treatment is something that it has never experienced as a public enemy in the chaos.

In the big chaos of the past, I was always eliminated early in the first round, which was very embarrassing.

But in fact, this tactic is basically used once and others will be on guard.

After all, the solution to be solved is actually very simple.

That is to bring some fire-type cards in the regular deck, and then put one or two more powerful fire-type ace cards.

Because the skills of [You Huo Shenlong Sealing Stone] are completely indistinguishable whether they are strengthened or weakened, as long as they are fire-type/non-fire-type cards, they will all be treated equally.

On the contrary, the one who carried the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone] would fall into the predicament that the trump card could not take the initiative to attack.

But even if it's just one time, it's enough to make P feel great.

What's more, the appearance of the [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone] was originally a waste.

[Dead Fire Dragon] + [Youyu Town Boundary Monument] = [Silent Fire Dragon Sealing Stone]

Although the original two cards are very rare~www.readwn.com~, they are not really useful.

One is completely dead, and one is only a useless [Melancholy] DEBUFF.

"as long as you are happy."

Compared to the joy of God P, Li Pu didn't have much reaction.

He was just a little fortunate, and now the situation should not expose the [strongest snail].

As soon as the card is released, it is not allowed that others will also get rid of them with the idea of ​​​​a fish and a net.

Now that it does, it certainly adds a few more points to his odds of winning in the final round.

"You kid, it's really good, boo!"

But God P was still very excited, hitting Li Pu's calf frequently with his big jelly body.

"Don't care if you can win the third round, I'll give you another trip to my warehouse after the end, boo!"

Obviously, it attributed today's coolness to Li Pu.

After all, it is these new fusion cards.


Hearing this, Li Pu immediately raised his eyebrows.

"Then first thank you Captain."

In the warehouse of God P, there is indeed something that he wants.

Anyway, there was nothing to worry about in the second round of cards. With the promise of God P, he simply thought about what to store in the warehouse.

However, the situation this time is different from the last time. If you take something too expensive, you will appear to be a little bit insatiable + greedy.

But if you take something that is not suitable for you or is too inferior, it is equivalent to taking it for nothing.

So after thinking about it, Li Pu made a decision.

Take that strange skill gold paper, [LV1 Big Wheel].


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