
Li Pu was stunned.

The so-called half-life card must refer to [Li Ren], it can't be [Grass Ren].

[The boy of the God of Swords, he can be regarded as not doing his job properly]

[It's good to have a sword, but I ran to study my cube card]

[It was also studied so thoroughly]

[You can even do half-life cards]

[Unfortunately it is a semi-finished product after all]

[Because it kid ignored one of the most important material]

【Divine Power】

[How can a cube card without divine power become a life card]

[However, it has already been hung up, and it really cannot be injected with divine power]

The God of Cube Cards naturally knows everything about Cube Cards.

Listening to his tone, he both recognized the God of Sword and looked down upon it.

"What are you still doing, boo!"

"Promise quickly, boo!"

The **** P and the **** of fairness next to him seemed very excited at this time.

To know how many gods asked grandpa to tell grandma, only to ask the **** of cube cards to make natal cards.

The power of God P is not suitable to be a natal card, so I give up.

And the God of Fairness, the ability is very suitable, if you make a birth card, it must be very powerful.

The reason for being rejected is because the card skills are too bad.

If it has a natal card, it is simply an insult to the table.

Therefore, the condition of the God of Cube Cards is that if it can obtain the first name in the chaos, it will help it make it.

Now this great **** has actually offered to help create the natal card.

As old friends of this guy, they all know that the God of Cube Cards will only do this when it is pleasing to the eye and in a good mood.

And the other party is still a non-god, which is really rare, and it can be seen that he recognizes his card skills.

However, Li Pu disagreed with the urging of the two gods.

"Does it take a lot of divine power to make birth cards?"

He is more concerned about this issue.

From the words of the God of Cube Cards just now, it is obvious that if you want to turn your half life card into a life card, you need to consume divine power.

Although he has a lot of divine power in his hand, it is all a bargaining chip used to negotiate with other gods.

Don't want to spend it at will until it's done.

"You kid, you still care about this at a time like this, boo!"

"Yeah, it's so unfair, boo!"

In particular, the God of Fairness couldn't ask for it, and he was extremely anxious at this time.

It even wants to say how much divine power it needs, and Lao Tzu will help you out.

But on second thought, this guy has more divine power than himself.

So it's better to give up and don't humiliate yourself.

[You are not a god, so your life card does not need to inject much ability]

【About 100 servings is good】

"make a deal."

Li Pu blurted out that he could still afford 100 copies of divine power.

Really a drop in the bucket.


The God of Cube Cards hesitated for a moment.

How does it feel that it seems to be being led away by someone.

But what I just said is true, the price of divine power required by non-god birth cards is actually very small.

Otherwise, Edgeworth would not be able to create those half-life cards so easily.

If you switch to the gods, it will not be so easy.

It really wants to be able to come up with the half-life cards of the gods. At first, I was afraid that the house would be crushed by the gods.

The most consuming divine power of the gods' birth cards is the two attributes of "gods" and "intangibles".

The remaining consumption is determined according to the functionality of the card.

Li Pu's half-life card can't make [God] and [Intangible], and it is also a strength card and a non-functional card, so it will definitely not consume much divine power.

100 copies, which is still a high estimate by the fascination of cube cards.

【I will enter the state of making cards later】

【I have to concentrate on that process, I cannot communicate with you】

[You just need to add divine power to the card according to the panel prompts]

For the **** of cube cards, it is not too difficult to make birth cards.

So it can be done on the spot.

"Boom, it's been a long time since I saw the creation of a life card."

"Boom, it's not fair!"

The **** of P and the **** of fairness have already begun to get excited.


Li Pu nodded, took out [Li Ren] and handed it to the God of Cube Cards.

The God of Cube Cards has no hands to pick up, but one of its eyes emits a cone of light, shrouding [Li Ren].


So Li Pu felt light on his hand, and after releasing it, he found that [Li Ren] was floating in the air.


For the convenience of viewing, the God of Cube Cards enlarged the entire card of [Li Ren] to the extent that it would not lose to him, and hung it in front of the two gods.

Then its other eye cast light on Li Pu.


Just like in the copy of Swordsman, the light began to scan Li Pu continuously.

But this scan almost went wrong.

You must know that Li Pu's current strength is much stronger than when he was in that dungeon.

Obviously, this exceeded the expectations of the God of Cubes.

【Cough! 】

[That, the amount of divine power may be a little more than what I just mentioned. 】

Before the official start, the God of Cube Cards quickly said hello.

It can only be said that Li Pu's own strength is somewhat beyond his imagination.

It doesn't mean how high the level is, but this rate is simply incalculable and terrifying.

Perhaps the half-life cards created by the copy of God of Swords were far from his potential.

You can't bid half natal cards, you should bid half natal cards.

"Got it, let's get started, boo!"

P God beside him urged impatiently.

Even if more divine power is needed, how much can it be?

Seeing the captain's statement, Li Pu simply stopped asking.

And the God of Cubes also closed his mouth and began to manufacture them in earnest.

So [Li Ren] gradually changed from the name in the first line.

The original Li people gradually dissipated, replaced by three words.

Li Ren → Li Fei God

Li Pu: "..."

He was quite dissatisfied with the name.

Man, right or wrong, that's right.

Listening to the introduction just now ~www.readwn.com~ The God of Cube Cards seems to have only made natal cards for the gods before.

The names of those natal cards are unified by the **** of XX, which he can understand.

But the word "non-god" sounds very unlucky.

After all, on Blue Star, non-words mean black face and super-lucky poop.

Li Feishen, isn't he cursing his face to be invincible black?

Although it is said that his luck attribute is not high.

After the name, there are fractions and three dimensions.

However, at this step, the original scores and three-dimensional characters were directly shattered like the previous names and turned into blue-light powder, but no new ones came out.

"Hurry up, cast your divine power, boo."

At this time, God P was guiding him next to him.

Regarding the manufacture of natal cards, it is still fortunate to have seen many times.

When Li Pu heard this, he took out 100 copies of divine power.

Just now, the God of Cube Cards said that it will be more than 100 copies of divine power.

So now it's just to strengthen the three-dimensional, which should be more than enough, right?



[Team Relying on Park-16]

An unknown LV50 area, in an unknown wilderness mountain.

Duo Kai: "I upgraded."

Duo Xin: "Me too."

Kumamoto: "The efficiency of spawning monsters here is really high."

Bang Bangbee: "In a blink of an eye, it's more than ten days."

Duan Ming: "Well, it's almost time to save Nongmei."

Li Jie: "I also think that we are enough to deal with the monsters here."

Everyone: "Agree."

Han Yu: "..., it's all excuses." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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