When he set foot on the land of the big tombstone again, Li Pu had a long-lost feeling.

For ten days, he was really discussing the optimization plan of cube cards with a group of gods.

The most important thing is that after the news of the possible revision and optimization of the cube cards came out, Li Pu's [license making] fusion business was completely yellow before it started.

For a time, the gods of the entire empty island were watching. Even if they wanted to integrate, it would be wise to wait for the optimization plan to be finalized or implemented before integration.

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However, he was not without gain. After ten days of getting along, Li Pu and the group of senior gods in the committee were brought closer to a great extent.

These senior gods, including the **** of cube cards, all said that they would help him pay attention to the appropriate **** information.

Especially the **** of elixir.

It's a pity that this **** of elixir touted by everyone is really too reluctant to contact, and there is no news so far.

In fact, it is still a few days before the time he expected to leave the empty island.

Originally, according to the original idea, when I came down, I happened to participate in the new season conference of the L League Sub-League, and took the opportunity to announce my retirement.

Then he entered the Mechanical Principality and looked for a way to lift the seal for You Huo.

But now there is a little accident in the middle.

That is, Han Shu suddenly left a message saying that he was in a hurry and left the big tombstone.

So Li Pude came down first and handed over to DJ-17.

After paying the detention fee to him, he was truly destitute.

He was so poor that he couldn't even use the [Strongest Snail] for a few rounds.

Another accident was that FKINGB, a half-mechanical and half-demon race, showed a strong interest after hearing that Li Pu was going to the Mechanical Principality.

After some deliberation on both sides, it was decided to go together.

Although FKINGB, like Yi Li, has not found a suitable **** for the time being.

However, he seemed to have some private affairs to do, so he chose to leave the island.

And the horse head man stayed on the empty island, looking at the trend, there is a lot of signs of repeating students.

In addition, Li Pu is still waiting for his cheap brother, Chuge.

In terms of time, it is expected to come in these days.

He happened to obtain the [Shi Po Jing Tian Slash] of [Po Jing Wang], and he did not dare to use it on the empty island.

Otherwise, you might have to pay hundreds of copies of divine power to repair the island.

"It seems that you are also a rich owner..."

Standing in front of the terrace of a manor on the outskirts of Tombstone, Li Pu couldn't help but sigh.

The faint and gloomy wind that was unique to the Wild Spirit State was blowing towards his face, which only represented coolness to him.

Unexpectedly, it was only for a few days, and this guy FKINGB actually rented a manor.

Not only rich, but also very enjoyable.

"Didn't I mention it to you?"

The FKINGB, sitting in the back, is drinking oil and coffee.

"I'm also a professional player in the Big Ten, and I earn a lot of money."

"Renting a small manor to live in, of course, is not a problem."

Hearing this, Li Pu raised his brows.

To be honest, he really hadn't heard of it.

"Which alliance?"

Out of curiosity, he asked.

Even if the opponent is a professional player of the L League, it is not surprising.

Obviously, the two of them are from different regions, and unless it is a regional Super Cup between the regions, there is basically no chance of encountering them.

"League D, I'm a player in the regional competition."

FKINGB took a sip of oily coffee with a proud tone.

The regional contestants are equivalent to the level of Boom Bunny.

If you get the top three in the regional competition, you can participate in the regional Super Cup.

"It turned out to be the D alliance."

Li Pu heard the words and nodded.

He has heard of the Big Ten league events.

Some of them have target games on Blue Star, which should be brought back by qualified people from foreign countries.

As for the D alliance, it also belongs to one of those alliances mentioned above.

It targets games like Dead by Daylight and the Fifth Personality.

This type of competition is called asymmetrical confrontation.

To put it simply, there will be obvious differences in rules and strength between the enemy and us.

When I was a child, the blind fish, the wooden man, hide and seek, etc., all belonged to this category.

In the D League, a team of 4 players escaped, and a team of 1 player chased and killed.

If the number of escapes is greater than or equal to 3, the escape team wins.

On the contrary, it is to chase and kill Fang Sheng.

When the number of escapes is equal to 2, it seems to be a draw.

Since he has not watched the specific schedule, specific rules and content, Li Pu does not know much.

But with his knowledge of this type of game, FKNGB's ability seems to be a good fit for the D-League.

After all, in that kind of environment, the individual's ability to cause damage will be eliminated, and the power of push and pull is very popular.

If the hunter wants to eliminate the enemy, he needs to go through special means and devices to implement it.

In light of this, it is a bit similar to the races of the Divine Games.

"By the way, are you interested in joining the D League?"

"I think whether you are escaping or being a ghost, it should be easy for you to do it."

Since it was mentioned here, FKINGB is also interested.

"Am I participating?"

Li Pu was stunned when he heard the words.

He actually had this idea in the early and mid-term.

Originally, I was a little interested, but it seems that the audience is too small, so I can only give up.

Now that the FKINGB number is mentioned, it seems that you can play casually.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse."

Seeing that Li Pu didn't answer directly, FKINGB continued to say ~www.readwn.com~ It just so happens that our team has a training game today, you can come and participate. "

"If you think it's interesting, why don't you sign a 10-day short-term contract to test the waters?"

The more he talked, the more he felt that it was feasible.

Anyway, I have already inquired about it before, and the D alliance has a cube cabin in the big tombstone.

And it's just a training game, and there's no need to register for professional qualifications or the like.

Unlike the L League, the D League does not have a template.

You only need to select your own relevant configuration before officially entering the game.

"Anyway, it's okay to be idle, then..."

"Just to meet and see?"

Li Pu really couldn't hold back this guy's enthusiasm.

And the treatment of the regional teams will definitely not be bad, there should be a lot of crystal coins in the 10-day short.

Since you are idle, maybe you can make some quick money.

"Hahahahaha, good good!"

Unexpectedly, FKINGB was very excited.

Pull Li Pu to go to the city.

"Today, I must kill that group of dogs!"



[Team Relying on Park-19]

An unknown LV50 area, in an unknown wilderness mountain.

Han Shu: "I said sister, I came all the way..."

Han Shu: "Just to save a slime?"

Han Shu: "That's why you sent me the Han F-style extreme emergency signal?"

Han Shu: "It's so hard for me to return to the main text, hum!"

Han Shu: "You brought me a small theater, hum!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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