In the lounge, everyone was silent for a long time.

As they have the perspective of God, the degree of shock is no less than that of the Lava Demon Dog.

Not to mention whether Li Pu was lucky or keen, in short, he found the other party early.

To say that the bizarre non-human pursuit method is too bizarre.

You must know that including the FKINGB number, there are also several humanoid players in the mechanical demon team.

They have the most say in this regard.

Even individual humanoid players can take advantage of the mechanical family to transform.

But even so, Li Pu's [Earth Roller] still made them sigh that it was far inferior.

It just doesn't conform to anthropomorphic kinematics at all, but it is so powerful.

Not to mention the speed, those small obstacles along the way that could be used as effective cover by the escapees were actually knocked into the air by him.

Especially in this map, the passages of those dune palaces are less than 4 meters wide.

The giant Li Pu, who was buffed by the chaser, lay down like this, and directly took up almost all the width, making the Lava Demon Dog unable to hide even if he wanted to.

You say let it dodge by jumping?

It stands to reason that this is indeed the most correct way to avoid.

Especially the palace passage is obviously not easy to make a U-turn. If you pass over the rolling Li Pu, you will definitely be able to obtain a very sufficient escape time.

And the Lava Demon Dog did just that.

The strange thing is that after it jumped up, everyone found that Li Pu also rolled and bounced.

More importantly, this bounce time is even earlier than that of the Lava Demon Dog.

Even if the players are not professional players, they are also related personnel of the team, and they must have the basic game reading ability.

This kind of pre-judgment appears in the professional arena, and is often called a show, which is simply killing people.

Coupled with the psychological shadow left by the last game, the lava demon dog with an explosive mentality was quickly dealt with.

"The loss of personnel at this start is too fast."

At this time, Coach Skeleton is not very optimistic about the evil dog king.

"It's impossible to say, after all, it can save teammates."

The FKINGB number is full of schadenfreude.

He most wanted to see the vicious dog king and the others running to save his teammates, and then being captured by Li Pu and pinched to death one by one.

But what he said was actually not wrong.

A premature attrition is an extremely disadvantageous situation for the survivors in every way.

According to normal game experience, if the opponent on the other side is also a professional player, the number of people will be reduced at this time, then waiting for the best ending for the King of Dogs and the others will be a draw at most.

2 escapes a tie with 2 eliminations.

[Xiao Ao, you continue to look for the cipher machine, the small machine will come with me to save the dog, woof! 】

At this time, the vicious dog king in the arena also made the same judgment.

The lava demon dog must be rescued first.

[He seems to be far away, you come! Wang Wang! 】

At this time, the lava demon dog was also urging in the team channel.

Honestly, it would rather have been eliminated directly.

In this way, you don't have to face the pervert of Li Pu anymore.

But since the captain wants to continue, he can only cooperate.

Survivors bound by the knockout device will not receive a beep.

So at this moment, the Lava Demon Dog didn't find out at all, there was a big invisible guy who "stands" beside him.

So King Dog and Mechanical Dog quickly converged, and they approached the elimination teleportation array carefully, hiding behind a bunker.

"You investigate first to determine the situation, Wang Wang."

The vicious dog king gave instructions to the mechanical dog.

Because they are different from the Lava Demon Dog, the heartbeat sound has been heard.

This shows that Li Pu is nearby, but now they dare not visit, for fear of being discovered.

"Okay Captain, Wang Wang."

The mechanical dog was instructed and nodded.

But maybe it was nodding too hard, and one of its eyeballs fell directly.


The metal eyeballs fell to the ground. Fortunately, there was still a layer of sand, so there was no sound.


Immediately afterwards, a slight mechanical stretching sound came from the metal eyeballs.

Eight small mechanical tentacles stretched out to help the metal eyeball stand up.

It turns out that this is the peeping of the mechanical dog, oh no, the detection method - the remote control eyeball.

tick tock tick tock...

Under its control, the metal eyeballs began to walk forward like a little spider with a big belly.

It's just that the picture on the spider's back is an eyeball that is turning around.

"Captain, no one was found, Wang Wang."

Eyeballs circled in a small half circle, and the mechanical dog reported the situation.

"Come closer, Wang Wang."

The evil dog king continued to command.

Now this situation is kind of weird.

The heartbeat alarm sound of the survivors is determined by the frequency according to the distance of the pursuer.

The frequency of the alerts has not changed since they hid behind this cover.

Since their position remains unmoved now, it is possible to push out the other without moving.

This means that Li Pu is in ambush nearby. If he can't see it if he gets closer, it means that the other party most likely has the means of concealment.

"I'm very close, Captain, Wang Wang."

"If you get closer, you will run into the dog's mouth, barking."

The mechanical dog complained, but he continued to manipulate his eyes closer to Kalla...!

However, in the next second, there was a crackling sound on the quiet field.


The mechanical dog was silent for a while, and then said with difficulty: "My eyeballs seem to have been stepped on, and I didn't see anything at all, woof."

In this way, it is equivalent to confirming the fact that the other party is hiding in ambush.

"It can't go on like this, Wang Wang."

Damn Dog King knew they couldn't wait any longer.

If you drag it further, the lava demon dog will be eliminated after the elimination teleportation array is read.

"We'll go over together later."

"I moved a little bit forward as a bait to get his attention."

"When he attacks me, you save the big fire dog and leave quickly."

"Wang Wang."

As a result, the vicious dog king immediately arranged the tactics.

It has a relatively special defense skill, which is very suitable for use as bait.

[Devil's Asylum]: After channeling for 1 second, you can resist a chaser's attack, but you cannot perform other actions except moving during the limitation period, 1/1 of the available times

So if the tactics are implemented perfectly, they can save the Lava Demon Dog without taking any damage.

This is a more commonly used tactic for a vicious dog team.

The vicious dog king running in front pretends to save people, but in fact, at the last moment, he suddenly changes his behavioral purpose and delays the pursuer.

In the case of the chaser's attention being lured and distracted, the rescue is carried out by the teammates running behind.

The name of this tactic is called Fake Shot.

But the King of Dogs would never have expected it in a dream, and no one could ever fake a shot in front of Li Pu.


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