After the skill expired, the Evil Dog King finally saved the Lava Demon Dog.

But the mechanical dog was caught by Li Pu as a scapegoat.

Due to the lack of usage of [Devil's Asylum] and the blow they received just now, they did not dare to save people this time.

Can only turn around and flee, to find the password machine.

This wave has to come down, and it can only be said that Li Pu made a small profit.

Because although the mechanical dog that no one rescued has been eliminated, the arcane dog over there has also got a cipher machine.

At this time, the remaining three dogs are all concentrating on deciphering.

Although the efficiency of three escapes has been difficult to win, at least a draw can be achieved.


With a beam of transmitted light, the eliminated mechanical dog returned to the lounge.

"It's going to drive a mad dog, woof!"

"This human hunter is too perverted, Wang!"

"Not only does it run fast, but it also has a hook lock, woof!"

"As soon as my acceleration skills were over, he was hooked back, woof!"

"The most important thing is that the snakeskin's position is useless to the hook lock, Wang!"

"You know, I'm the most snake in the team, Wang!"

The mechanical dog told his experience loudly and excitedly.

However, everyone's reaction was very cold, because they had already seen it through God's perspective.

At this moment, they were more concerned about monitoring Li Pu's movements on the screen.

"What new trick is he going to do this time..."

Looking at Li Pu who was squatting on the spot, FKINGB began to do psychological construction for itself in advance.

I thought that this guy's strange gestures are really many.

In fact, Li Pu did not plan to do anything new.

He was reflecting, reflecting on some of his own shortcomings just now.

[Earth Wheel] is powerful, but in the narrow palace passage below, it seems a bit clumsy.

If it weren't for the lava demon dog being more clumsy, the previous palace chase would not have been very successful.

So the way to scroll has to be improved.


Thinking of this, Li Pu maintained a squatting position and lay down with his back on the ground.

Strictly speaking, whether this counts as lying or not, he is not quite sure.

Anyway, the legs are folded, and they are hugged tightly with both hands.

In this posture, you will definitely not be able to move on your own.

But fortunately, he has the skill [Big Roller], which will be responsible for providing driving force for himself.

In addition, there is another reason to hug your legs tightly.

That is to keep the lower body still.

Yes, since he didn't bring [unconventional coordination], then he had to use unconventional means to fix his lower body—holding it with his hands.

So this move is finally combined and called [Earth Wood Roll].

A move that combines acceleration, stealth, attack, and knock-up.

One move reflects Li Pu's positive, optimistic, and intelligent moves.

He is satisfied with this.

The trigger condition was met, and his figure gradually disappeared as he hugged him.

Li Pu, it's time to start rolling.

At this moment, the three vicious dogs team did not know that the danger was coming.


The lava demon dog on the other end just failed the verification and was electrocuted.

"What are you doing, Wang!"

The vicious dog king next to him was taken aback by this situation.

"Yes, sorry, hehe Wang."

The lava demon dog who was blamed looked a little embarrassed.

Don't look at how happy it is when laughing at Li Pu, the clumsy and clumsy it actually often fails when it encounters verification.

"Hurry up and hide first! Wang!"

At this time, the evil dog king had no choice but to call his teammates to hide.

The sparks that fail to verify will be observed by the pursuer regardless of the distance.

So it is very likely that Li Pu has already discovered it and is rushing here.

So the lava demon dog quickly climbed out of the dilapidated palace and ran away quickly.

No way, it's too big to hide here.

The vicious dog king ran for a distance in the passage, and then got into a pile of sand leaking from the broken wall.

Very covertly showing a little sight, quietly paying attention to the situation outside.

Sure enough, after a while, the alarm sound became rapid at a rapid pace.

meow~ meow meow~ meow meow meow~

Meow meow meow meow meow!

Don't look at it as a dog, in fact, he likes to keep cats.

So set the alarm sound to this.

However, next time, the evil dog king saw a strange scene.

It was obvious that the siren was coming to Chi Chi, but Li Pu was completely invisible.

Only saw the sand on the ground, splashing in place.

How to describe the situation.

It was as if there was a source car in front of him at this time, and then the tires of that car were constantly slipping.

And, if you listen carefully, the car's engine sounds strange.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

Listening and listening, the vicious dog king found that this was not an engine.

Instead, someone was spitting in a low voice.

Not right, very wrong.

Want to escape, but dare not escape.

In view of the experience just now, it already understood that it was Li Pu who was invisible again.

But the key question is not here, but rather, why hasn't the other party left?

This makes the dog king very fascinated.

He hid himself well, without any flaws.

There are many in the whole dilapidated palace like this sand pile where it hides.

It is impossible for any pursuer to pull past them one by one.

Therefore, based on its many years of experience in the D Alliance, the chances of its own sand pile being pulled are extremely small unless the other party opens the sky.

Sometimes, the two most terrifying words are called "unless".

Just when the evil dog king was thinking about it, an invisible human-fleshed hot wheel had hit the sand.

"Wang Le go!"

It was directly hit and flew far away, and was terrified on the spot.

This guy, really opened his eyes? !

Fortunately, the opponent hit him and fell into a short-term stagnation.

So it hurriedly activated an acceleration skill and ran desperately.

It's a pity that according to the canyon relativity, you have acceleration, and others have acceleration, which means that you have not accelerated.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the evil dog king to be arrested and returned to the eucalyptus.

When he was thrown into the elimination teleportation array by Li Pu like a dead dog.

It still hasn't figured out what went wrong.

Why is my own sand found accurately?

Why would my control skills fail directly?

Why would all of his movements be predicted to be blocked in advance?

With this series of question marks, the vicious dog king was also eliminated.

In a short period of time, two team members were damaged in a row, making the remaining lava demon dogs and arcane dogs unwilling to fight again.

They didn't even win the draw. The audience only deciphered two cipher machines, and they were all wiped out.

In the following consecutive training games, Li Pu still maintained a perfect winning rate in an outrageous way.

After all the scrims were over, the Mechanical Demon and the Hounds began to fight over his contract.

As for himself, he retreated from the cube early and left the scene.


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