As soon as Li Pu entered the dungeon, he found that it was indeed very different from the usual dungeons.

The first is the perspective, which is more like the perspective of God like the L League.

The entire copy map is in the shape of a rectangle with two ends running through it.

Near their lower exit, there is a pair of long bars made of energy matter, which really resembles a pinball pattern.

As for the specifics of the map, it's a sunny canyon.

Large and small rock masses and some energy groups form irregular obstacles distributed on the map.

And all kinds of immovable plant beasts are scattered all over the place.

Opposite the exit of the baffle, there is another exit of the canyon, but it is blocked by a huge round-headed piranha, which is tightly blocked.

The giant piranha seemed to be sleeping at this time, and the huge body swayed up and down with its breathing.

In front of it, there is also a row of small piranhas forming a closed guardrail, so that the giant piranha cannot be easily touched.

There are three runways on the left and right sides of the canyon.

Li Pu could see that there were two round marbles in the two runways on the right.

If you look closely, you almost have to laugh.

It turned out that they were actually the Q version of the old sword spirit and the Tiaotiaoquan.

The round marbles are their big heads.

And the recognition is also very high, the marbles of the old sword spirit are small saplings.

The marbles of Tiaotiaoquan are affixed with a yellow talisman.

"Although I didn't even pass the first level, I have tried it myself for a long time."

At this moment, the voice of the old sword spirit rang in Li Pu's ear.

"If you're here, I suggest not to carry a listening profession."

"Because listening to the wind is the most disadvantaged, and the skills cannot be accumulated at all. The best are the three occupations of chasing the wind, breaking the situation, and firming, and full of skills in minutes."

"And then there is that all kinds of damage, pain, impact, etc. that the marbles receive will be directly fed back to us."


"It is best not to come if you are prone to motion sickness."

Before the old sword spirit finished speaking, Li Pu saw a wave of energy suddenly burst out from the runway where Tiaotiaoquan was located.



Then with the strong retching sound of Tiao Tiao Punch, its marbles were shot out.

The marbles flew out of the runway and entered the map.

"Every collision between marbles and Warcraft will be regarded as a normal attack according to your own state."

"The damage caused will be based on our attributes, with a bonus to the instant speed of the marbles."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the old sword spirit explained with the example of jumping fist.


It just so happened that Tiaotiaoquan hit a plant Warcraft at this time.

That monster has a blade like a saw, and it looks very sharp.

And as a copy of LV50, the level of Warcraft here is naturally not low.

Tiaotiaoquan's collision only destroyed one-third of the opponent's health bar.

"It should be noted that Warcraft can also attack marbles."

At this time, the old sword spirit said again.


Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the saw blade of the plant monster quickly attacked Tiaotiaoquan.

Being cut by the saw blade, Tiaotiaoquan's marbles immediately spewed out a blue-light liquid, and it himself let out a painful cry.

"Ouch! YUE~!"

There was also a sound of vomiting in the pain, which made it even more miserable.

"In this dungeon rule, all monsters and obstacles will provide a certain amount of elasticity when they collide with the marbles."

"The obstacles are divided into two types: destructible and indestructible."

"Rocks like those are destructible, and they will break after being hit multiple times or with great force."

"The other is composed of energy substances. They are more elastic and cannot be destroyed. At least I have not seen them destroyed."



Jumping fist bounced around several rocks during this time.

"In this dungeon, our biggest weakness is that we can't control the trajectory of the marbles all the way."

"If you are attacked, you can only rely on MISS, damage reduction and other methods to reduce damage."

"Of course, displacement skills can affect ballistics to a certain extent."

At this time, the jumping fist has been knocked into a daze, and even if there is any means of displacement, it cannot be used.

"In fact, in addition to being attacked by monsters and losing blood, the marbles are also facing a crisis."

The old sword spirit continued.

"That is in this canyon, there will be continuous strong winds."

"From Taniguchi behind the boss, blow to us."

"The effect of the marble is that it is subjected to directional blowing force."

As the old sword spirit said, Li Pu saw that although the jumping fists collided continuously, the general direction was still fixed.

That is, it is always rolling towards Taniguchi on the side of the energy barrier.

And in Taniguchi, some space distortions can be faintly seen, and I don't know what the situation is.

"When the marble is close to Taniguchi, we need to use the energy barrier to hit it out again."

"if not……"

The energy barrier is actually shared, which means that all three of them can control it.

But Tiao Tiao Quan is now completely dizzy, and there is no way to control the paddle.

The old sword spirit was indifferent because he wanted Li Pu to see what happened when he fell out of Taniguchi.

bang bang bang...

So the unconscious Tiaotiaoquan rolled down the sloping baffle and fell into the space distortion at Taniguchi.


The marbles of Tiao Tiao Quan first cracked like they were overwhelmed by being After a few seconds, they exploded into blue light fragments and scattered.


Then the blue light floated to the runway again and turned into a marble again.


Tiaotiaoquan vomited again.

Until this time, the old sword spirit said leisurely: "If the blood is exhausted, or if it falls into the space-distorting black hole, the marbles will shatter."

"Everyone has only 3 chances to challenge. If all the chances are exhausted, they will be forced to kick out the dungeon and have to start over."

"Before you came in just now, it fell into the black hole at a rapid speed once."

Li Pu: "..."

He only now understands why Tiaotiaoquan was retching from the beginning.

It turned out that it had already died once, and now it has accumulated twice, with only one life left.

However, with the introduction of the old sword spirit and the sacrifice demonstration of Jerboa, Li Pu basically understood the mechanism of this dungeon.

It's just that he still has a question that hasn't been answered.

Li Pu: "What would happen if there was a collision between marbles and marbles?"

Old Sword Spirit: "Uh, I really don't know about this. I used to enter the book alone."

As a result, the more detailed situation, you still have to explore by yourself, because the old sword spirit only knows so much.

"Okay, then I'll try."

"Well, just focus on the runway, and you can condense it into marbles."

According to the instructions of the old sword spirit, Li Pu gathered together.


However, a strange situation arose.

【Grass! 】

【NONO! 】


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