If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 828: Where do serious people get so many marbles

Before the card BUG, ​​you have to learn more about the copy mechanism.

The duration of [NONO Profound Truth] is only 6 minutes, and it is impossible to provide power for oneself indefinitely.

So while you are still in a batter state, you have to try other methods.

At present, the old sword spirit is watching, Tiaotiaoquan is in fear, and no one is hindering Li Pu's operation.

"Two seniors, don't manipulate the **** for the time being."

But just in case, he still said hello in advance.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

The old sword spirit expressed puzzlement.

"Because the next scene... may be a little chaotic."

Li Pu said and activated his skills.

【Guru! 】x9

In an instant, the Li marbles turned into nine brown-grey spore marbles.

【YEYE! 】

The first to be startled was Iron Man.

It was immediately stunned, if it weren't for the limited barking, it would have wanted to learn to bark a few times like a grass figurine.

With so many summoners, which one should I go with? !


But as the energy chain is pulled, it is free.

【YEYE! 】

Iron Man: I want to follow the summoner, cry!

However, it was in the period of [NONO Profound Truth] rebellion, and a wave of reverse rebellion came.

【Grass! 】

Grass Man: This scene is too messy and terrible, Materia Medica has to hide!

As for the straw man, he shouted and activated the [Dongdong Worm] again to bury himself in the ground.

The scene at this time was like playing pool.

Nine spore marbles, plus iron marbles, now there are a total of ten marbles bumping around on the field.


x133! x134! x135! ...

They collided with monsters, collided with obstacles, and collided with marbles, and each collision was counted in the cumulative combo count.

This situation is about to make Li Pule blossom.

Although each combo does not provide much experience.

But the advantage is that it can be accumulated, and the experience given by each series is a little more than the previous one.

It means that as long as he can continue to accumulate, what is in front of him is an opportunity to gain massive experience points.

"Is your move... the goddess scattered flowers?"

The old sword spirit was completely stunned by the chaotic marbles in front of him.

The original clone skill, can it still be used like this in this dungeon?

But serious people, where did the nine physical clones come from? ?

To be able to open two or three, it is amazing!

And it doesn't have to be physical, most of them are phantoms or semi-phantoms!

At this time, he could only describe the scene with dazzling eyes.

If it is a more advanced expression, it is to use it several times.

Dazzling + Dazzling + Dazzling.

"You know the shit, this is called a shot!"

On the contrary, Tiaotiaoquan said a professional term.

It has one life left now, and it will not end if it is not a last resort.

Anyway, there is basically nothing to do in the end, just fainted the whole time.

【quack! ]xN

Not to mention the old sword spirit and Tiaotiaoquan, in fact, even those magic plants are too scared now.

When have they seen this scene?

However, they are afraid of returning, and they have not stopped attacking these marbles out of instinct.

But the problem is that unless he falls into a twisted black hole, Li Pu can't be beaten to death in this dungeon.

In marble mode, he can trigger [Son of the Earth] infinitely.

[Son of the Earth] + Double Fury's blood-returning effect, that's simply unbelievable.

So even if the attributes are now divided into nine parts, with the basic monster panel as the base, it is still very capable.


x213! x214! x215! ...

Using the clone of [Spore Man], Li Pu also quickly got a lot of information that he wanted to master.

A set of possible card bugs was gradually taking shape in his mind.

However, due to the absence of the perpetual motion power provided by Iron Man, and the fact that the baffle was never operated for the sake of stacking the number of hits.

Reading at zero

His clone spore marbles are getting fewer and fewer.

Losing power, they slid down the baffle, and were directly shattered by a spike.

And it won't go back to the runway, waiting for launch.

When there were only three spore marbles left, he released his clone state.


Iron Man, who had a little bit of time left in his rebellious reversal, wanted to get close to Li Pu and ask for a union.

However, once the marble chain is broken, it cannot be reconnected.

So Li Marble just knocked it away, and nothing happened.

It just so happened that Iron Man, who ended [NONO Profound Truth] at this time, was suddenly unhappy.

【NONO! 】

Iron Man: How dare you, a squinting summoner, dare to bump into the deity! ...YUE!

"Stop playing, get up and work."

But Li Pu ignored it and shouted for the grass marbles still buried in the pit.

【Grass? 】

The straw man rolled out of the pit sleepily.

The soil was so comfortable just now that it fell asleep directly.

"Senior, now you can end the game and fight the BOSS."

Just in case, Li Pu still wanted to ask the old sword spirit to come and help.

After all, this is a brand new dungeon mechanism, and that big piranha has a strong aura.

Due to the lack of listening to the wind class, some perception bonuses are missing.

In addition, the BOSS's aura is a little erratic, so he can't make a very accurate judgment.

It can only be said that it is roughly between the BOSS and the rare elite.

Such a LV50 BOSS is enough to attract his attention, so it is called the end of the old sword spirit.

As for the row of small piranhas in front of it, the breath is relatively clear, and it is of the BOSS level.

Earlier, the old sword spirit mentioned that it will refresh, but it is these little piranhas that refresh slowly.

The other magic plants will not be refreshed, and they have already been cleared by his spore marbles.

During the chaos just now, Li Puyou sparsely knocked out a few of the piranha flowers in this row.

The gaps made are not enough to get in and kill~www.readwn.com~ I found some of their characteristics.

The so-called "refresh" actually means that a small piranha flower grows again in the empty space.

Moreover, they have a strong recovery ability, and it is difficult to kill them smoothly without explosive means.

Just now, he just relied on luck, and he killed a few plants by hitting them in a row.

This kind of slow-refreshing, fast-recovering and fleshy Warcraft is not suitable for gaining experience, and the efficiency is too slow.

"Uh, okay, I'll be right here."

The old sword spirit said that he had received it, but for some reason his tone was strange.


With the launch of the runway, the sword marbles also entered the map.

【Grass! 】

Grass Man: Welcome!

The straw man who bounced back and forth on the map warmly welcomed the arrival of the old sword spirit.

Although when the sapling grew on the other's head, it was the one who laughed the most.

But after getting along for a long time, I feel that they are quite cordial, and rounding up can be regarded as half of my own kind.

"Wait for me..."


"I will try my best..."




"It's up to you."


When the old sword spirit came off, Li Pu realized that this guy might be really old.

Between the collisions, he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

It seems that his team is really old and weak.

The old sword spirit is old, the grass iron is weak, the jumping fist is sick, and he is disabled (?).

However, listening to the tone of the old sword spirit, it seems that he knows something because he has opened up wasteland before.


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