Three days later than expected.

Li Pu's cheap brother Chuge finally arrived at the big tombstone.

After being cut from LV52 to LV48 by Li Pu last time, he soon left the empty island to embark on a journey of killing monsters.

Then when the January contract was about to expire, he returned to the empty island and came to the big tombstone with the help of Mao Mao's teleportation array.

In this month, he can be described as a diligent monster.

Everyone has their own secrets more or less, and the first frame is no exception.

And this secret, in fact, he also shared with Li Pu.

That is somewhere where the efficiency of spawning monsters is very high.

He had invited Li Pu to go with him before, but Li Pu had something to do, so he did not agree.

Because of the great benefits that Li Pu has eaten here, Chu Ge has been extraordinarily hard at killing monsters this month.

Familiar with the road and good luck, it even surpassed the previous level and reached LV53.

You must know that the further back you go, the harder it is to level up. His efficiency is actually very good, and he is worthy of being a professional leveling person.

The first thing that made Chuge fortunate was that when his professional experience was full, his previous fifth-order professions came back.

Including the fifth-order S-rank occupation, it seems that it will not be lost due to temporary loss of experience.

Due to the special ability of Chuge himself, he does not want to be known by too many people.

So after making adequate preparations, the two came to a small uninhabited plain some distance from the big tombstone.

The process will not be described too much.

In short, the two of them walked and walked back, and the vehicle was scrapped after leaving the city gate.

In short, the better quality PK crystal that Chuge bought newly was still broken.

In short, after they left, the small plain became a deep canyon.

However, with the initial experience, this time the pain switch was directly turned off, so it was not cut again.

Of course, Li Pu had a preview before he really went down.

After making sure that it would not seriously exceed the load of the PK crystal and hacked Chu Ge to death, he made his move.

"I said brother, it seems that this matter needs to be slowed down."

"The interval of one month is too short."

On the way back, Chu Ge was both happy and bitter.

The good news is that Li Pu has become stronger after not seeing him for a month.

This time, he directly cut himself from LV53 to LV42.

Sadly, I was LV48 a month ago.

Now that he has been cut by a sword, not only has there been no growth, but it has fallen to LV42, which is a bit exaggerated.

In other words, the amount of experience that Li Pu had hacked out exceeded the amount of experience he had in monster farming.

There is an overflow relationship between the two.

If I keep this frequency, I don't know if I can raise the soft cap to LV100.

He only knew that he would never be able to practice LV100 in his life.

Maybe four or five more times, it will drop to level 0.

Not to mention level 0, if the level is lower than LV40, Chu Ge feels that it will be dangerous to walk in a foreign land.

Moreover, his leveling treasure land also has a level threshold.

If the level is too low, it really won't work.

What's more, he didn't want to work hard for a month, and the level would eventually increase negatively.

After all, it is necessary to upgrade slowly, otherwise, what is the point of raising so many soft caps.

So now, the pace of the exchange of experience points has to be slowed down.

About 2 to 3 months to exchange a wave, it feels more appropriate.

But the first grid is in this, and ignores a point that should be included.

That is Li Pu in 2-3 months. I don't know how much his strength will improve.

"Okay, brother."

As for Li Pu at this time, he was a little absent-minded.

Because he is both happy and bitter.

The good news is that after gaining a huge amount of experience points, he actually reached LV50 in a blink of an eye.

Chuge, the good big brother, is literally working hard to kill monsters for him.

Adding in your own monster spawning efficiency in the future can almost be counted as an experience penalty for filling out the [AB side].

The bitter thing is that although it has reached LV50, in addition to listening to the wind system, the experience of various occupations is still a little less in order to be promoted with full experience.

More importantly, after reaching LV50, it is time to spend money.

I won’t mention the professions that don’t need to be promoted yet. I consulted the old swordsman last time about weapon strengthening, and I can only temporarily stay at +5. I have to wait until LV60 to master +6 weapons.

The big head in front of him is the update of the inscription.

As the level of the inscription increases, the cost becomes more and more expensive.

Last time at LV40, I assembled a set of [Seven Yuan Cai Ka Beast] + [Seven Yuan Zhu Ka Beast], which cost more than 100W.

Until now, he has not returned to the blood.

Although I sold some cards and did a few fusion cards business on the sky island, the money I made was really not much, and it was used to pay the detention fee of DJ-17.

Now he is poor and white, and the crystal coins do not exceed 5 digits.

But when it comes to the inscription and money, Li Puyou received a very unexpected text message in the last few days of opening the empty island.

The person who sent the message was actually Disciple Si, who hadn't contacted him for a long time.

In the information conveyed by Communication Slim, Situ Di seemed a little excited and said a long speech.

Because it was too long, Li Pu lost his patience and didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, it's roughly some kind of patent fee, repaying the master, making money and so on.

To be honest, he didn't care too much about this.

Because my vision is different now, I think it was a huge sum of money when Studi gave him 5,000 crystal coins.

And now, it's really just sprinkling water.

Let the grass people go out to carry the sedan chairs for people in Barren Lingzhou, maybe a few days' wages can be enough.

In fact, the people around Li Pu now, whether they are Chuge or FKINGB, are quite rich.

It goes without saying that Chuge has several regular partners with rich people.

Those rich people don't have to work hard to gain experience, and they can level up, so why not do it.

So from time to time, he would sell his experience for money.

And FKINGB, as the captain of a strong team in the D League, has accumulated a lot of appearance fees over the years.

But Li Pu is reluctant to do this thing about borrowing It's not that he can't pay it back, but once he owes money, he always feels weird and can't let go.

If you don't pay it back for a day, you will feel uncomfortable for a day.

Of course, if it was a different person with whom he was extremely close, he would not have this burden.

For example, the eldest nephew Li Jie...


Thinking of this, Li Pu suddenly had a flash of light.

The eldest nephew and the other guys in the team have been mysteriously not knowing what they are doing lately.

He saw through the poor acting skills at a glance.

But since they deliberately concealed it, Li Pu naturally pretended not to know and didn't ask.

Even, he didn't care much at all.

It's just that the eldest nephew is also rich.

As far as he knows, Li Jie was also allocated hundreds of thousands of L League appearance fees at that time.

That way, things will be fine.

Li Jie's money is not borrowed, but taken.

After all, isn't his nephew's money his own?



[Team Relying on Park-23]

An unknown LV50 area, in an unknown wilderness mountain.

Red Claw: "Now that it has been rescued, why won't you let me go..."

Red Claw: "The new season is about to start, don't you have to train for your team?"

Red Claw: "That's right, there's a pervert in your team..."

Red Claw: "But the pre-match group press conference is coming soon. I, the captain, must attend."

Red Claw: "That's right, your captain is here too..."

Red Claw: "The key is the site you mentioned, and I haven't found it yet." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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