The total area of ​​the teleportation hall is larger than expected.

No management personnel were seen in the venue, only a few intelligent robots were maintaining and maintaining the transmission hall.

Seeing dj-17 lead people in, they didn't show too much either.

I just scanned and recorded them with light, and then left.

It is not difficult for the mechanical family to manufacture several robots of this level, and they can also repair each other, which is the best way to reduce operating costs.

Follow dj-17 through the thresholds, go down a few floors, and come to the bottom basement of the building.

Presented in front of Li Pu and fkingb is a metal mechanical portal full of black technology.

"Wait a minute, I'll start first."

The dj-17 operated on the console for a while, and then a vertical mechanical drawer popped out.

It walked to the drawer, integrated a crystal coin and put it in.

This crystal coin worth 2w is the operating energy required by the portal to transport two people.

Li Pu had already paid in advance, but the original staff changed from Han Shu to the current fkingb number.

After placing the energy source, dj-17 outputs another password and opens a keyhole on the console.

It took out the civic order and inserted it in, twisting it lightly.


With a sound of vibration, light gradually came out from the door.

Gradually, the light became more and more prosperous, and finally maintained a stable surging state.

"Okay, you can go in now."

"Then wish you a smooth arrival."

DJ-17 completed his mission and sent blessings to the two.

But the last sentence made Li Pu always feel weird.

Could it be that it might not arrive smoothly?

Could it be that there was another accident that failed to teleport halfway and died directly in a different dimension.


But he didn't have time to ask more, and the fkingb number took the lead and stepped in.

Look at that attitude, there should be no danger.

So Li Pu said goodbye to dj-17 and followed into the portal.

Unlike the previous teleportation, the weightlessness this time varies from light to heavy, and it lasts for a long time.

During this period, there was some weak pulling force acting on his body.

That is to say, Li Pu's body is very strong, and it is estimated that it will be very uncomfortable to replace it with a lesser flesh-and-blood race, such as those below lv50.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as a pulling sensation, but a tear-like pain.

I heard that the races that specialize in traveling through the void will evolve a purple shell to protect themselves, thinking that it is to cope with this pulling force.

The sense of weightlessness continued, and Li Pu opened his eyes with curiosity to take a look.

At this time, they were in a blue circular energy channel, moving fast, and the fkingb was in front of them.

The energy that forms the walls of the channel is turbulent, tumbling and spinning all the time.

It felt like they were in the peaceful center of the eye of the storm.

The transmission time was longer than Li Pu imagined.

After half an hour, their speed in the energy channel gradually slowed down.

If it weren't for the fkingb number gesturing in front from time to time, Li Pu would have thought that he might encounter some danger if he let Li Pu come in alone.


In the end, with a space shock, the weightlessness on the body finally receded.

Li Pu immediately regained his down-to-earth feeling.


The fkingb number also announced the end of the transmission.


This place is completely different from the Mechanical Principality that Li Pu imagined or had heard of.

The most intuitive feeling is cold.

It's so cold.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the surrounding area was actually a piece of ice and snow.

The glacier with no end in sight can only be described as desolate.

Not to mention the technical texture unique to the mechanic, there is not even a trace of popularity.

"Not very lucky..."

Even the fkingb account, who had been there, sighed at this time: "It seems that Brother 17's key is linked to the winter area."

Then, he made an introduction to Li Pu.

Strictly speaking, this is not a mechanical duchy.

In the real Mechanical Principality, even the Warcraft is dominated by machinery.

But these mechanical monsters like to destroy various mechanical facilities, including portals.

Because the energy fluctuates too much when the portal is running, it is not suitable for building a settlement.

In order to prevent the destruction of mechanical monsters, all the teleportation points of the mechanical duchy were set outside the borders of this small space.

Of course, the so-called small is just a contrast to the exotic.

For individuals, the area of ​​this space is still very vast.

The Mechanical Principality is located in the central area of ​​the space, and surrounding it are the four outer areas of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

As the names suggest, these four overseas trips maintain a season all year round.

Among them, the winter area is the least popular. Generally, it is the lower stratum of the Mechanical Principality who has the citizenship order linking the nearby teleportation point.

The core of the thunderstorm that Li Pu was looking for was located in the summer area opposite the winter area.

"So if we want the ultimate goal, the fastest way is to pass through the Mechanical Principality and enter the Summer District."

"It's a pity that I can only walk on foot, and there is no vehicle."

The fkingb number ends with a pity.

In fact, he is not really without a vehicle, but is afraid.

When he was chatting with a certain Yi surnamed Ma Rentou on the empty island before, he had heard some magical rumors.

A recent experience also confirmed this rumor to him.

That is, after sleeping for a few days and waking up, he found that the Yuanli motorcycle he had parked in the manor had been secretly replaced with a new one.

Although the style has not changed, it is still a general-purpose model that is sold by chain stores in all major cities in the exotic region.

But the color is different, so he can see through it at a glance.

What kind of good-hearted person would secretly exchange his old car for a new one while he was drunk?

The reason for this is terrifying.

In the face of this situation now, it's not that the fkingb is reluctant to have a source locomotive, but that he is afraid of being bombed.

"Then hurry up and hit the road."

After listening to the introduction, Li Pu finally understood the meaning of dj-17's words before leaving.

Looking at the momentum, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to travel to the summer area.

According to his experience of relying on his feet to walk from Gao District across an entire area of ​​Xiaobing Country to Barren Spirit State, it is better to set off quickly at this time.

Otherwise, you don't know what year and month it will take to reach your destination.

Anyway, this climate He is not afraid now.

Because I had obtained a special ice running rune in [Frozen Insect Block], and there were two sets.

[Blue Fat Dragon Worm] x5: Your cold resistance +100%

As soon as the inscription was installed, the chill was immediately dispelled.

However, just after walking out of the teleportation point, Li Pu vaguely heard the faint sound of monsters calling from the cold wind.

【囷Card! 】xn

I always feel that this kind of sound is a little bit familiar.

As if I had heard it somewhere.



Small class of water characters: 囷, round barn.

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