If I Can Foresee the Future, I Just Want To Kill Monsters

Chapter 848: ?Kun ň 奘薜 Raising?/a>

With some effort, Li Pu was able to get it done without disturbing the other beasts.

Different from the sleepy beasts, the behemoths do not become much agile after breaking out of the tortoise shell, perhaps this is also partly related to their bulky size.

But instead, the advantage is that the defense power of the beast before shelling is very strong, which should be related to its more high-quality ice crystal tortoise shell armor.

Rao is that Li Pu's output is so high that without starting a big attack, there is no way to instantly kill his trapped state.

"It turns out that they are the behemoths."

After getting this behemoth, FKINGB sighed again and again.

Although he couldn't cause damage himself, he used the knockback effect to help control the movement of the beast just now, so he got a cube card.

This is not to grab experience, but a method that guards often use to detect magical beasts.

If you want to analyze various aspects of information such as the skills of Warcraft, there are usually several ways for veterans.

The first is to directly analyze with examples and experience through a large number of battles with this type of monsters.

This is the simplest, crudest and most direct method.

The second is to directly obtain the information of this type of Warcraft through some special means.

It is a relatively rare method, because this kind of means cannot be owned by ordinary people, and the owners are very few.

Whether it's a dungeon to open up wasteland or a wild BOSS to open up wasteland, the status of such people is held very high, and they are the sweet pastry in everyone's eyes.

The third type is to obtain the cube cards of Warcraft, and use the cube cards to roughly grasp the information of Warcraft.

Although the information obtained from the card surface will definitely be biased, and even sometimes extremely unreal.

But it is the most common and commonly used method, as long as the guards who have unlocked the cube card system can do it.

So it has to be said that in this regard, the God of Cube Cards does benefit the public.

At this time, the FKINGB number has obtained the cube card of the card beast.

【Holy Card Monster】-13 points

Attack 4, Defense 5, Blood 4

[Bald head]: When the health of the calf monster returns to 0, it will become a 2/5/2 sleepy monster in the next turn.

[Take off the jacket]: When the life of the sleepy card monster returns to 0, it will become a 1/1/1 wooden card monster in the next turn.

[I'm Back]: The Muka monster survives for 2 rounds and then turns into a wormhole again

Li Pu also got this card, which is basically equivalent to the [National Card Beast] he owns.

It's just that in terms of scores and three-dimensionality, it's just a little bit better.

But what he cared more about was that this behemoth didn't drop the inscription.

"I have also stayed in the Mechanical Principality for a while, and I have heard the name of this kind of monster in the winter area."

"Because their inscriptions are useful, but also because the drop rate is extremely low."

"So it seems to be almost wiped out. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes."

At this time, FKINGB learned the name of the beast by reading the card, and finally realized it.


When Li Pu heard this, he couldn't help but be silent for a while.

Very low drop rate, extinct.

Neither of these is good information for him.

"Now that I have seen this beast with my own eyes, and I have seen the cards, I can understand it."

"Why do they drop the death-free green inscription."

It's just that FKINGB's next two sentences made Li Pu stunned again.

"and many more."

Li Pu's expression tightened, and then he confirmed, "Are you sure it's Lu Ming?"

"Instead of rabbit death green inscription or something?"

The last time he read the wrong word when he divided the spoils in [Night Demon Castle], he has always been haunted by it.

"Of course, it is to avoid the death of Lu Ming."

"What the **** is Rabbit Dead Green Ming, you've never heard of it, okay?"

"There's still such a funny inscription in the world?"

"Bunny is so cute, why do you want it to die?"

This questioning made FKINGB puzzled.


Li Puxin said that I really have a piece of [Golden Talisman of Rabbit Death] here. Would you like to show it to you?

"But I heard that the behemoths only drop [Iron Amulet] and [Bronze Amulet]."

"The more advanced [Death Avoidance Silver Talisman] and [Death Avoidance Gold Talisman] are synthesized on the basis of them."

"Only the most senior inscriber in the Mechanical Duchy can master its secret formula."

"And this kind of thing, ordinary inscribers can't create."

"Only inscription mechanics can create it."

"Inscription mechanics, have you heard of it?"

FKINGB's last question continued to silence Li Pu.


He also said in his heart that I have not only heard of it, but also a meeting. Would you like to show it for you to see.

However, the information obtained from FKINGB made Li Pu realize a little.

Inscription Mechanics is a specialty of the Mechanical Principality, and there are [Iron Talismans] and [Bronze Talismans] dropping around the Principality of Machines, which means that the famous inscriptions that are free from death come from here.

It is not a monopoly, but at least it should be one of the very rare places of origin.

This is somewhat unexpected.

As for the secret recipe, he didn't really care.

If you really have the [Iron Talisman of Death Avoidance] and [Bronze Talisman of Death Avoidance] in your hand, maybe you can deduce it by your foresight ability.

In this way, this behemoth is even more worth brushing.

The key issue now is the one mentioned by FKINGB just now.

Low drop rate and low quantity.

If this is the case, I don't know if I can get two sets of [Blue Card Monster].

But no matter what, the drop rate of red and blue inscriptions should be much higher than that of green inscriptions~www.readwn.com~ However, there are quite a few in this batch. "

Li Pu sensed a whole piece of the behemoth, and was slightly puzzled.

He has brushed a lot of monsters, and has become close friends with many gregarious monsters, and he has a good understanding.

If it is really a nearly extinct race, it will reveal all kinds of vigilance in its daily actions.

It will never be as fun as these gigantic monsters.

Or maybe they are born optimists?


No matter what the reason was, he felt that he should brush the group of guys in front of him first.

Since you want to brush, by the way, you can try your new [feature] and summon the electric dragon to see.

"in this way."

So Li Pu quickly formed a plan in his heart and told it to FKINGB.

"Uh, it's not impossible."

After hearing this, FKINGB seemed a little hesitant.

As for Li Pu's idea of ​​single-handedly taking on the group of monsters, to be honest, he won't be surprised at all now.

But the point is... he's afraid of the cold!

Away from Li Pu, it will be very cold.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

But Li Pu had already thought about this.

What to do now is to wait first.

Wait for him to use telepathy to call back the younger brothers.

【Grass! 】

【Piao Piao~】

After a while, the two little brothers were in place.

But the Iron Man disappeared.

Li Pu was used to this.

Anyway, my own plan doesn't use it.


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