Leiguang rushed to the sky, and then shrank back.

Although he didn't have time to preview it, Li Pu felt that if the thunderbolt was shot at the enemy, it was designated to cause considerable damage.

So... he grabbed the little electric dragon's neck.

"Good, do it again."

He aimed the small electric dragon's mouth at the scorpion beast in front of him.

【Chiu Mi? 】

However, Xiao Dianlong was dazed.

Li Pu thought about it and felt that it would not work.

I opened my eyes and previewed it again, and soon found another way to use it.

"How could this be possible?"

Li Pu did not think of it.

I saw that he was grabbing the middle of the electric dragon's abdomen with one hand, and the hind paws of its rear section with the other.

With a stroke of his palm, his two hind paws were stroked against his body.

【Tweet Mi! 】

So Xiao Dianlong's eyes stared, and his whole body became stiff.

At this time, in Li Pu's hand, it turned into a spear with a long head made of thunder and lightning.

The slightly curved body is not so straight, but it doesn't affect the feel.

At the very least, the head of the electric dragon with its mouth tightly closed is facing the front.

Although I haven't tried a long spear, this thing is similar to the [Shi Zhongzhu].

Coupled with the super high perception attribute, Li Pu can easily master it.

Holding the entire spear in his hand, it seemed like an extension of his arm, or even an extension of his fingers.

【囷Card! ]xN

After the dark clouds and the big dragon head dissipated, the behemoth also came back to his senses and rushed towards Li Pu again.

Faced with such a small situation, Li Pu did not need to preview.

The perception is spread out, and the best evasion and attack routes are found immediately.

Passing through the gaps in the fists of several giant beasts, he stabbed the electric dragon spear towards the one with the biggest flaw.

Unexpectedly, the moment the little electric dragon stabbed the opponent, the faucet actually retracted and retracted, and it shot a wave of four combos very quickly within 1 second!

【Mimi Mimi! 】

-500, -500, -500, -500

"It's amazing."

Although the cry was a bit strange, Li Pu still had to sigh.

This power is really not small.

And the damage is flat, and the value of each hit is exactly the same.

According to the existing information, he can judge that this is the real damage with the electric property.

To be honest, true damage also comes with attributes, which is quite rare.

Really strong.

As for what the benchmark of this damage value is, it is temporarily unknown.

But that's nothing compared to another piece of good news.

Li Pu actually discovered that, through the 4-hit combo just now, the existence time of the little electric dragon actually increased by 4 seconds.

In other words, in theory, as long as you continue to attack with it, you can maintain its existence indefinitely?

"That's interesting."

If this is the case, he feels that the characteristic of [Dragon Clan Summoning] is not weak at all.

So this little electric dragon turned into a combo electric dragon gun.

However, in fact, if it is a normal person with this characteristic, it will never use this kind of usage.

Because the little electric dragon is discharging all the time, okay?

A normal person, who is not afraid of being electrocuted!

That is to say, only an alien like Li Pu can do it by relying on the unique infinite electric immunity.

It stands to reason that the normal usage is just to command the electric dragon and let it dispatch itself to attack the enemy.

【Tweet Mi! 】

The seriously upset little Dianlong obviously thought so too.

Now it feels a little sore in its neck.

But there is no way, its special body structure is just like that.

The faster you rush out, the more combos you will have when hitting your target.

It's just that this action should have been done by itself.

Good now.

It was really being used as a gun.

【Mimi Mimi! ]xN

【囷Card! 】【Drowsy card! 】【Wood card! 】

The combo method is very good for attacking monsters like the gigantic beast.

At least it doesn't cause too much wasted damage spillage when killing one of them.

In the process, Li Pu also gradually mastered some of the characteristics of this electric dragon gun.

The combo damage it inflicts has nothing to do with its own strength attribute.

Because this thing can be said to have no entity other than being caught by himself, the summoner.

No matter how hard you push it out, it won't help.

In purely physical terms, it's like hitting someone with cotton.

Therefore, it is difficult for some of his own skills to increase.

This has to be said to be a small regret, otherwise it would be enough to rely on real damage.

However, he found that as long as he stabbed the electric dragon gun faster, the electric faucet would expand and contract faster, causing more combos.

So what I can do is stack BUFF.

[LV3 Sleepless Kaka Absorb Profound Truth]: Increases Agility by 3 for each upgrade

The consumption of this skill is to temporarily deduct the upper limit of the main skill.

Originally [AB face] can bring two main skills, the upper limit of this skill is 10 layers.

But after killing Scorpion Palace before, Li Pu gained the feature [Multi-Core Function], which allowed him to bring two more main occupations.

This indirectly benefits [LV3 Sleepless Kaka Absorbing Profound Truth], and can deduct the main skills of the four pipes.

Stack 20 layers, it becomes 60 agility.

Now his agility is already very high, and with 60 points, the gun just stabs into the air.

After a while, the entire group of horrific beasts had their shells exploded~www.readwn.com~ and began to flee.

Some of them saw bad things, escaped by themselves, and still had bangs, which should be called Heka behemoth.

"A little too busy!"

Facing the sudden increase in the number of fleeing card beasts, the FKINGB shouted from a distance.

Without the support bonus of the female angel, he cannot obtain the local enlargement technique, so he can only repel one card beast at a time.

"It's okay, try to stop it as much as possible."

"But there is one, don't touch it."

"Just let it go."

Li Pu chased after him, reminding FKINGB by the way.

"Huh? Which one?"

But this remark made him a little confused.

【Grass! 】

Fortunately, the straw man helped him turn his head to fix his sight, and then raised his hand by the way.

"Is this one very different?"

The FKINGB looked along and found that it was just a very ordinary Muka behemoth.

No turtle shells and no bangs.

【hastily! 】

[Hastily! 】

The grass man was a little impatient and pointed again.


At this time, FKINGB finally found the clue.

That is, on the top of the Muka giant beast, there is a lump of flat snow.

In fact, it's not his fault. The previous frolic and battle made the behemoths crawling and rolling on the glaciers and snow.

There is no one that is not stained with some snow, who will notice that this pile of snow is a little weird.

And this pile of snow stains on the head of the Muka giant beast is undoubtedly a snowman.


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