Unreasonable Request (1)

Only the sound of small shoes echoed in the quiet hallway of the mansion.

Lily flopped on the floor. Even when she was sitting with her back against the wall, her legs were shaking. It was fortunate that there were no knights.

The sunlight passing through the window cast a cross-shaped shadow on the back of her hand. She was dazzled by the spring sun pouring down her side face.

It felt hot and sore as if someone had grabbed the inside of her chest and ripped it open. It was as if her nerves had cut out with her own hands.

It was the right choice, and she knew that there was no turning back. Knowing that didn’t relieve the pain. The aftermath was still the same.

Cold sweat dripped from her forehead and palms. After shaking her head slightly, she got up with difficulty.

Her vision was blurry and she felt a little nauseous, but she pretended not to be.

“I… I feel sad.”

Her stomach hurt as if she’d swallowed a needle.

Lily got up and started walking again,the hallway was as long as eternity. It seemed as if the marble floor was being dragged back by each step she took.

Eventually, the strength in her thighs wavered again.

Before falling, she leaned against the wall. Her body slid and the hem of her dress was pushed up.


Something hot pounded her throat, begging her to let it go. Sitting with her knees up, she clenched her teeth and endured it.

After breathing in and exhaling for a while, she felt better.

She would explode again if something touched her.

Suddenly she saw something. He stood alone so far away.

She took a deep breath. It seemed to get a little better after she did it for a long time, until her ass started to ache.

Only then could she raise her head.

“Why… did you come?” A rebuke, like a grumbling, crept from between her lips. Heat rushed to the tears in her eyes, which she had struggled to endure.

Seeing him standing alone with his back as if blocking the dazzling sunlight.

“I said I would come alone… I did…”

Why? Would he be there whenever she felt weak? He seemed to accept everything about her.

A warm sensation rumbled through her throat. For a moment, it was in his arms.

Vlad’s hard chest pressed against her cheek. A deep, masculine body odor soothed her.

His large, firm hands wrapped around the back of her head and shoulders. A gentle and careful touch as if handling something that could be broken right away.

A deep breath hit her forehead. “Because I can’t stand it. So I did it my way.”

She vowed not to cry at anything. But something snapped.

A painful sob erupted from within. In the end, she clung to him.

His arms were very, very wide.

* * *

There was not a single sign of starlight in the dark night sky. It was only the gray-white moonlight in sight.

Lily closed her swollen eyes and leaned backwards.

The man’s chest and abs, as hard as a rock, touched her. The body temperature of his bare skin penetrated her pajamas, raising her body temperature.

His deep, strong scent that she never grew tired of.

“Isn’t it cold?”

Lily nodded her head slightly.

They brought a sofa and sat on the balcony.

He wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and hugged Lily again.

Her tension was relieved by the heat that warmed her body and the languid kindness. The tangled thoughts in her head burst out of her mouth, “My life…  I think everything is wrong.”

His breathing stopped for a moment at the sudden burst of self-talk. Soon his heart pounded, his heart rate increased. The pulse that pierced through his firm chest was transmitted down her back.

Lily felt like her heart was pounding in her own chest.

She felt him deep inside. She murmured, “The more I look back, the more I think about it. If this was the case then why didn’t I know that earlier? I’m so stupid.”

After a few shallow breaths, he spoke softly, “Looking back like that…” He tried to think the other way, but it wasn’t easy. “Lily.”

A low-pitched sound, as if someone had crushed it with a stone, barely crawled through his teeth.

“It’s never… like that.” Vlad put a large hand on her head. “Never….”

His trembling voice and fingertips exuded a throbbing pain in his chest.

When she grieved, his heart was ripped apart.

That was his instinct. Like a dog that resonated with the sorrow and pain of its owner who sat down and cries and eventually fell into a panic.

His anger towards those who drove his woman to this point was boiling.


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